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grass -roots party building
The Party Branch of the School of Higher Vocational and General Education held a teacher moral education warning conference
2021-06-30 Source: General Education College Author: Wu Changchuan review: Wang Juntao 点击:[]

To further strengthen the construction of teacher morality and morality,Improve the overall quality of the teacher,Improve teaching quality,The School m88 online bettingof General m88 live casino and sports bettingEducation held a teachings in Peide Building 2019 on June 29。School of General Education、More than 60 teachers from the College of Higher Vocational and Technical College attended this meeting,The meeting was chaired by Wang Juntao, Secretary of the Party Branch of the College of Higher Vocational and General Education。

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Wang Juntao combined with education and teaching work this semester,pointed out the problems existing in the teacher's moral teacher style of the college,and led all teachers to learn the "Ten Guidelines for Vocational Behavior m88 best betting websiteof Teachers in the New Era m88 slot machine casinoof New Age" and "Regarding the Methods of Teacher's December Family Behavior (Amendment)",Clarified the professional specifications of college teachers and the bottom line of teacher ethics。

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Deputy Dean of the School of General Education Zheng Wei made a speech,It is pointed out that the good teacher moral style is the basic quality that teachers should have,Requires all teachers to follow the spirit of relevant documents,Establish with virtue in daily work、Education with De Shi,Do an ideal m88 live casino and sports bettingbelief、Ethical m88 best betting websitesentiment、There is a solid knowledge、A new era good teacher with a heart love,and arrange the recent teaching work。

Teachers' morals and teachers are not only about the teacher's own image,It is also related to the effectiveness of teaching and educating people,More related to the development of the party and the country's education,The School of General Education and the College of Higher Vocational and Technical will definitely use it as a persistent project,Frequent grasp、Jiu Jiu Gong,Constantly improving teachers' professional ethics and ability to m88 slot machine casinom88 online bettingeducate people,Contribute to improving the quality of talent training。

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