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The Teaching and Research Office of Basic Principles of Marxism held a seminar on improving the quality of applied talents training

In order to further improve the quality of talent training in schools,Strengthening the quality construction of college courses,Noon on October 9th,The School of Marxism carries out m88 slot machine casinothe m88 best betting website"Teaching Philosophy and Talent Training Model" training for full-time teachers in classroom 101 of Jiande Building。The Basic Principles of Marxism Teaching and Research Office attaches great importance to this training。After the training,Actively respond to the call of the college,Revolving around the topic of "How to improve the quality of applied talent training",From teaching reform、From the perspective of school development,Conducted in-depth discussion。


Teachers who participated in the seminar shared their experiences on this training。Teacher Cai Yifei combined the confusion and challenges he encountered in actual teaching,Indicates that ideological and political courses must adhere to the subject position,Based on students’ professional characteristics,In the organic integration of professional and ideological and political teaching,Make ideological and political courses more distinctive,More attractive,Realize its educational value。Teacher Li Caiqin thinks,m88 online bettingTeachers m88 best online betting websiteshould deeply interpret the new curriculum standards on the basic principles of Marxism,Know the situation of each class,Strengthen connections with students。And emphasizes that the classroom should reflect the core competencies of the basic principles of Marxism course,Close to the overall goal of the course,Based on the curriculum concept of “following the rules of educating people and the rules of student growth”,Take good ideological and political courses,Be a good ideological and political guide。Participating teachersConsensus,This training has a high theoretical level,Fully combined with reality,It has guiding significance for teachers to think about how to deeply integrate innovative ideas into classroom teaching practice in their daily teaching work。


Finally,Zhang Qiyun, Director of the Teaching and Research Office, fully affirms the importance and effectiveness of this seminar。Point out that this training activity is a starting point to improve teachers’ teaching m88 online sports bettinglevel M88 Online Live Casinoand talent training quality,I hope all teachers will pass the training and seminar,Be able to truly learn something、Thinking、Enlightenment,Internalize the learned knowledge into your heart,Externalization in behavior,Advance with the times on the road of personal and professional growth、Lifelong Learning,Promote school education and teaching to create brilliance。

The development of this seminar,Not only provides a communication platform for teachers in the teaching and research section,Comprehensively update the teaching philosophy of the college、The innovative talent training model has laid a certain foundation。Future,The Teaching and Research Section of Basic Principles of Marxism will take this opportunity,Actively carry out seminar activities,Open up paths and channels for ideological and political education,Promote the continuous development of education and teaching in our school。

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