Each trade union group:
In accordance with the spirit of the notice of the school union on the "Measures for General Election of Departmental Trade Unions of Northwestern Polytechnical University"M88 Online Live Casino,m88 best betting websiteBased on the actual situation of our hospital,The relevant matters related to the general election of the college union are now notified as follows:
一、Leaders of all units should attach great importance to it,Carefully organize this trade union election。
二、Each unit can recommend 1 member representative,Recommend 1 trade union team leader at the same time,The two can be combined into one。
三、Member representatives and union team leaders should have the ability to participate in the democratic management m88 best betting websiteof m88 slot machine casinothe college、The ability of democratic supervision;Have a strong sense of professionalism and responsibility,Love union work,Actively serve the faculty and staff。
Four、The general election will be conducted in accordance with the "Measures m88 online bettingfor the General Election m88 live casino and sports bettingof the Trade Union of Mingde College of Northwestern Polytechnical University"。
五、The deadline for recommendation is to report to the trade union teacher before June 13, 2012 (Telephone: 85603208)。
Notice hereby.
Attachment: "Measures m88 online bettingfor the General Election m88 live casino and sports bettingof the Trade Union of Mingde College of Northwestern Polytechnical University"