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    Study and Engineering News
    "One-stop" student community

    To encourage more students to achieve good results m88 online bettingm88 live casino and sports bettingin the CET-4 test,Afternoon of June 5th,The Xingzhou Counselor Studio held an experience sharing session on English CET-4 preparation in Meiyuan’s “one-stop” student community。This sharing session is hosted by the counselor of the Higher Vocational and Technical College、Host by teacher Zhang Saiying, a member of the boating studio,Two students Wang Yanting from the School of Language, Culture and Communication and Cao Jianqun from the Higher Vocational and Technical College shared their views。

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    Wang Yanting’s exam question types、How to do the questions、Shared aspects such as examination room time planning and emergency skills。At the same time, combine your own exam preparation experience,She suggested that students prepare for the exam,We should pay attention to m88 online sports bettingthe consolidation of basic m88 best betting websiteknowledge and reasonable planning of the time to do the questions。The solidity of basic English knowledge is directly related to test scores,Mock exams are an effective way to test your preparation results,Pass the mock exam,Students can understand their weak areas,In order to adjust the preparation strategy in time。simultaneously,Also remind students to review after the mock exam,Summary of gains and losses,Lay a solid foundation for achieving ideal results in the CET-4 exam。

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    Cao Jianqun believes that vocabulary is an indispensable part of the CET-4 test,When learning words, you should also pay attention to memory skills,The efficient learning method of associative memory and root affix memory was demonstrated on site。Read more English articles at the same time,m88 online sports bettingEspecially articles related m88 online sports bettingto exam content,Can further expand vocabulary。You should also pay attention to past papers and practice them,In this way, you can improve the speed of answering questions,Examination room test-taking ability。

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    This exam preparation experience sharing session,Students responded enthusiastically,They all expressed their confidence in the upcoming CET-4 exam。Successful preparation for the exam is inseparable from a reasonable study plan、Solid basic knowledge、Plenty of practice and a good attitude。I hope students can learn from valuable exam preparation experience,Lay a solid foundation for your future learning and development。

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