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Teaching in Mingde‖ The school held a special inspection meeting on mid-term teaching in the second semester of the School of Marxism in the 2023-2024 school year

“Ideological and political theory courses are key courses to implement the fundamental task of cultivating moral character and cultivating people。”To do a good job in curriculum construction,M88 Online Live Casinom88 online bettingStrengthen teaching management,Improve teaching effectiveness,At the same time, do all the work to prepare for the qualification assessment of undergraduate education and teaching,According to school arrangements,May 16 morning,The special inspection meeting for the mid-term teaching inspection of the second semester of the 2023-2024 academic year of the School of Marxism was held in Conference Room 101 of Mingli Building。Vice Principal Zhu Yanbo、Zhang Yu, Director of the Quality Management and Assessment Office, attended the meeting,Hui Bin, Vice President of the School of Marxism、All teaching management staff and representatives of relevant functional departments attended the meeting。The meeting was chaired by Ren Hua, Deputy Director of the Academic Affairs Office。

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First,Vice Dean Hui Bin gave an overview of the mid-term teaching inspection work、Teaching routine inspection status、Special inspection status、Existing problems were reported in four aspects,After the inspection team listened to the report in detail,Ideological and political m88 sports bettingm88 slot machine casinopractice activities carried out in the School of Marxism、Labor Education Course、Student satisfaction survey conducted by course、Recognition of highlight work such as student symposiums,Propose rectification suggestions for some problems discovered in the teaching work of the college。

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Subsequently,The inspection team reviewed the information,Updates on the construction of conformity assessment observation points and supporting materials、A comprehensive and detailed inspection was conducted on the training of young teachers and the implementation of the mentorship system,And gave feedback on the spot。Vice President Zhu Yanbo put forward three requirements based on the evaluation of material construction: First,Colleges should attach great importance to it,Do high-quality evaluation work;Second,Strengthen the construction of supporting materials for observation points,Insufficient summary,Implement rectification requirements;Third,Closely integrate evaluation work with daily teaching work,Promote m88 best online betting websitem88 online sports bettingconstruction through evaluation、Promote management through evaluation。The School of Marxism will point out the deficiencies pointed out by Vice President Zhu Yanbo and various functional departments of the school,Active rectification,Form a closed-loop construction of problem discovery-rectification-teaching feedback-re-rectification。

Finally,Representatives from various functional departments and colleges held discussions,Feedback on teaching equipment、Problems in logistics service support and other aspects。Deputy Director of the Academic Affairs Office Ren Hua listened to the speeches of teacher representatives,And respond to and answer questions and suggestions raised by teachers。He said,The school will actively take various measures,To ensure the teaching of teachers and students。

This mid-term teaching inspection is a summary of the first half of the semester,It is also an inspection of teaching evaluation work,The School of Marxism will address the problems and deficiencies in the inspection,Active rectification,Promote m88 online bettingm88 live casino and sports bettingconstruction through investigation、Improving quality through comments,Continue to strengthen teaching supervision and standards,Strengthen the construction of quality assurance system,Promote the teaching work of our college to a new level。

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