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"Epidemic" starts with sports at the School of General Education.
2022-01-03 Source: General Education College Author: Wang Xiaoqiang review: Wang Juntao 点击:[]

At the end of 2021,The situation of the epidemic situation in Xi'an Xinguanye pneumonia is severe and complicated,School enters closed management,In order to alleviate the intense mood of students at school、Enhance physical fitness、Rich in style,The School of General Education according to the school teaching m88 online bettingwork arrangement,overcome difficulties、Active as,Actively coordinate teachers to develop a variety of forms、Complete online sports sports teaching,Driven from actual actions into the work of war "epidemic"。

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From December 29,7 -line sports courses of the School of General Education for Sports Course successively started,Students have accumulated more than 8,600 participants,High participation,Good feedback effect。"Folty Demoning Shaping Exercise" opened by Yan Maixiong、"Ballet shape" opened by Dong Jie、​​"Body Physical Quality and Physical Training" m88 online sports bettingopened by Feng Xin、"Health Qigong Eight Duan Jin" opened by Sun Peng、Zhu Xinrui's "Fat Reduction and Shape Training" and other courses,According to the situation of students studying on the dormitory line and the characteristics of the teaching content,Teaching methods combined with the combination of theoretical explanation and live broadcast demonstration,Pay attention to the close connection with the choice with the living exercise,Covering sports skills、Body quality、Health knowledge and habit development content,allow students to choose the right exercise m88 best betting websitemethod in the small space of the dormitory for effective exercise,Rich staying life,Enhance students' exercise effect。

By carrying out online sports courses,Further guide students to maintain a good routine during the staying period,Appropriate physical exercise every day,Both can enhance immunity,can adjust the emotion again、Soothing pressure,When the "epidemic" is to win the victory,All students can invest in learning with a fuller spirit。

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Future,The School of General Education will further do a good job in teacher online teaching skills training,Improve online teaching ability,m88 online bettingRich online class content,Continuously explore "Online Interactive Teaching+Offline Autonomous Exercise+Special Features Exercise" tri -pronged sports sports teaching mode,Promote education and teaching,Improve education and teaching quality。

School Address: Zip Code of Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology, Xi'an Mingde, Chang'an District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province: 710124 All rights reserved@: :@  ICP filing number: Shaanxi ICP No. 13005374 -4 m88 slot machine casinoShaanxi Gongwang 61011602000474