National Defense Education
    National Defense Education
    “Counselors talk about growth”—the 27th issue of micro-classes given by counselors

    December 25,"Counselor talks about growth" - The 27th counselor gives micro class "When one side is in trouble, all sides support",The series of micro-class patriotism education activities under the national flag of "m88 online sports bettingm88 slot machine casinoStanding and helping each other to overcome the difficulties" was held in the central square of the school,Teacher of the Student Affairs Department of the Party Committee、Representatives of teachers and students from higher vocational and technical colleges participated in the event。

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    Campus in the early morning,Low temperature,Teachers and students of Higher Vocational and Technical College are already lined up in the central square despite the cold,Waiting for the flag-raising ceremony to begin。7 o'clock,The national flag guard escorted the national flag to the flag-raising platform with sonorous and powerful steps,Accompanied by the passionate "March of the Volunteers",The bright five-star red flag is rising,Teachers and students are in high spirits,Salute to the national flag with pride。

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    After the flag raising ceremony,Teacher Wei Yingtao from the Higher Vocational and Technical College stood under the national flag and conducted a speech with the theme "One side m88 online sports bettingm88 online bettingis in trouble and all sides support it",Micro class to help each other overcome the difficulties。She talked about it in the micro class,Looking back at the floods of the past,We have our hands and feet together to relieve floods; Wenchuan earthquake,We work together to rebuild our home; the new crown is raging,We are united to fight against the epidemic。A nation thrives in times of adversity,The Chinese nation has gone through vicissitudes and has been baptized by the years and continues to thrive,Relying on "Qi Yue Wuyi,The Chinese national spirit of "being in the same robe as your son",Relying on the strength of China formed by the patriotism of hundreds of millions of Chinese people,Relying on the strong and correct leadership of the Communist Party of China。Midnight, December 18,A 6.2-magnitude earthquake occurred in Jishishan County, Linxia Prefecture, Gansu,A matter of life and death,Disaster is an order,Rescue forces from all parties responded m88 slot machine casinom88 live casino and sports bettingto the order,A resolute face,Conveying the voice of the party,A pair of warm hands,Gathering the power of the party,We once again saw a touching scene where one party is in trouble and all parties are supporting it,Once again, we see the sentiments of family and country helping each other to overcome difficulties。She finally called on the students,We must cultivate patriotism,Dare to take responsibility,Happy to give,Always listen to the party,Follow the party,Dedicate your youth and strength to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。

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    This micro class,Promoted the spirit of patriotism and dedication,Enhancing the atmosphere of unity and progress on campus,Students said they should cherish their time in school and study professional knowledge seriously,Hard work on skills,Contribute to the comprehensive construction of the campus,Always listen to the call of the motherland,Make due contributions to national construction and development。

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