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The School of General Education held a meeting between mathematics teachers and counselors

October 9, 2022,The School of General Education held a meeting between mathematics teachers and counselors in the conference room 306 south of Mingzhi Building。Vice Dean of the School of General Studies Zheng Wei,Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of m88 best betting websitem88 slot machine casinoeach college,2022 counselor,And all the teachers of the Mathematics Teaching and Research Section attended the meeting。

This meeting aims to strengthen the communication and exchange between mathematics teachers and counselors,Form an educational synergy,Helping freshmen adapt to university study life as soon as possible,Develop good study habits,Develop a positive learning attitude,Form a good academic style,Thus improving learning efficiency and effectiveness,Lay a good foundation for students’ professional learning and further studies。

Meeting,Li Ni, director of the Mathematics Teaching and Research Office, first reported on the students’ learning situation since the start of the class,Notified the format and arrangement of math question answering,I hope the counselor will cooperate with the m88 slot machine casinom88 slot machine casinoteacher to check attendance、Urge students to take notes carefully、Complete the chapter test on time。Secondly,Introducing the National College Student Mathematics Contest and the National College Student Mathematical Modeling Contest,Hope counselors encourage students to sign up,Consolidate and develop the level of mathematics application。final,Introducing the relevant regulations for course assessment,Emphasis on daily attendance、Homework related disciplines,I hope counselors and teachers will work together to do daily education and management。

Zheng Wei, deputy dean of the School of General Education, first emphasized that teachers and counselors should strengthen communication,Do a good job in basic education,Helping students lay a solid foundation。Work together to emphasize m88 online bettingthe teaching system for m88 best betting websitestudents,Do a good job in the daily ideological and political education of students,Be a good guide for students to grow and become talents。Secondly,Detailed introduction to the excellent results achieved by our school students in the National College Student Mathematical Modeling Contest and the American College Student Mathematical Modeling Contest,Hope to strengthen publicity and guidance,Help students build confidence,Raise students’ awareness of competition。final,Introducing the postgraduate entrance examination situation of our school students,I hope counselors and teachers will work together to do a good job in publicity work,Encourage students to prepare for further studies in advance。

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After the meeting,The counselors had in-depth exchanges with the mathematics teachers,Discussed related m88 online sports bettingwork,Laid a solid foundation for jointly doing a good job in students’ mathematics learning。

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