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School of General Education holds the second classroom teaching innovation competition

5month20Sunday, School of General Education in Yude Building109The classroom held the second classroom teaching innovation competition,There are a total of 7197_7203 in this competition9Teachers participating,Other teachers also attended the competition。

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The competition process is exciting,All participating teachers in the competition,Based on the nature of the subject taught and the characteristics of the students,Actively explore and effectively utilize existing teaching resources,Applying modern educational technology,Innovative teaching concepts,For classroom organization,Conducive exploration m88 online sports bettingand m88 online bettinginnovation in teaching methods and other aspects。

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After rigorous evaluation,Finally, two first prize winners were selected: Zou Dan、Li Ni;Three second prize winners, Wu Mengqian、Zhang Hua、Tang Fei;Four third prize winners: Li Xin、Xue Xiaocui、Liu Xuemei、Wang Bo。

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This competition is based on "promoting education through competition、Promote innovation through competition、The purpose is to promote learning through competition,Implementing “student-centered”,The educational philosophy of “education-oriented”,Actively respond to the m88 online sports bettingcall m88 best betting websitefor classroom revolution,It is an active exploration to realize the transformation of classroom teaching from "teacher-centered" to "student-centered"。

The School of General Studies takes the competition as an opportunity,Further improve teachers’ teaching level,Innovative classroom teaching methods,Effectively improve the quality of classroom teaching,Continuously improve the level of talent training。

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