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Teachers from our school went to the National Training Base for Ideological m88 best betting websitem88 online bettingand political teachers in Colleges and Universities (Peking University) to participate in training

In order to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Strengthening the construction of ideological m88 best betting websitem88 online bettingand political teachers in colleges and universities,Improving the teaching level and educational effectiveness of ideological and political courses,September 15th to 20th,Wang Yan, ideological and political teacher of our college、Jing Yixin went to the National College Ideological and Political Teacher Training Base (Peking University) to participate in the 2024 "Source of Awakening" themed training class。

The content of this training is rich and colorful,Covers Return to the Beginning of History、Carry forward the tradition of Peking University、Learning leaders’ instructions and other multiple-theme teaching sessions,Through on-site inspection、Dialogue with celebrities、Classic Study、Discussion and exchange、Teaching through experience sharing and other methods。In the "Back to the Beginning of History" session,All students came to the Red Building of Peking University to visit and study,Listen to the theoretical report titled "Marxist Theoretical Education at Peking University (1920-1937)" delivered by Gong Mei, Director of the Marxist Literature Research Center of the School of Marxism at Peking University,A profound understanding of the hardships and greatness of the awakening era。In the session of "Carrying forward the tradition of Peking University",Former Vice Minister of Academic Affairs of Peking University、Professor Jiang Changren from the m88 live casino and sports m88 live casino and sports bettingbettingSchool of Marxism gave the title "Peking University Tradition and Humanistic Spirit",Vividly interprets the profound connotation of Peking University tradition and the essence of humanistic spirit。


The training class also arranged field tripsMove,Students followed the footsteps of General Secretary Xi Jinping when he inspected the School of Marxism at Peking University,Visited “Peking University and Marxism share a common destiny、Moving forward together” theme exhibition、Theoretical Discipline Achievements Exhibition of the School of Marxism, Peking University,And visited the Marxist Documentation Center of Peking University。

In the "Inheriting the Spirit of Our Forefathers" session,All students came to Peking University Library,By visiting the exhibitions related to Mr. Li Dazhao and Peking University,Learn the fighting spirit of the older generation of revolutionary martyrs,Build a solid foundation of faith。In the "Enhancing Peer Mission" link,Students had in-depth exchanges with young teachers from the School of Marxism at Peking University around "positive interaction between ideological and political teaching and scientific research in m88 online sports bettingthe m88 best betting websitenew era",Let’s discuss innovative ways to teach ideological and political courses。


Also,The training class also arranged various forms of academic activities,Such as academic paper writing guidance、Analysis of practical teaching, etc.。Many well-known scholars from Peking University taught the students the basic norms and key elements of paper creation,Shared the experience of construction and exploration of ideological and political practice courses,Innovate ideological and political teaching methods for students、Provides new ideas to improve teaching attractiveness。


This "Source of Awakening" theme training class not only provides a platform for exchange and learning for ideological m88 best betting websitem88 online bettingand political teachers in colleges and universities across the country,Also to promote integrity and innovation in ideological and political courses in colleges and universities、Improvement of teaching quality has injected new impetus。Through continuous learning and practice,Ideological and political teachers in our college will be able to better fulfill their responsibilities of teaching and educating people,Contribute to cultivating socialist builders and successors m88 online sports bettingwith m88 online bettingcomprehensive development of moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and labor skills。

Previous article:The teaching and research section of the Introduction to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era held a teaching seminar

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