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6G will usher in a research and development window period in the next three years

5G has not yet been commercialized on a large scale,Has 6G research and development already started??Yes,The development of global mobile communication technology follows the "use of one generation"、Building a generation、The law of “R&D generation”。In the process of 5G network construction in full swing,China、South Korea、Japan、United States、Leading operator in Finland and other countries、Communication companies have begun research and development of 6G technology,Describe the vision and needs of 6G。Then,What new technologies will be included in 6G,What upgrades will it bring?

This does not mean that 5G has a short lifespan,Because it has always been,The development of mobile communications is based on the principle of "use one generation、Building a generation、The law of “R&D generation”,That is, currently using 4G、Building 5G、Developing 6G simultaneously,Therefore,China、South Korea、Finland、Japan、The United States and other leading countries in the world have begun 6G research and development,Will create the next "golden decade"。

What exactly will 6G bring to us?Everything is still unknown。

But it can be found from the 6G vision currently outlined by industry experts,If 5G will open the door to the Internet of Everything,Then 6G will realize the intelligent connection of everything。6G will achieve higher speeds than 5G、Lower latency、Wider connections,Millimeter wave will also be applied、High frequency resources such as terahertz,And fully integrated with artificial intelligence technology,Achieve “seamless connection” between sky, sky, earth and sea。

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“The development of global mobile communications follows the use of one generation、Building a generation、The rules of R&D generation,Has started research and development of new generation mobile communication technology (6G)。" Huang Yuhong, Vice President of China Mobile Research Institute said。

February this year,International Telecommunication Union ITU launches 6G research and development,Carry out top-level design for 6G from the international standards organization level。Meanwhile,Finland、South Korea、United States、Japan、China and other m88 online bettingleading countries have launched 6G research and development,And plans to realize 6G commercial use in 2030。

Finland is actively engaged in research and development of 6G technology。March 2019,Finland holds the world’s first 6G summit at the University of Oulu, Finland,Blowed the rallying call for 6G research and development;October 2019,The main opinions of the experts from the University of Oulu based on the 6G Summit,Released the world’s first 6G white paper;Early 2020,Finland releases an 8-year 6G research plan,Planning to cooperate with South Korea,And jointly developed by Nokia and various Finnish research institutes and universities。

South Korea as a “pioneer” in the 5G era,Still striving to be the first in 6G research and development。April 2019,Korea Institute of Communications and Information Sciences holds 6G forum,Officially announced the formation of a 6G R&D team,Carry out 6G research;January 2020,South Korean operator LG announced the establishment of a 6G research laboratory,It is expected to start formulating 6G standards in 2021。

Japan has announced that it will invest 220 billion yen (equivalent to about 142 RMB) this year.7.9 billion yuan) fund,Used to start Japan’s 6G research and development。At the same time,Japanese telecommunications giant Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) and Japanese electronics giant Nippon Electric Corporation (NEC) are forming a capital and business alliance,Jointly develop 6G technology。

in the country,November 3, 2019,The Ministry of Science and Technology in conjunction with the National Development and Reform Commission、Ministry of Education、Ministry of Industry and Information Technology、Chinese Academy of Sciences、The Natural Science Foundation of China organized a kick-off meeting for 6G technology research and development in Beijing,Establish a 6G technology research and development promotion working group and an overall expert group,Provide support for 6G technology research and development。

At the same time,China Mobile、China Telecom、China Unicom and other operators,Huawei、ZTE、Xiaomi and other communication companies have stated that they have begun research on 6G communication technology。such as,Huawei has developed 6G network technology at the Huawei Laboratory in Ottawa, Canada;ZTE has established a 6G pre-research team,Start researching the key prototype technologies of 6G。As of now,China Mobile Research Institute has held two 6G series seminars,Discussing 6G vision、Demands and potential key technologies。

Visible,Global 6G research and development has begun,But it does not mean that the "life" of 5G will be short,Because global mobile communication companies expect that 6G will be commercially available m88 online sports bettingin ten years,That is 2030。

Japanese operator NTT DoCoMo proposed in the 6G white paper,Realizing the commercialization of 6G technology in 2030。At the same time,Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei once publicly stated,For 6G research,Huawei leads the world,But Huawei judges that 6G will not be put into use until ten years later。In addition,ZTE President Xu Ziyang said,6G business model may be realized after 2030,ZTE will use these ten years to work quietly,Accumulate。

Network performance upgrade to realize air, space, ground and sea integrated network

From 2G、3G、4G to 5G,Every generation of mobile communication technology,Both bring speed、Delay、Upgrade of performance such as connection capabilities。

And the upgrade of network performance,Promoted the explosion of new application scenarios,Thus changing social life。such as,2G era,Can only call、Send text message;Able to access the Internet in the 3G era、Chat QQ;4G era,Can play mobile games、Watch live broadcast;5G era,4K/8K Ultra HD Live Broadcast、VR/AR、Telemedicine、Applications such as smart manufacturing are on the rise...

Then,6G era,What are the disruptive upgrades in network performance?What changes will it bring to life?

Days ago,Chief Expert of China Mobile Research Institute、6G project leader Liu Guangyi gave a high-level summary of 6G network performance indicators,That is, the peak network rate reaches terabytes (Tbps);User experience rate reaches gigabit level (Gbps);User latency is close to real-time processing of massive data;The reliability of wireless network is close to that of wired transmission;6G’s traffic density and connection density are at least 10 times or even thousands of times higher than 5G;Support mobile high-speed communication,Speed ​​exceeds 1000 km/h,Not only supports high-speed railway communication coverage,Also supports aircraft coverage;Spectral efficiency can be improved two to three times。

Easy to find,Compared to 5G,6G network performance will achieve disruptive upgrades。From the perspective of speed,The peak rate of 6G is expected to reach 1Tbps,User experience rate will reach more than 1Gbps,The peak rate of 5G is up to 10Gpbs,User experience rate is 0.1Gbps~1Gbps;From the perspective of delay,6G can reduce latency to sub-seconds(<1ms) level or even microsecond (μs) level, while the latency of 5G is millisecond level.

In terms of connection range,5G still focuses on terrestrial connections,Aerial is not implemented、Ocean Connection。And 6G will focus on realizing the integrated network of air, space, ground and sea,Covering space、Aerial、Land、Oceans and other natural spaces。“If 5G is the Internet of Everything,Add ‘wisdom’ to 6G,Connecting Everything,m88 best betting websitei.e. land、Ocean、Space and other imaginable spaces are connected。"Xu Ziyang said。

At the same time,The "6G Concept and Vision White Paper" released by CCID Think Tank Radio states,6G will include diverse access networks,such as mobile cellular、Satellite Communication、UAV communication、Underwater Acoustic Communication、Visible light communication and other access methods,Will build cross-region、Cross airspace、A cross-sea air, space, sea and ground integrated network,Achieving truly seamless global coverage。

Artificial intelligence + terahertz become the protagonist

"To achieve these indicators,6G ​​needs to be within the spectrum usage range、Usage efficiency、Network Architecture、Function、Making new changes in security and artificial intelligence,To meet the business and application needs of 6G。" Liu Guangyi said。

At the same time,Most industry experts have proposed,6G will be fully integrated with artificial intelligence,And moving towards the terahertz era。

Artificial intelligence will be fully used in 6G networks,While empowering 6G network,Deeply dig into users’ intelligent needs,Every user may even have a digital twin,Significantly improve user experience。

In spectrum,Millimeter wave、High-frequency communications such as terahertz will become the protagonist。“Although there is no globally unified definition of 6G,However, the use of millimeter waves and higher frequency bands has become a general consensus。" said You Xiaohu, deputy director of the Purple Mountain Laboratory of Network Communications and Security。

At the same time,Bi Qi, chief expert of China Telecom, also proposed,The current research direction of China Telecom is to use millimeter wave as the main frequency、terahertz is sub-frequency 6G technology。

In the development of global mobile communications,Medium and low spectrum due to far coverage,has always been the main frequency band for the development of mobile communications,But it faces the problem of insufficient resources;And high-frequency communication spectrum resources are abundant,And the higher the spectrum, the faster the rate,But it also faces technical challenges of short coverage distance。

terahertz,It is a kind of high frequency communication,1 Terahertz=1000GHz,The current research on terahertz is mainly in 0.Between 1THz~10THz,That is, the frequency band between 100GHz~10THz。So terahertz has high frequency、Strong penetrability and other characteristics,Can be applied to satellite communications、Security detection and other scenarios。

Feng Yi, head of the 5G Innovation Center of China Unicom Network Research Institute said,Future 6G communication,Terahertz communication technology will be integrated with other low-frequency networks,m88 online sports bettingWidely used in various ultra-broadband wireless access and fiber replacement scenarios on the ground,Onboard satellite、Drone、Airship and other platforms,As a wireless relay device,Applied to multi-dimensional integrated communication in air, space, earth and sea,Applied to multi-scale communication from macro to micro,Becoming an important supporting technology for information integration and connection in the future society。

There will be a window period in the next three years

Although the horn of global 6G research and development has sounded,But as a technology for the next ten years,At present, 6G is still a mirror image,Unified standards and application scenarios cannot yet be formed。As the iteration of mobile communication technology continues to accelerate,The next 2 to 3 years will be the window period for 6G research and development。

ITU plans to launch the "Future Technology Vision Recommendation" in the first half of 2021,Complete in June 2023,The main content includes the overall goals of the IMT system for 2030 and the future,Such as application scenario、Main system capabilities, etc.。

At the same time,China Mobile、ZTE and other domestic operators and communication companies have proposed that the next three years will be the research and development window period for 6G technology。

ZTE’s next-generation wireless communication technology expert Fang Min said,Efforts will be made to study 6G network needs from 2020 to 2023、Structure and enabling technology。

At the same time,China Mobile also hopes to expand in the next two to three years,Complete 6G vision and requirements definition,And 6G end-to-end potential technology research。



(Author Wang Xin)

(Source: Cyberspace Administration of China)

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