grass -roots party building
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grass -roots party building
Student No. 1 Party Branch of the College of Higher Vocational and Technical College held "strengthening ideals and beliefs,Practice the original mission "theme party day event
2024-06-14 College of Higher Vocational and Technical College: Zhao Yingjie Review: Wang Tingliang 点击:[]

Graduates in 2024 are about to bid farewell to campus、The critical moment towards society,In order to strengthen the consciousness of the love school of student party members,According m88 online sports bettingto m88 best betting websitethe requirements of the school's "Notice on Doing a Better Activities for the 2024 Graduate Education",Students of the College of Higher Vocational and Technical College First Party Branch held "strengthening ideals and beliefs on June 13,Practice the original mission "Graduate theme party day event,This event invited Teacher Li Shiyan, teacher of Marxist College、Counselor Wang Huixia, a counselor of the Higher Vocational and Technical College, taught a special party lesson。

The Student First Party Branch Secretary Zhao Yingjie introduced the main content and purpose of this party day event,Leaded by Li Liang, a party member of all graduates visited the school history museum。Through a precious m88 slot machine casinom88 online sports bettingphoto,Everyone deeply feels the development process and brilliant achievements of the school,Empathy of Empathy of Love School Rong School。

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After visiting the school history museum,Graduate party members to the Tongyuan Party Group Activity Center,Listen to the wonderful party lessons brought by the two teachers。Teacher Li Shiyan takes the title of "profound connotation and practice of party and mass relations",Targeting the close contact between the Communist Party of China and the people in a simple way,How to continue practicing the party's mass line in the new period。Through vivid explanation and in -depth analysis,m88 live casino and sports m88 best betting websitebettingStimulate everyone's sense of mission and responsibility。

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Teacher Wang Huixia uses the theme of "the development context of party history and the mission of the new era",Looking back on the struggle process since the founding of the Communist Party of China,Emphasize the importance of party history learning and education。She combines the current social situation and actual situation,Put forward how to better play the pioneering model of party members in the new era,Contributions to the Chinese Dream of the Great Revival of the Chinese Nation。

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This party day activity is a part of the education activity of graduates,Not only enhanced the consciousness of the love school of the party members m88 online bettingof the m88 online bettinggraduates,It has also improved the ideological awareness of the party members and the cultivation of party spirit,The leader of the departure of civilization and the future of civilization。

School Address: Zip Code of Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology, Xi'an Di Institute of Technology, Chang'an District, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province: 710124 All rights reserved@: : : :@@@  ICP filing number: Shaanxi ICP No. 13005374 -4 m88 online bettingShaanxi Gongwang Anxian 61011602000474