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Integrity Culture
Integrity Culture
Six dimensions of the family tradition of the father-son prime minister Zhang’s family

      During the Kangxi and Qianlong years of the Qing Dynasty, there were two prime ministers, father and son,This is the well-known Zhang Ying and his son Zhang Tingyu。Zhang Ying (1637-1708),People from Tongcheng, Anhui,Jinshi in the sixth year of Kangxi,Twelve years as editor of Hanlin Academy,Added to South Study Room in 16 years。Diligence in service,According to the purpose,Hou Guan to Wen Huadian University Scholar and Minister of Rites。Zhang Tingyu (1672-1755),Jinshi in the 39th year of Kangxi,Previously served as Wenyuan Pavilion、Wenhua Hall、Bachelor of Baohe Palace and Department of Household Affairs、Shang Shu of the Ministry of Official Affairs,Served as an official for 50 years,"Li De three dynasties,Encountering the greatest prosperity"。The father and son prime ministers have outstanding political achievements,Praised by the world,And the Zhang family in Tongcheng continues to do business,Famous officials emerge one after another,One of the important reasons is to have and inherit a good family tradition。The family tradition is mainly included in "Congxun Zhaiyu" written by Zhang Ying and "Chenghuaiyuanyuan" written by Zhang Tingyu,Show as reading、Lipin、Courtesy、Keep integrity、Frugality、Six dimensions of health care。

Reading。Zhang Ying is knowledgeable and knowledgeable,Written many books,But the greatest influence on future generations is his family motto "Congxun Zhaiyu"。In "Congxun Zhaiyu",The first thing he emphasized was reading。One,He emphasized the importance of reading。Zhang Ying said in "Congxun Zhaiyu": "Readers are not cheap,Those who keep m88 best betting websitethe m88 online sports bettingfields are not hungry,Those who accumulate virtue will not fall away,He who chooses friends is undefeated。”“Reading can increase Taoist heart,The first thing to do is to take care of yourself。”Able to read and write,Must be respected,Not about fame and gain。He also believes that “the human heart is the most moving”,Don’t overwork,Don’t move too much,Only reading can nourish you”,So I have read poetry and books all my life,Never stop working,Clear state of mind。Part 2,He attaches great importance to reading methods。Zhang Ying said in "Congxun Zhaiyu": "Reading requires a clear window,Don’t put too many books on your desk。You must concentrate on reading and writing,Different eyes,On top of the article and title,The worst thing to avoid is falling into the clouds,Lost the way out,Read more but not familiar with it,Like a general without training,Cannot be used temporarily,Tired and exhausted,No different from those who practice empty boxing。"Zhang Tingyu has repeatedly won fame in the imperial examinations,It is inseparable from father’s careful teaching。

Lipin。Lipin is how to behave。Zhang Ying advocates humility to establish one's character、Benefiting people。He said in "Congxun Zhaiyu": "Thinking can be said,Think the right way,Not delicate、No fraud、Not mean、Not frivolous。”When he lived in his hometown,Communicating with others is “thick and humble”。In his later years, he built "Shuangxi Thatched Cottage" in Longmien Mountain,Getting along with the villagers,Never think of yourself as prime minister,Meet the firewood bearer,Proactively give way,Convenient to others。He believes that what everyone says and does cannot be "all",When you encounter someone else who is wrong、Responsibility” or “Those who are not polite”,Be calm and peaceful,Be "forgiving"。Zhang Tingyu adheres to the family tradition of standing upright,He said in "Chenghuaiyuan Yu": "It is too easy for mortals to see things in the world,Because I have never experienced it。The theory that treating m88 best betting websiteothers m88 slot machine casinowell is a reason to blame,Because I am on the outside。The word ‘forgiveness’,Sages come from nature; those who are above average,Get it through experience。"He requires himself and his family to "think and speak and do things that are beneficial to others,For fear of harming others”,"Rather than seek happiness in speaking out,How to seek happiness in words and deeds carefully”。

Courtesy。Zhang Ying pointed out in "Congxun Zhaiyu": The ancients said: "Make way for life,without losing size。”Lao Shi regards giving as his treasure,Zuo said: "Let,The foundation of virtue。”“Since ancient times, it has been said that patience and compromise can eliminate endless disasters and regrets,I have never heard that forbearance and concession can lead to disaster later。Want to practice tolerance,Start with small things。”Liu Chi Lane,Highlight Zhang’s style of courtesy。According to historical records,The Zhang family and Wu family in Tongcheng are next to each other,There is an open space between the two houses,A property rights dispute caused by building a house。After Zhang Ying received a letter from his family,A small poem: "A piece of paper comes only for the wall,It doesn’t matter if he is three feet tall。The Great Wall is still there today,Missing Qin Shihuang。”The family immediately gave up three feet of ground after reading it,The Wu family retreated three feet upon seeing this,So a six-foot-wide lane was vacated。A letter home from Zhang Ying,Resolved neighbor disputes,The courtesy virtue of "giving him three feet",Make way for a dazzling six-foot alley,The style of the prime minister is widely remembered,A great story。

Keep integrity。Zhang Ying thinks,As an official, integrity must be your first priority。He said in "Congxun Zhaiyu": "People can understand that wealth is a burden,Then take it cheaply,There is no need to accumulate resentment; take it lightly,Don’t worry too much to tire your heart。”“Make me a state and county official,Never use official posts to please Shangguan。”In his official career of more than 30 years,m88 live casino and sports m88 best betting websitebettingOccasional setbacks,Or be demoted,But in the end, he still acted with integrity、Appointed or promoted due to outstanding talent。Many honest and upright local officials,Reused because of his recommendation,His relatives and friends,Children from the neighborhood,There are as many as ten people who have been selected as Jinshi,No one was promoted because of his promotion。Zhang Tingyu has been in an important position throughout his life,He also emphasized that it is the duty of an official to be honest and honest。He said in "Chenghuaiyuan Yu": "It is the duty of an official to be honest and honest。The first thing to do as an official is to be ‘honest’,How to maintain integrity,Can’t bear it。People can endure ill-gotten gains,The way to be an official,It’s already half thought! "He counted the provincial examination、Will test the president and be fair and selfless,Make the world's scholars "calm down",Pin Ziduan,Cultivating talents,Not without its benefits”。

Frugality。Zhang Ying advocates frugality as a treasure。He said in "Congxun Zhaiyu": "Frugality is a treasure,More than just being frugal with money,Always think about the meaning of frugality in everything,There is room。”“Be thrifty in where you live and be generous with things,Be careful about taking profits but careful about hiding things,This is the way to get rich。"He treated his colleagues in the capital as a "fee of money",I feel deeply uneasy about moving more than tens of gold。He is strict with himself,Practice yourself,After returning home after becoming an official,"Swear not to wear satin","Do not eat ginseng"。He is in his sixties,Against family、Student、Colleagues wish him birthday,Use money from hosting banquets to give to others。Zhang Tingyu inherits his father’s virtue of frugality,The emperor granted him residence in Qi Wan’s old garden for more than ten years,Life is very simple,Even daily utensils are not complete,“The owners are all rough and unsophisticated,Just to top up the number”,As a result, princes, princes and colleagues "mostly m88 live casino and sports bettingridiculed each other for being frugal m88 best betting websiteand stingy"。He warned his descendants,"Born into a wealthy family",Do not indulge in dandy habits。

Health care。Zhang Ying attaches great importance to health care。He believes that one of the best ways to maintain good health is "quietness"。He recorded in "Congxun Zhaiyu": "Biography" said: "The benevolent are quiet。"Also said: "Those who know move。”Every time I see an angry person,Behaving frivolously,Too many years to come。The ancients said: "The inkstone is used to measure the world",Ink is a timepiece,The pen is calculated in days。”There is a difference between movement and stillness。There are two meanings of tranquility: one is not tired,A heart that does not move lightly。Every time you are tired、Worry、Joy、Things to fear,On the outside, just adapt to the situation,When you have time, you are the master,Ru Chengtan、Rugujing,Zizhi Yiqi,Ignore all the commotion outside。The second one is "Happiness"。Zhang Ying enjoys herself,He imitated Bai Juyi’s character "乐天",With the nickname "Lepu",Always enjoy yourself。He also drew up a couplet of his own: "Rich, noble, poor and humble,It’s always hard to be satisfied,Satisfaction is contentment; landscape, flowers and bamboos,Wuheng master,When you have time, you are the master。"Leisurely Feeling,Flowing through it。Also,He also taught his son to be optimistic,Enjoy doing good deeds。He taught his descendants to "do one or two good things",The joy is more than enjoying a big meal every day! "On his 60th birthday,Do not follow convention,Instead, let the wife use the required expenses to make a hundred cotton clothes and pants,To those who are hungry and freezing on the road。

Six Dimensions of the Zhang Family Tradition of Father and Son Prime Minister,Show yourself as a pillar of the country,Yu Jiawei style。(Author: Wang Chunlei)

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