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Notice on further strengthening the prevention and control of the epidemic situation
2021-12-27  点击:[]

All teachers and students:

The recent situation of the Xi'an epidemic situation is complicated and severe,To resolutely prevent and block the spread of new crown pneumonia on campus,Do your best to prevent and control the school epidemic,Effectively ensure the safety and physical health of teachers m88 online sports bettingand students,According to the provincial education system epidemic prevention and control work video conference spirit and the requirements of the Chang'an District epidemic prevention and control headquarters,The relevant matters are notified as follows:

a,From December 27th, schoolImplementFull closed management,Staff outside the school must not enter school,Teachers and students in schools are not necessary to leave school。

2、Stop all offline teaching activities,Keep braking all students in the dormitory,m88 online bettingNon -necessary dormitory。It is forbidden to walk around in different dormitories,Except for the test of the nucleic acid detection of the unified organization of the school,Cancel all aggregate activities。

3,From December 27th,School restaurant suspension hall food,Each dormitory assigned a classmate every day to hold a certificate to buy meals、Shopping and carrying domestic waste goes downstairs。

4、Establish a health monitoring account for teachers and students at school,Daily morning and evening test temperature,m88 live casino and sports bettingStrict morning lunch inspection system。If there are abnormal symptoms such as fever, report it immediately。

5、All teachers and students and students must participate in the test of all employees on time as required,To check all the inspection,Do not miss one person。

6、Each class must organize the theme class meeting through online ways、Group Day Activities, etc.,Strengthening group prevention group control,Promote the spirit of great resistance,Confidence to defeat the epidemic。



m88 best betting websiteThe Office of the Leading Group of the Epidemic Prevention and Control Group of Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology

December 27, 2021


School Address: Zip Code of Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology, Xi'an Di Institute of Technology, Chang'an District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province: 710124 All rights reserved@: : : :@  ICP filing number: Shaanxi ICP No. 13005374 -4 m88 online sports bettingShaangong Net Anjishi 61011602000474