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Students from our college won great results in the 11th National College m88 slot machine casinoStudent m88 live casino and sports bettingInformation Technology Innovation and Application Competition
Author: Cai Xianlong Review: Wei Jin


2021Year11month13TenthThe National College m88 slot machine casinoStudent m88 live casino and sports bettingInformation Technology Innovation Application CompetitionOfficial opening at Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications,Due to the epidemic,This competition uses both offline and online defenses。Total registration in our hospital14Participating groups。After intense and lively online competition,Finally obtained11excellent results ended perfectly. The award information is as follows:

First Prize

Dynamic visual interactive large screen

Plastic Light

Second Prize

The epidemic continues as before

Classroom intelligent integrated control device



Third Prize

Access control system

Multifunctional safety monitor

Braille writing machine

Travel safety

Wireless charging car

E spotless

m88 best betting websiteThis m88 best betting websitecompetition involves both software and hardware aspects。Software projects involve artificial intelligence、Internet of Things and other technical fields,The form of the work includes WeChat applet、Android APP、Web page production, etc.; hardware entries involve simulation, electronic circuits, etc.。In this competition,The teachers and students of our college are preparing carefully,Actively participate。Through this competition, students will not only be able to apply what they have learned,Practical aspects of enhancing software and hardware platforms,Improve students’ practical ability and innovative application skills,It also cultivates students’ sense of innovation and teamwork spirit。Really achieve the goal of promoting learning through competition,m88 best betting websiteIt m88 slot machine casinoalso provides a reference for companies to select outstanding m88 live casino and sports bettingInformation Technology talents。

The National College m88 slot machine casinoStudent m88 live casino and sports bettingInformation Technology Innovation and Application Competition is a technology competition for college students,The competition is held once a year,Aimed to advance5G、Internet of Things、Artificial Intelligence、The development of new infrastructure such as industrial Internet。Improve college students’ innovative awareness, practical ability and team spirit



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