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The m88 slot machine casinoSchool of General Education invites Professor Xiao Huayong of Northwestern Polytechnical University to give a special report on mathematical modeling

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 Author: Jing Kangkang   Audit: Wang Juntao



To better prepare for war2024American College Student Mathematical Modeling Competition,Comprehensively m88 slot machine casinom88 slot machine casinoimprove the programming ability of our school’s participating students.1month17The m88 slot machine casinoSchool of General Education specially invited Professor Xiao Huayong of Northwestern Polytechnical University to give a special report。Vice Dean of the School of General Education Zheng Wei, teachers from the guidance team of the Mathematical Modeling Competition and all participating students attended this report,The report was hosted by Li Ni, Director of the Mathematics Teaching and Research Section of the School of General Education。

In the report, Professor Xiao Huayong introducedMATLABRich drawing functions,Ruth line chart、Scatter plot、Bar chart、Pie charts and three-dimensional charts, etc.,For example:plotCommand, via inputXandYParameters to generate a two-dimensional line graph,scatterThe m88 online bettingm88 slot machine casinocommand can draw a two-dimensional scatter plot and can also be usedhistorhistogramCommands to draw histograms, etc.。These graphs not only help increase understanding of the data when analyzing it,Can also make a research report or paper more attractive。Anyway,MATLAB’s drawing function is not only powerful,And easy to understand and use,A very useful tool for scientific research and data analysis。

Continue,Professor Xiao introduced the concept of gray model,The biggest feature of the gray model is that some information of the system is ignored,Only the main factors of system operation are retained,Relying on limited samples to predict the global behavior of the system,Enables us to make effective predictions and decisions on data。Then the method of determining the indicator weight is m88 best betting websitem88 best betting websiteintroduced,In the decision-making process,The determination of indicator weight is an important link。The general method is the eigenvector method、Entropy weight method、Analytic Hierarchy Process, etc.。By these methods,We can make the decision-making process more scientific,Reducing the impact of subjectivity,Improve the reliability of decision-making。

Last,Professor Xiao interacted with the students,Patiently answered the students’ questions。The theme of this lecture is clear,Rich content,Not only provided profound guidance to all participating teachers and students in mathematical modeling,It also promoted the development of our school’s mathematical modeling competition。            


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