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Talking about reading from the perspective of history and literature

"Chilechuan,Under the Yin Mountain。The sky is like a dome house,Covering the four fields。天can Cang,Ye Mang Mang,The wind blows the grass and the cattle and sheep are seen。"When I read the words "Celego" from the textbook, I had a lot of questions,So I thought about it: What kind of tall grass can block people's sight?

m88 live casino and sports m88 online bettingbettingLater I got older,More and more interested in history,I know the background story of this poem is Gao Huan's Song of the End of the Road,"It's time,Western Wei Dynasty Yan Shenwu Zhongnu,Shenwu Wenzhi,Nai Mian sat down to see the nobles,Shi Hu Lü Jin Chi Le Song,Shenwu Zihezhi,Crying with sadness。"This is the only "sorrowful" episode in Gao Huan's life that has been recorded in historical data,In sharp contrast to his calm character recorded in the two volumes of this chronicle。

Then,What kind of situation made Gao Huan so "sad and sad",So that it breaks Gao Huan's lifelong "deep and generous" overall style? This plot happened in Gao Huan's later years when he was unable to attack the jade bi and was on his way to withdraw.,The battle of Jade Bi was when Gao Huan knew that his life was about to end,The last western expedition launched with an old and sick body。This tragic story is paired with sad music,I was already in junior high school when I heard this piece of music。"Cele Song" depicts the hometown of Chile Chuan where Hu Lujin once lived,And Chilechuan is also the prairie among the six towns in the north,Gao Huan’s ancestor has settled in Huaishuo Town since his grandfather’s time,Gao Huan grew up in Huaishuo Town。Then,"Cele Song" sung by Hu m88 live casino and sports m88 live casino and sports bettingbettingLujin as a Chile native,Describes more than just the hometown of Chilechuan in the eyes of that generation of Chileans,It is also the hometown of Gao Huan, who was born in Huaishuo Town, together with the emperor and his ministers。

Later,My parents took me to the prairie of Inner Mongolia to spend the summer vacation,It’s really a walking horse!,I saw the smoky scenery on horseback,When I am tired, I lie down on the grass,Really solved a long-standing problem。The setting sun gradually becomes level with the ground,The air reveals a shy pink gold color,I am lying in the grass,The lush grass hides my sight,But when that gust of wind blows,I saw three or two cattle and sheep in the swaying shadows of the grass。I can’t help but think about it,Gao Huan thousands of years ago in that situation,Do you also recall the happy days of horse racing with your friends when you were young? This is the splendid temperature between the physical friction between literature and history,I think so。

Celege,It is also Gao Huan’s tragic song。Can you imagine? There is endless sadness and desolation behind this tender poem。Thousands of years ago,The city that made Gao Huan return without success,There was a big war,But it took 2 months but failed,m88 best betting websiteLater m88 online sports bettingGao Huan buried tens of thousands of soldiers who died in the battle in the ravine here,Later generations called this place a "mass grave"。This place was originally covered with loess,Later due to soil erosion over the years,Since ancient times,It’s terrible to watch。

“This ancient battlefield is also,Chang Fu Three Armies。Ghosts often cry,When the sky is cloudy, you will hear it。So sad! Qin and Han?,The arrows are exhausted and the strings are exhausted,A white blade is crossed and a precious knife is folded,The two armies frown and fight to the death。Come on,Barbarians for life; let’s fight,Broken Bone Gravel。The birds are silent and the mountains are silent,The night is long and the wind is blowing。The soul is knotted and the sky is heavy,Ghosts and gods gather together to power the clouds。The sun is cold and the grass is short,The moon is bitter and frosty。Sad and miserable,That’s right! "My mood here,Can’t just say。Literature and history respond in unison in the wheel of time,Since ancient times,What to do? What to do!

Reading、Reader,Just reading history。The loveliness of history,Let us first absorb the words of light, wind and moon,Then think m88 slot machine casinoabout the nature of things and m88 online sports bettingpeople。Therefore,When you read a history book,When the ancients who read the book faced an important decision-making moment,Please close the book immediately,Think about it,If you are in the other party's position,How will you decide? What decision to make?,Open the book again,Look at how this character is made,What decision did he make in the end? Then compare yourself with the ancients,What are the similarities and differences in choices。This way of reading a book,What matters is not memory,But speculation。

Next item:The changes and gains that reading and studying have brought to me