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The School of General Education invited Professor Zhang Bo from Northwest University to come to our school to give a special report on mathematical modeling

ForBe better prepared for war2023National College Student Mathematical Modeling Competition8month27School of General Education SpecialInvitationProfessor Zhang Bo from the School of Mathematics of Northwest University launched a special topic on mathematical modelingReportReportBy School of General StudiesLi Ni, Director of the Mathematics Teaching and Research OfficeHost,Teachers from the mathematical modeling competition guidance group and all participating students participated in this report。

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Professor Zhang BoThe title of the report isMathematical Modeling CompetitionThesis writingANDContest Notes》,First introduced the competition paper’s review and award processLet students understand this. followed by2020year of mathematical modelingATake the furnace temperature curve as an example, focusing on itPaperWritingandeach partWritingMethods and Tips and FurtherInterpreted the paper for studentsTopic selection、Abstract、Things to note in all aspects of model establishment and solution。Finally, it is emphasized that participating students should arrange their paper writing time reasonably,Promote teamwork,Prepare for emergencies。

m88 slot machine casinoAfter the report ends,Professor Zhang Bo is patientAnsweredClassmateweofsuspiciousAsk.This reportTopic clearCorrect, rich contentfullFor students who are about to participate,It can be said to be a timely rain。ReportNot only provided profound guidance to all participating teachers and students in writing mathematical modeling papers,It also promoted the development of our school’s mathematical modeling competition。


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