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Anti -epidemic in action, our school counselors are all on their jobs for 24 hours
2021-12-27 Source: Party Committee Student Work Department Author: Tong Yangzi 点击:[]

December 23 00:00 Xi'an New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic m88 live casino and sports bettingPrevention and control Level Upgrade,The sound of a rushing phone on the evening of the 22nd, "Bring all the laundry to return to school"、"The epidemic is command,Prevention and control is responsibility ",Our school counselor overcome all difficulties,Improve the position,Reinforcement,Use action to interpret the mission and responsibility of the student workers,Various requirements of comprehensively implementing the prevention and control of the epidemic,Except for special circumstances, all 24 hours in the job,Always with the students,Strike the epidemic。

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All counselors are always insisting on the front line of work,Statistics m88 slot machine casinoon time、Report the epidemic m88 live casino and sports bettingPrevention and control information data,Do a good job of ledger,Actively carry out dormitory inspections,Guide students to open windows for dormitory windows,Ask students' physical condition,Master the students' ideological dynamics,Supervise students to enhance the consciousness of safety precautions,Actively coordinate and solve the difficulties encountered by students,Strengthen the humanistic care of students。

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"Knowing the Grass,Fire m88 live casino and sports bettingRefining Real Gold ",Facing the severe epidemic m88 live casino and sports bettingPrevention and control situation,A party member is a banner,As a counselor,In the face of difficulties, you should take the initiative to stand in a good job、Responsibility、Bring the head、Performing job。All student workers in our school will unite with the school departments、Zhongzhi Chengcheng,Ensure that the teachers and students of the whole school are healthy and life safety,Maintain the m88 live casino and sports bettingnormal education and teaching order of the school,Resolutely win the epidemic prevention and control block。

School Address: Zip Code of Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology, Xi'an Di Institute of Technology, Chang'an District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province: 710124 All rights reserved@: : : :@@  ICP filing number: Shaanxi ICP No. 13005374 -4 m88 online bettingShaanxi Gongwang 61011602000474