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Evaluation knowledge
Evaluation knowledge
36 Questions on the Qualification Assessment of Undergraduate Teaching Work of the Ministry of Education

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Answer: "Education Law of the People's Republic of China"、The "Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Private Education Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China" have clear provisions on the evaluation of the running level and education quality of higher education institutions (the teaching evaluation of higher education institutions is one of the forms)。Article 24 of the "Education Law of the People's Republic of China" stipulates: "The state implements an education supervision system and an education evaluation system for schools and other educational institutions。"Article 44 of the "Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China" stipulates: "The educational level of higher education institutions、Quality of education,Accept the supervision and evaluation organized by the education administration department。"Article 40 of the "Private Education Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China" stipulates: "The education administrative department and relevant departments shall supervise private schools in accordance with the law,Promote the improvement of school running quality; organize or entrust social intermediary organizations to evaluate the school running level and education quality,And announce the evaluation results to the public。”

2、What are the main requirements for the quality assurance and evaluation of higher education in the National Education Planning Outline?

Answer: Improving quality is the core task of my country’s higher education reform and development in the next ten years。To achieve this task,The national "Education Planning Outline" puts forward clear requirements for the quality assurance and evaluation of higher education: Article 2: "Develop national standards for education quality,Establish and improve the quality assurance system。” Article 19: “Improving the teaching quality assurance system,Improving teaching evaluation in colleges and universities。” Article 33: “Improving the evaluation of education and teaching。Based on training goals and talent concepts,Building Science、Diverse evaluation criteria。Carried out by the government、School、Education quality evaluation activities involving parents and all aspects of society。” Article 40: “Promote professional evaluation。Encourage specialized agencies and social intermediaries to develop disciplines in colleges and universities、Professional、Evaluate the level and quality of courses。Building Science、Standardized evaluation system。Explore cooperation with international high-level education evaluation institutions,Formating a school evaluation model with Chinese characteristics。Establishing an annual quality report release system for colleges and universities。” Article 44: “Strengthening the evaluation of private education。” Article 47: “Integrating national education quality monitoring and evaluation institutions and resources,Improving the monitoring and evaluation system,Regularly publish monitoring and evaluation reports。”

3、What role does the evaluation of undergraduate teaching work play in improving the quality of teaching in colleges and universities?

Answer: Conducting undergraduate teaching evaluation is an important way to improve the quality of higher education。Evaluation can not only identify the quality and level of school teaching,Diagnose problems in school teaching and make suggestions for improvement,It can also play a guiding role in evaluation indicators,Guide schools to update their educational concepts、Clear development direction and goals、Deepening teaching reform,Promote the in-depth development of industry-university cooperative education。At the same time,Evaluation has the function of motivation and supervision,Can promote schools to continuously improve school running conditions、Strengthen teaching management、Establish and improve the internal quality assurance system、Form a self-restraint and monitoring mechanism。Practical proof,“Promote construction through evaluation、Promote changes through comments、Promoting management through evaluation” has achieved tangible results。Passed evaluation,The level of school teaching work has been significantly improved,Achieved the purpose of improving teaching quality,Students become direct beneficiaries。

4、What are the experiences and practices of higher education evaluation in major international countries?

Answer: Most countries in the world have higher education evaluation systems (internationally collectively referred to as higher education quality assurance systems),In summary, we have the following common experiences: From the perspective of evaluation frequency,Most countries have an assessment cycle of 5-8 years。From the evaluation content,Most countries carry out institutional evaluation,Professional certification and assessment are also carried out,And talent training and teaching work are the main contents of evaluation。 From the evaluation mode,It is roughly divided into three types: one is authentication mode,It mainly depends on whether the evaluated object reaches the specified standards,The conclusion is generally "pass" or "fail"。Qualification assessment belongs to the certification mode; the second is the level mode,It mainly depends on the level of the evaluated object,Conclusions are generally classified as “excellent”、"good"、"Qualified"、"Unqualified" and other levels; the third is the audit mode,It mainly depends on whether the evaluated object has achieved the goals set by itself,Is there a self-discipline mechanism。After evaluation,The expert group gives the audit report,Guide the school’s self-improvement work。From the perspective of evaluation organization,can be roughly divided into three types: one is government-led; the other is government、Social participation type; the third is private-led type。And,Execution management、DO、The separation of evaluation and phase is a common characteristic of all countries。

5. What is the qualification assessment for undergraduate teaching?

Answer: In our country,There are five basic forms of undergraduate teaching evaluation: one is to carry out school self-evaluation; the other is to implement normal monitoring of basic teaching status data; the third is to implement classified school evaluation (including qualification evaluation and audit evaluation); the fourth is to carry out Professional certification and assessment; fifth is to explore international assessment。 Qualification assessment is a form of undergraduate teaching evaluation carried out by the state for new general undergraduate colleges and universities that have not participated in teaching work evaluation (hereinafter referred to as new undergraduate colleges).。All new undergraduate colleges must participate within the specified period。These institutions will enter the scope of review and evaluation after passing the qualification evaluation。

6. Why is it necessary to carry out qualification assessment for undergraduate teaching?

Answer: As of 2010,314 new undergraduate colleges have been established since 2000,Accounting for about 40% of the number of general undergraduate colleges (excluding independent colleges),has become an important part of my country’s higher education system,The level of school running and the quality of education are crucial to the overall development of higher education in our country and the construction of a powerful country in higher education。These schools have been offering undergraduate education for a shorter time,The foundation is relatively weak。Therefore,Carry out qualification assessment on the teaching work of these new undergraduate colleges,Conducive to promoting the school’s clear positioning as a school,Improve school conditions,Standardize teaching management,Accelerate the construction of internal quality assurance system,Improve teaching quality,Better serve local (industry) economic and social development。Carry out teaching qualification assessment,It is also helpful for the government to understand and grasp the running status of colleges and universities,Implement macro-management and classified guidance for colleges and universities; it is conducive to promoting social participation in talent cultivation in colleges and universities,Evaluate and supervise the quality of undergraduate teaching in colleges and universities。At the same time,Carrying out teaching evaluation is also a common practice in many countries around the world。

7、What is the guiding ideology and core connotation of undergraduate teaching qualification assessment?

Answer: The guiding ideology of the conformity assessment work is: guided by the Scientific Outlook on Development,Implement the spirit of the national “Education Planning Outline”,Promote construction through evaluation、Promote changes through comments、Promote management through evaluation、Combined evaluation and construction、The emphasis is on construction。Establish a new concept of evaluation、Explore new methods of assessment、Promote good trends in evaluation。Fully mobilize the school、Government、Positivity in three aspects of society,Promote the reasonable positioning of schools,Strengthen the connotation construction,Reform the talent training model,Improve the quality of talent training。 The design of the conformity assessment plan reflects the above guiding ideology,The core connotation of the plan is "Four Promotions,Three basics,Two protrusions,A guide”。The "four promotions" refer to promoting investment in school funding,Promote improvement of school conditions,Promote teaching management standards,Promote the improvement of teaching quality; "three basics" means: school running conditions basically meet national standards,Basic Standards for Teaching Management,The quality of teaching is basically guaranteed; the "two highlights" refer to: outstanding service to local (industry) economic and social development,Highlight the school’s positioning of cultivating applied talents; “one guide” refers to guiding participating schools to build and gradually improve their internal quality assurance system,Form a long-term mechanism to continuously improve teaching quality。The above four aspects are the core content of the conformity assessment plan。

8、What are the conditions for the school to participate in the undergraduate teaching qualification assessment?

Answer: The conditions for the school to participate in the undergraduate teaching qualification assessment are: (1) There are three general undergraduate graduates enrolled in the name of the school。 (2) There is no restriction or suspension of enrollment in the current year。 (3) The school’s per-student budget allocation for education in the previous year must meet the corresponding standards stipulated in the national “Opinions on Further Increasing the Level of Per-Student Appropriation for Local General Undergraduate Colleges and Universities” (Caijiao [2010] No. 567),That is, the per-student allocation reached 12,000 yuan by the end of 2012。 (4) New undergraduate colleges with five undergraduate graduates should participate in the teaching qualification assessment,Schools that m88 live casino and sports bettinghave postponed m88 live casino and sports bettingtheir evaluation because they did not meet the evaluation conditions,During the school’s postponed assessment period,The Ministry of Education will suspend the registration of new undergraduate majors、Restrictive measures such as reducing enrollment。 For new undergraduate colleges that currently have three undergraduate graduates,It will take about 3 years to evaluate the national plan。After other schools gradually meet the conditions for participation,Accept the qualification assessment in turn。

9、Undergraduate teaching work qualification assessment government、What is the status and role of universities and society?

Answer: The government is responsible for formulating guidelines and policies for assessment work in accordance with the law、Basic standards for teaching quality、Evaluation plan、Evaluate overall planning arrangements,Entrust a professional evaluation agency to carry out evaluation activities。Conformity assessment standards and assessment index systems are directional,Reflects the government’s requirements for the development of new undergraduate colleges。 Colleges and universities are also the targets of evaluation,It is also the main body of the evaluation work。The "Higher Education Law of the People's Republic of China" clearly stipulates: colleges and universities should focus on talent cultivation,Carry out education and teaching、Scientific research and social services,Ensure that the quality of education and teaching meets national standards。Therefore,In our country,Colleges and colleges are the main body of talent training,Responsible for carrying out self-evaluation and self-construction activities、And take the initiative to accept the legal obligation of external evaluation。 Society is the participant and supervisor of evaluation。Society’s talent training for colleges and universities、You have the right to know in education, teaching and evaluation work、Right of participation and supervision。Therefore,Perform sunshine assessment,Absorb social forces to participate,Release evaluation information to the public,Let society understand the evaluation work from all aspects,Understanding、Supporting and supervising the evaluation work is an important guarantee for the sustainable development of the evaluation work。

10、What new concepts are advocated in the qualification assessment of undergraduate teaching work?

Answer: Summarizing my country’s many years of practical experience in evaluation,Based on drawing lessons from international modern educational evaluation theories,The conformity assessment work advocates the following new concepts: First, it emphasizes that schools are the main body of assessment and quality assurance,Change the situation of schools passively accepting evaluation。The second is to reflect the shift from focusing on conclusions to focusing on process,Guide schools to adopt a normal attitude、Treat evaluation normally,Focus on the construction process and improvement work。Third, there is an equal and interactive relationship between evaluation experts and participating schools,The responsibility of experts is to monitor the country,More emphasis on serving the school。The fourth is to highlight the student-oriented approach,Emphasis on guidance and service to students,Pay attention to students’ evaluation of teaching satisfaction。

11. What are the new methods for qualification assessment of undergraduate teaching work?

Answer: First, the data analysis method is used。The Evaluation Center of the Ministry of Education makes an analysis report on the basic teaching status data of each school based on the undergraduate teaching status database of national colleges and universities,Provided to evaluation experts to analyze problems,Make a judgment。 The second is the adoption of a new inspection model。Within the specified time,Experts can visit the school in a centralized or dispersed manner,Make an overall judgment on the school’s teaching work。 The third is to adopt new expert working methods。Evaluation experts must study the school’s self-evaluation report and teaching status data analysis report before entering the school,Propose the key points of the school inspection; during the school inspection, experts must conduct a comprehensive inspection and make independent judgments; experts shall submit a personal inspection report within one week after leaving school,The expert team leader summarized and formed the expert team inspection report。 The fourth is to increase social participation。The members of the expert group include some people from the industry and society。 The fifth is to improve the organizational management mechanism。Established a project management system,Expert training established、Evaluation system and selection advance and retreat mechanism,The "Ministry of Education's Undergraduate Teaching Evaluation Expert Committee for General Colleges and Universities" (hereinafter referred to as the "Evaluation Expert Committee") was established to be responsible for the inspection of evaluation discipline、Monitoring and Evaluation Grievance and Arbitration。

12、How to implement “sunshine assessment” and promote good trends in undergraduate teaching qualification assessment?

Answer: In order to make universities and society better understand the teaching evaluation work,Enhance the transparency of assessment work,Promote the sustainable and healthy development of evaluation work,The Ministry of Education implements “Sunshine Assessment”,Advocate the formation of a good custom of "clean and upright"。Mainly reflected in the following aspects:, Open and transparent。Evaluation plan、Indicator system and evaluation criteria,and the evaluation procedures and results processing are disclosed to the public; school self-evaluation report、Relevant information such as expert composition and expert evaluation reports will be announced to an appropriate extent; relevant activities and behaviors of participating schools and evaluation experts,Accept supervision from teachers, students and all walks of life。 Fair and just。Select experts based on subject characteristics of participating schools,Optimization experts,At the same time, industry or social people are invited to participate; the evaluation process is subject to supervision,The Evaluation Expert Committee is responsible for the supervision and inspection of evaluation disciplines; strengthening the standardization of evaluation work,Strictly evaluate operating procedures,Seriously evaluate disciplinary requirements; establish a project administrator system,Responsible for the implementation of project management and division of labor for all parties involved in the evaluation process; establish an expert advance and retreat mechanism,The evaluation of the work of evaluation experts by participating schools will serve as an important basis for the advancement and retreat of experts。 Seeking truth and being pragmatic。The evaluation plan adheres to seeking truth from facts,Fully consider the characteristics of new undergraduate colleges,Focus on guiding participating schools to reasonably position themselves、Running schools according to law、Organizing schools independently for society; requiring participating schools to reflect originality in filling out data and preparing materials、Authenticity; participating schools and evaluation experts must maintain a "normal mind"、Normal state”,Focus on finding problems and making improvements。Equal communication。Evaluation experts insist on peer cooperation,Strengthen service awareness,Carry out evaluation activities with a scientific attitude and rigorous style。On-site inspection work insists on in-depth interviews、Communicate more,Respect each other、Overall grasp、Independent judgment,Provide constructive suggestions for the teaching work of participating schools,Serve the school sincerely。Diligence and thrift。Simplified assessment and reception procedures,Strictly regulate expenditure standards,Avoid formalism、Expense and waste。

13、What are the characteristics of the undergraduate teaching qualification evaluation index system?

Answer: The undergraduate teaching qualification evaluation index system consists of 7 first-level indicators,20 secondary indicators,39 observation points (see attached table)。It mainly has the following characteristics: First, it emphasizes the leadership role,Require school leadership groups at all levels to follow the rules of running higher education and the rules of education and teaching,Implement the central position of teaching work。The second is to highlight the application-oriented talent training model,Encourage the active development of industry-university-research cooperative education。The third is to emphasize financial investment,In particular, the government and school sponsors guarantee school funding。The fourth is to emphasize the construction of the school’s internal teaching quality assurance system,Form a long-term mechanism to continuously improve teaching quality。The fifth is to embody the concept of "student-oriented",Emphasis on guidance and service to students。The sixth is to emphasize output orientation,Pay attention to the quality of talent training,Attach importance to the evaluation of school teaching quality by teachers, students and society。

14、How does the qualification assessment of undergraduate teaching work reflect "student-oriented"?

Answer: Qualification assessment of undergraduate teaching work from the design concept of the assessment plan to specific indicators,Adhere to “student-oriented”,Protect the basic rights of students,It is specifically reflected in six aspects: First, it puts forward clear requirements for the school’s operating conditions,Ensure basic investment in teaching。If the daily operating expenses of teaching account for ≥13% of the sum of education expenses allocation in the regular budget (category 205 education allocation minus special allocations) and tuition income,Average annual teaching and operating expenses per student ≥ 1,200 yuan,And should gradually increase with the increase in education funding。 The second is to focus on the standardized management of the teaching process。Indicator system for teachers’ teaching、Major and Curriculum Construction、Put forward clear requirements for the main aspects of the teaching process such as teaching management,The purpose is to promote the improvement of education and teaching quality,Directly benefit students。The third is to clearly require that head teachers be appointed in accordance with national regulations、Counselor and Student Work Team,Strengthen ideological and political work。Implement the education-oriented principle proposed in the national "Education Planning Outline"、The concept of moral education first,Helps enhance students’ sense of social responsibility,Promote the all-round development of students。Fourth is the main line embodying the training of applied talents,Multiple indicators emphasize the cultivation of students’ practical abilities,Conducive to improving students’ practical ability,Promote student employment。The fifth is to emphasize guidance and service to students。The indicator system clearly requires schools to carry out "college student learning guidance、Career planning guidance、Entrepreneurship m88 slot machine casinoEducation m88 slot machine casinoGuidance、Employment guidance and services、Funding for students from families with financial difficulties、Mental health counseling and other services”。Schools are also required to teach students in accordance with their aptitude according to their characteristics,Building a platform for students’ extracurricular science and technology and cultural and sports activities,There are specific measures to encourage students to participate, etc.,Reflects the school’s need to provide comprehensive services to students。The sixth is to pay attention to students’ evaluation of teaching work and employment work,Reflecting the concept of "student-oriented" education and teaching。

15、How does the qualification assessment plan guide newly established undergraduate colleges to achieve the goal of cultivating applied talents?

Answer: The qualification assessment plan focuses on the training objectives of applied talents,From the school’s positioning、Guiding ideology and other top-level design,To the construction of teaching staff、Teaching infrastructure、Professional construction、Talent training plan、Curriculum system、Teaching methods、Practical teaching system design,The final destination is to examine students’ employment,Consistently guide new undergraduate colleges and universities to improve the consistency between the training process and the training goals of applied talents。For example: In terms of talent training model,Inspect whether the school actively carries out industry-university-research cooperative education,Opening a major in cooperation、Co-construct teaching resources、Cooperative education、Whether there are obvious results in cooperative employment and other aspects。When inspecting the teaching team,Not only depends on the student-teacher ratio,Highly educated、Proportion of teachers with higher professional titles,It also depends on the proportion of teachers with professional (industry) qualifications and work experience,It also depends on whether the overall structure and level of teachers can meet the needs of cultivating applied talents。In terms of professional and curriculum construction,The evaluation indicators require that the school’s professional settings should be compatible with local (industry) economic and social development,Requires the construction of a curriculum system that reflects the characteristics of applied talent training,Specific requirements for practical teaching are particularly emphasized,To enhance students’ practical ability。

16、How is the cultivation of students' practical ability reflected in the indicator system?

Answer: According to the national "Education Planning Outline", the requirements for cultivating students' abilities and the basic characteristics of applied talents,The indicator system highlights the cultivation of students’ practical abilities in the following aspects: First,Provisions are made on the school conditions for cultivating students’ practical abilities。Request Lab、Internship places and facilities basically meet the needs of talent training,The value of teaching and scientific research instruments and equipment per student and the proportion of newly added teaching and scientific research instruments and equipment meet the requirements of national school running conditions,And has a higher utilization rate。At the same time,There must be a certain proportion of teachers with practical production experience in the teaching team。Second,The "Professional and Curriculum Construction" indicator clearly stipulates the practical teaching time for different types of majors; a certain amount of comprehensiveness is required、Designed experiment,There must be an open laboratory。Pair of internship、The time and funds for practical training must be guaranteed,Guidance in place,Assessment science; at the same time,Require schools to incorporate social practice into school teaching plans,Required hours and credits,Propose time and task requirements for students to participate in social practice,And teachers’ participation in and guidance of students’ social practice will be included in their workload。Third,In the graduation thesis (design) and comprehensive training, the topic selection is required to be closely integrated with production and social reality,Emphasize students’ ability to comprehensively apply professional knowledge; require more than 50% of graduation thesis (design) to be in experiments、Internship、Complete in social practice such as engineering practice and social survey。Fourth,The "Study Style Construction and Student Guidance" indicator requires schools to build a platform for students to participate in extracurricular science and technology and cultural activities,There are specific measures to encourage students to participate in extracurricular science and technology and cultural activities,Student participation should be broad; at the same time,Requires policies and measures to mobilize teachers to participate in student guidance。

17、In what aspects does conformity assessment guide new undergraduate colleges and universities in building internal quality assurance systems?

Answer: The construction of higher education quality assurance system is divided into two aspects: external quality assurance system and internal quality assurance system construction。The construction of external quality assurance system is generally regulated by national laws、Funding guarantee、Policy guidance and the establishment of a regular evaluation system to achieve this; the construction of internal quality assurance systems generally refers to the establishment of quality standards by colleges and universities in accordance with their own talent training goals,Provide human, financial and material conditions guarantee,Strengthen process supervision,Carry out self-assessment,Collect information,Adjustment, improvement and other aspects of composition。New undergraduate colleges have a short history of running schools,The internal quality assurance system is relatively weak。Therefore,Guide the construction of new undergraduate colleges and improve the internal quality assurance system,Ensuring and continuously improving the quality of education is an important purpose of conducting qualification assessment。The design of the conformity assessment guidance system fully reflects this guiding ideology,Mainly reflected in the following aspects: First, in the "school running ideas and leadership role" indicator,Clearly stated that “improvement of quality is the core”、Policies and measures to implement the status of teaching center,Attach importance to establishing and improving the internal teaching quality assurance system”。The second is the number and structure of the teaching team、Basic teaching facilities、Specific quantifiable requirements are stipulated in evaluation indicators such as teaching funding investment,Enable reliable conditions for school talent training。The third is classroom teaching、Experimental teaching、Internship training、Social Practice、Main teaching links such as graduation thesis (design) and comprehensive training, as well as students’ extracurricular scientific and technological and cultural activities、Student guidance and services, etc.,All have put forward clear quality requirements and supervision measures。Fourthly, the evaluation index of “quality monitoring” is specially set up,Requires "schools to establish a self-evaluation system,And pay attention to the role of the basic status database of university teaching,Conduct regular monitoring of teaching quality”。In addition,We also set up the content of “teacher-student evaluation” and “social evaluation”,Guide schools to focus on collecting evaluation information about schools from teachers, students and social employers,Timely improvement work。

18. Why is it emphasized that schools should establish a self-evaluation system?

Answer: In the conformity assessment index system,Require schools to establish a self-evaluation system,The main reasons are as follows: First,The school self-evaluation system is an important part of the teaching evaluation system of colleges and universities in my country,is one of five basic forms of assessment。 Secondly,School is the main body of talent training,Also the main body of quality assurance,Establishing and improving the internal quality assurance system is an inherent need of the school,The internal evaluation system is an important part of the school’s quality assurance system。Third,In the future, the school will publish an annual quality report to the public every year,Quality reports over the years will serve as an important reference for the country and relevant specialized agencies to carry out school and professional evaluations,The conclusions and content of the school’s self-evaluation are the main basis for forming the annual quality report。

 19、What adjustments have been made to the conformity assessment indicator system for private universities?

Answer: According to the current situation of private universities in my country,The following adjustments have been made: First, an observation point "leadership system" has been added,Qualification criteria are: sound leadership system,Complete corporate governance structure。School Board (or Council)、School Board、The party committee organizations have fulfilled their respective functions; a school development decision-making advisory body has been established and has played its role well; a democratic management and supervision of teachers and students of the school has been established、Mechanism for giving advice。The second is to increase the qualification standard for the "student-teacher ratio" of the observation point: the number of self-owned full-time teachers shall not be less than 50% of the total number of full-time teachers,Emphasize the construction of self-owned teaching team,Promote the school to establish a relatively stable teaching team,Ensure healthy teaching work、valid、Sustainable development。Third, add note 3: The calculation method for full-time teachers is to include self-owned teachers and external teachers who have been employed for more than two years (inclusive) and meet the teaching workload specified by the school at a ratio of 1:1,External teachers with an appointment period of one to two years are counted at 50%,Those with an appointment period of less than one year are not included in the number of full-time teachers。The fourth is when calculating the student-teacher ratio,Full-time students who are enrolled in self-study exams are counted in the number of students on a 1:1 basis,To reflect the current actual situation and characteristics of private colleges and universities。

20、What adjustments have been made to the qualification evaluation index system for medical universities?

Answer: According to the guiding principles of higher education classification and the characteristics of medical universities,Adjustments have been made to some of the qualification assessment indicators: First, when calculating the “student-teacher ratio”,Requires a team of clinical teachers with dual qualifications,And the ratio of the overall number of teachers to the number of students in school reaches 1:10。The calculation of clinical teachers is based on 15% of all staff in affiliated hospitals (directly affiliated) with physician titles; teachers in non-directly affiliated hospitals are calculated based on hiring off-campus teachers,In principle, no more than a quarter of the total number of teachers in the school。 Second, the overall teaching staff structure must be composed of basic teachers and clinical teachers at the school (clinical teachers must have practicing physician m88 slot machine casinoqualifications,m88 slot machine casinoAnd teachers who teach theoretical lessons and trainee teachers between classes must have attending physicians or above medical titles)。 The third requirement is that medical education must have affiliated hospitals and non-directly affiliated teaching hospitals undertake the clinical teaching of students,And the average number of beds per student reaches more than 0.8。Non-directly affiliated hospitals refer to those approved by the local administrative department、A teaching hospital that can complete the entire process of clinical teaching and has more than one graduate。 Fourth, it is required that the ratio of internships and theoretical lectures in the main courses of clinical teaching in medical universities should not be less than 1:1。 The fifth is to adjust the observation point "Graduation Project and Comprehensive Training" to "Graduation Internship and Graduation Comprehensive Examination",Graduation internship should not be less than 48 weeks。The clinical practice teaching management system is basically sound,There are exit and graduation examination systems and are implemented; the operation items specified in the internship syllabus are reasonable,Most students have basically completed the required projects; each student in the graduation internship actually manages 4-6 hospital beds。

21、What adjustments have been made to the qualification evaluation indicator system for art colleges and universities?

Answer: In view of the differences and characteristics of the number and structure of teachers in art colleges and universities,The qualification evaluation indicators have been adjusted as follows: First, "full-time teachers with a master's degree" will be、The proportion of doctoral degree ≥50%” is changed to “full-time teachers with a master’s degree、Proportion of doctoral degree ≥35%。 The second is that the main teachers in art colleges and universities "have art professional and technical positions of level two or above,Passed pre-job training and obtained a certificate" is regarded as "having the position of lecturer or above or having a master's degree or above,Passed pre-job training and obtained certificate”。

22. How is the conformity assessment expert group composed?

Answer: The expert group is appointed by the Higher Education Teaching Evaluation Center of the Ministry of Education (hereinafter referred to as the "Ministry of Education Evaluation Center"),Within a specific time,Working team that completed the task of inspecting and evaluating the teaching work of participating schools。 The expert group is led by the leader、Composed of members and secretaries。Expert group members generally consist of 7-9 people,One team leader。The expert group should generally include subject experts、Education Management Expert,At the same time, invite some industry or social people to participate。Experts must be able to better grasp the development laws and policies of higher education,Familiar with undergraduate teaching work,Have practical experience in evaluation,Have good professionalism and cooperative spirit。Evaluation experts based on the type of participating schools、In principle, the positioning of the school and the subject structure are selected from the expert database,Adhere to the avoidance system in expert selection。

23、What are the tasks and requirements for the expert group in the conformity assessment work?

Answer: The expert group acts as a check for the country、The concept of serving the school,In accordance with the "Qualification Assessment Plan for Undergraduate Teaching Work in General Universities",Inspect and evaluate the undergraduate teaching work of participating schools。Passed review of the school’s self-evaluation report、Undergraduate teaching basic status data and related materials,Carry out various forms of on-site inspections,Comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the overall teaching situation of participating schools,Find problems existing in school teaching,Analyze the reasons,Propose to improve teaching work、Opinions and suggestions to improve teaching quality and provide feedback to the school,Submit inspection report and conclusion suggestions。The expert team must have a high sense of responsibility and mission,Adhere to the principle of fairness and justice at work,Go deep into reality、Seek truth from facts、Work hard、Equality and sincerity,Do not engage in formalism,Strictly abide by evaluation discipline。

24. What training should evaluation experts participate in?

Answer: The Assessment Center of the Ministry of Education regularly organizes expert training。Training is divided into two types: pre-job qualification training and on-the-job training。Pre-job qualification training refers to the specialized training conducted by evaluation experts before carrying out evaluation work,It is a required course for evaluation experts。Experts should systematically learn relevant evaluation theories during training、Evaluation Policy、Evaluation plan,Master the evaluation criteria、Evaluation procedures and evaluation methods,Understand relevant disciplines and regulatory requirements,Improve business level,Ensure assessment quality。After training and obtaining the certificate,Only before you can participate in the evaluation work。 On-the-job training refers to regular improvement training for evaluation experts as needed,To adapt to the assessment concept、New changes in assessment content and assessment methods。

25、How do experts examine and make judgments in the evaluation?

Answer: Under evaluation,Experts are conducting a comprehensive inspection、Based on full communication,Make independent judgments on the teaching work of participating schools。The inspection activities are mainly divided into three stages: Do enough homework before entering the school。Experts should carefully read the self-evaluation report provided by the school and the national basic status database of college teaching and the school teaching status data analysis report provided by the Evaluation Center of the Ministry of Education,And passed the "National College Undergraduate Teaching Evaluation Management Information System",Check relevant information about participating schools,Learn about the school,Fill in the review opinion form,Draft inspection focus and work plan。Do all the homework after entering school。Experts through in-depth interviews、Listen to the class、Visited teaching units and relevant functional departments、Visit the employer for research、Convene relevant symposiums; inspect laboratories and internship bases、Library、Sports venues、Network center and other teaching places and facilities; read test papers、Graduation Thesis (Design)、Course design and other materials; review of relevant supporting materials for assessment; information exchange and discussion activities within the expert group,Understand and master all aspects of school teaching work and information。On this basis,Make judgments and evaluations on the school’s teaching work according to the evaluation index system,Independent vote。 Do your homework after leaving school。Based on the school inspection situation,Experts need to write a personal investigation report of about 2,000 words,Among them,Questions and suggestions should account for more than half of the total word count,And hand it over to the leader of the expert team within the specified time。The expert team leader will summarize and form an expert team inspection report on this basis。

26. How are the evaluation conclusions formed?

Answer: The formation of evaluation conclusions is divided into two stages: First,Comprehensive inspection by individual experts、Voting based on the indicator system based on independent judgment,The expert group summarizes the statistical expert individual voting results to form the expert group’s evaluation conclusion and recommendations,The evaluation conclusion is divided into "passed"、Three types: "Deferred Pass" and "Fail"。 Secondly,The expert group will submit the evaluation conclusion suggestions of participating schools to the evaluation expert committee for review,The review results will be announced by the Evaluation Center of the Ministry of Education。

27. What is the Ministry of Education’s approach to the evaluation conclusions?

Answer: The Ministry of Education stipulates that the evaluation conclusion is "passed" for new undergraduate colleges,Enter the next round of review and evaluation of general colleges and universities in five years。The school’s rectification situation will be an important part of the review and evaluation。 The rectification period for schools with an evaluation conclusion of "Deferred Pass" is two years,The correction period for “failed” schools is three years。During the rectification period,Schools whose conclusion is “withholding”,The number of enrollment will be reduced、Suspension of registration for new undergraduate majors; for schools with a "failed" conclusion,Adopt restricted enrollment、Restrictive measures such as suspending the registration of new undergraduate majors。After the rectification period expires, the school will submit an application for re-evaluation。Schools that passed the re-evaluation,Can enter the next round of review and evaluation of ordinary colleges and universities,School that still failed,will stop its enrollment。

28、Why does the conformity assessment work emphasize the school’s “normal mind、Normal state"?

Answer: Evaluation is an effective means and an institutionalized work for the state to promote the improvement of teaching quality in colleges and universities in accordance with the law。The school is the main body of talent training,It is also the main body of teaching quality assurance。Therefore,School under evaluation,Should be responsible for the country、Responsible attitude towards students,No fraud,With a "normal mind、Normal state" for evaluation,Strictly implement evaluation discipline,Ensure the normal and orderly progress of teaching work at all stages of evaluation。Do it specifically: First,Combined with the conformity assessment index system,Carry out self-evaluation and self-construction,Carry out various tasks in a down-to-earth manner,Effectively strengthen the connotation construction,Realizing evaluation to promote construction。 Secondly,In preparation for assessment,With a normal mind、Treat evaluation normally。We must insist on and ensure the organic integration and coordination of acceptance evaluation with daily teaching work,Ensure normal teaching,No temporary assault,Performance is not exaggerated,Don’t hide the problem,The data is not fake。And,In order to reflect the concept that the school is the main body of quality assurance,Require schools to write self-evaluation reports,There is a problem、Causes and improvement measures shall occupy no less than 1/3 of the total length。 Third,During expert on-site inspection,With a learning heart、Open for evaluation。Listen humbly to the opinions and suggestions of experts,Discuss together the problems existing in school development,Seeking expert guidance and help。 Fourth,Based on the opinions of the expert group,Develop a rectification plan based on the actual situation of the school,And organize relevant parties to implement it seriously,Effectively promote school teaching work to a new level。

29、What is the “ten no-nos” evaluation discipline proposed by the Ministry of Education?

Answer: In order to reduce the burden on participating schools,Create a clean m88 live casino and sports bettingand upright evaluation m88 best betting websitestyle,The Ministry of Education issued the "Notice on Strengthening the Discipline of Research on Undergraduate Teaching Qualification Assessment Plan" (Higher Education Secretary Letter [2009] No. 230),Propose ten disciplinary requirements,These requirements remain valid during the full implementation phase of conformity assessment。The specific contents of the "Ten Don'ts" are: leaders do not welcome experts; do not arrange various forms of banquets; do not arrange interviews; the school does not hold reporting meetings (including opening and closing ceremonies); does not organize teachers and students to perform arts Report on the performance; do not make publicity reports on the Internet or in the media; do not create momentum (including posting welcome slogans on campus、Hang colorful flags, etc.); no gifts; no accommodation or accommodation exceeding the standard; the expert group does not organize on-site examinations for students。

30、How to effectively prevent and punish fraud in evaluations in colleges and universities?

Answer: In order to effectively prevent and punish various fraudulent behaviors in colleges and universities,Based on summarizing and drawing on previous evaluation experience,Qualification assessment of teaching work in new undergraduate colleges from the conceptual level、To management level、A more reasonable system design has been carried out at the specific operational level,Mainly including: First, strengthening learning and training,Further guide colleges and universities to establish the concept that schools are the main body of quality assurance,Enable universities to voluntarily accept external quality evaluation,And promote the construction of internal quality assurance system on a regular basis。The second is to strengthen discipline and norms。The Ministry of Education issued the "Notice on Strengthening the Research Work Discipline of the Undergraduate Teaching Qualification Assessment Plan" (Higher Education Secretary Han [2009] No. 230),Proposed ten disciplinary requirements for participating schools,Specially regulate the possible formalism and fraud。The third is to implement “sunshine assessment”。Conformity assessment related policy documents and implementation measures、Evaluation Criteria、School self-evaluation report, etc.,All will be disclosed within the appropriate scope。The Ministry of Education has set up a special evaluation hotline and mailbox,Accept supervision from all walks of life。The fourth is to establish a project management responsibility system。Each stakeholder in conformity assessment shall have their own responsibilities in project management,Mutual monitoring。Existing evaluation agency、Supervision of the entire assessment organization process by experts and schools、Inspection system; at the same time, relevant industry personnel and social celebrities are also invited to serve as observers,Expert behavior in assessment、Supervision of school behavior and organizational work。The fifth is to implement a one-vote veto system。Once it is discovered that the school has falsified data during the evaluation process、Material fraud and other violations of regulations and disciplines,True after verification,Implement one-vote veto,The school’s evaluation conclusion is considered “failed”。 Sixth, an evaluation expert committee was formed。One of the responsibilities of this committee is to supervise and inspect participating schools as entrusted by the Ministry of Education、Assess experts and assess the standardization of organizational work、Fairness,Inspect and evaluate the implementation of relevant regulations。

31. What role does school rectification work play in the conformity assessment?

Answer: The purpose of evaluation is to improve work,School rectification work is a necessary part of the qualification assessment。School rectification work refers to the participating schools after the evaluation expert team leaves the school,Develop a rectification plan based on the opinions of the expert group’s inspection and evaluation and the actual development situation,The process of implementing rectification measures within the specified time。 The school’s rectification situation will be an important part of the next round of evaluation expert group’s inspection and evaluation of the school,To encourage schools to consciously consolidate and make full use of the evaluation results,Establish an internal quality assurance mechanism,Finally achieve the purpose of conformity assessment。

32. How do social forces participate in conformity assessment?

Answer: The participation of social forces in evaluation is an important form of higher education activities and higher education management。The conformity assessment work involves the participation of social forces,Take the following forms: First, absorb a certain number and proportion of external personnel from the higher education system to participate in the qualification assessment work as experts or observers。The second is the conformity assessment work,The evaluation of the satisfaction of teaching work by employers and graduates as the basis for evaluating the quality of school education and teaching。The third is to make full use of social professional evaluation institutions to investigate relevant information。 The fourth is to publish data on the status of undergraduate teaching in colleges and universities within a certain range,Openly accept social supervision。

33、What is the national basic status database system for teaching in colleges and universities?

Answer: The basic status database of national university teaching is the use of information and network technology,Follow the basic rules of teaching work,Organize the data closely related to colleges and universities and undergraduate teaching work according to certain logical relationships,Represented digitally,Form a systematic、Data set reflecting the teaching operation status of colleges and universities。In structural design,Follow the inherent laws of teaching in colleges and universities,Follow teaching input、Teaching process、Basic ideas for teaching effectiveness,Organize teachers、Student、Conditions、Majors and courses、Teaching Management、Teaching effect and other data group。 In terms of implementation,For the convenience of collection,According to the division of labor characteristics of functional departments in universities,Decomposed into teaching staff、Education and Teaching、Education Funds、Teaching and scientific research instruments、Teaching conditions、Basic situation of students、Student extracurricular activities、Scientific research status、Nine categories of data for subject construction。Each type of data is divided into several data collection tables,Each collection table contains several data collection items。

34、How the National College Teaching Basic Status Database System can serve schools、Social and government and assessment work services?

Answer: The design idea of ​​the National Undergraduate Teaching Basic Status Database (hereinafter referred to as the "Teaching Basic Status Database") is based on the construction of national higher education teaching basic data resources,Through information technology,Promote the establishment and improvement of the quality assurance system of higher education with Chinese characteristics。Its functions are mainly reflected in four aspects: First, serving the school,Basic teaching status database promotes colleges and universities to improve the informatization level of teaching management,Provide services for monitoring the quality of education in colleges and universities。The second is to serve the government,The basic status database of teaching provides information on teaching work in colleges and universities for education administrative departments at all levels,It helps the education administration department to scientifically manage and monitor institutions of higher learning,Improve the reliability of decision-making。The third is to serve evaluation,Provide evaluation experts with relevant information on teaching and basic teaching status data analysis reports of participating colleges and universities,Making the evaluation process simple,Reduce the burden of school preparation materials,Improve work efficiency。The fourth is to serve the society,Relevant data of the basic teaching status database are released to the public,Providing higher education quality information resources to the public,Provide services for the public to understand the teaching work of colleges and universities,Promote openness and transparency of educational information。

35. How to conduct conformity assessment appeals and arbitration?

Answer: In addition to guiding and supervising the conformity assessment work、Reviewing the "Expert Group Assessment Report" and assessment conclusions,Also responsible for accepting evaluation disputes、Arbitration and other matters。If a participating school has objections to the evaluation conclusion,Appeals may be submitted to the Evaluation Expert Committee,The Evaluation Expert Committee organizes relevant committee members to review,And instruct the evaluation organization to communicate with participating schools according to specific circumstances、Reconsideration,Re-evaluation can be organized if necessary。The final conclusion is made by the evaluation expert committee。

36. Why does the state set up special funds for evaluation?

Answer: To ensure the fairness and independence of the assessment,National establishment of special funds for evaluation。The expert group evaluates and inspects all costs (including training fees、Transportation expenses、Accommodation and board expenses、Assessment fee、Material fee、Communication fees, etc.) are all covered by the national assessment special funds,The school does not bear relevant expenses。

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