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Teaching Management
Teaching Management
Collective lesson preparation activities for teachers of the music group of the Humanities and Arts Teaching and Research Section of the School of General Education

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First,Due to the different courses taught by teachers,In this collective lesson preparation, the two teachers first gave a brief introduction to the courses they taught。Seeking common ground,About the promotion of my country’s traditional music in teaching content;Attach importance to basic music courses。Communicate differences,About different course settings,How can film and television music guide students to experience the integration of music and images;How traditional music appreciation class can improve students’ appreciation ability, etc.。

Secondly,Teacher Song Gege introduced "Film m88 slot machine casinom88 slot machine casinoand Television Music Appreciation"、"Basic Music Theory and Sight-Singing Ear Training"、The curriculum setting and features of the main content of courses such as "World Ethnic Music Culture"。Teacher Ma Lin introduced "Basic Music Theory Knowledge"、"Appreciation of Ancient Chinese Instruments and Music"、"Singing Techniques of Chinese and Foreign Art Songs"、The course settings and features of the main content of courses such as "How to Sing Good Songs"。

final,The two teachers’ discussion strictly followed the requirements of the syllabus,Study the lesson plan carefully,Complete lesson preparation。Teaching m88 live casino and sports bettingplans should highlight m88 online bettingkey points、Difficulty,Reflecting student subjectivity,Suitable for students’ academic conditions。

The music group teacher of this group lesson preparation activity believes that teachers should not stick to the framework of group discussion,But it should be based on the actual situation of the class、Student situation and own strengths,Teach creatively,Show your own style and characteristics,Show personalized teaching art。

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