Evaluation and construction dynamics
Evaluation and construction dynamics
The School of Information Engineering held a symposium for undergraduate qualification assessment teachers

November 22, 2:30 pm,In Conference Room 206, North of Mingzhi Building,The School of Information Engineering invited Professor Wu Weiguo from the School m88 live casino and sports bettingof Computer Science and Technology of Xi'an Jiaotong University,Teacher Liu Jihong, Professor of School of Electronic Engineering, Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications,Associate Researcher at Western China Higher Education Evaluation Center、Expert Group Administrator Teacher Li Yanzhen,Conducted an in-depth symposium with teachers from various disciplines in our school。

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During the meeting, teachers reported to the experts on the problems and difficulties in daily teaching,Quantification from teachers’ teaching m88 live casino and sports bettingtasks,How to allocate inter-professional substitute classes,The balance between teaching and scientific research,Discussed issues such as the allocation of class hours for the new course。

The three experts promptly exchanged opinions with the teachers on the above issues and gave many suggestions。Focusing on the newly opened majors of data science and big data technology in our school,Construction of artificial intelligence,For example: How to develop new majors? How to build?。

This meeting lasts for 1 hour,It ended successfully in the lively discussion m88 online bettingbetween the expert group and teachers。

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