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Work dynamics
The school's academic and worker cadres use action to interpret the mission and responsibility
2022-01-06 Author: Tong Yangzi Source: Party Committee Student Work Department Author: Tong Yangzi 点击:[]

The sudden epidemic caused Xi'an to press the suspension key,All student working cadres are based on the principle of "care for students to serve students",All day in the job,Adopting a combination of online and offline to keep the safety defense of students during the prevention and control of the epidemic。

m88 online bettingNo matter what time,Ideological education is always the top priority of learning and workers cadres,The ideological education during the epidemic period is particularly important。Since the outbreak of the epidemic,School counselors urge students to keep quality and quantity to complete various online learning,Use online meeting、WeChat video and other methods,The touching deeds in combination with the anti -epidemic period,Open the theme class meeting of "Epidemic",Good students' ideological and political courses,Let students understand the meaning of patriotism and the party,Stimulate students' enthusiasm for studying hard and determination to serve the country,At the same time, students continue to enhance the "four consciousness",More firm "Four Confidence",Guide students to establish the correct worldview、Outlook on Life and Values,Encourage students to do a good job of voluntary service work while doing personal protection。

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—— Do a good job of students' daily management.Start with the outbreak of the epidemic,Each counselor according to the requirements of the school,Accurately and comprehensively convey the provincial and municipal disease control prevention policies,Guide everyone for self -protection,Help everyone to establish a correct epidemic prevention consciousness,At the same time, urge students to clean the dormitory hygiene,Remind everyone to keep warm,Multi -illness and prevention。By tutoring cat app、WeChat group、QQ group, etc. quickly and efficiently carry out the dynamic arrangement of students,Extract students' information,Timely tracking the student's itinerary,Precise grasp of the Student Status,Students who have a repeat trajectory with the diagnosis patients,Go to the school in time and do a good job of soothing the students and parents;,Psychological guidance and reporting to school with online and offline conversations。other,Supervise students to conduct healthy punch cards every day to guide students to promote positive energy,No rumors, no rumors, rumors,Integrity education during the prevention and control of students' epidemics,Do not conceal the report、Not lie to,Avoid reporting error information。

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—— Do a good class teaching management during the epidemic.Each counselor will urge students to take classes on time by holding an online work meeting,Ask the class committee to do the attendance of each lesson,Emphasized online discipline,Create a good learning atmosphere,Not regularly check students' online lessons,Communicate with teachers and parents in time,Improve students' learning efficiency。

School Address: Zip Code of Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology in Xi'an District, Chang'an District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province: 710124 All rights reserved@: : : :@  ICP filing number: Shaanxi ICP No. 13005374 -4 m88 slot machine casinoShaangong Net Anjian 61011602000474