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[Summer Social Practice] Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology notifies the School of Education to "Pursue the Red Footprints and Remember the Battle of Xiangjiang" to go to Guilin, Guangxi for summer social practice (1)

"The Red Army soldiers regard death as home、Born to death、Push forward without mercy、The noble spirit of daring to overcome all difficulties without being overwhelmed by any difficulty,Always worth remembering and carrying forward。”

——Xi Jinping

On April 25, 2021, at the Red Army Long March Xiangjiang Campaign Memorial Hall  m88 online betting

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The Battle of Xiangjiang River was a heroic battle of the Central Red Army’s Long March,Is an important historical event that determines the life and m88 online bettingdeath m88 online bettingof the Chinese revolution;It was the most brutal battle on the Red Army’s 25,000-mile Long March;It is also the place where the surging river water was dyed red with the blood of Red Army soldiers。"Mingde New Youth·Re-walking the Long March” practice team closely follows the footsteps of General Secretary Xi,Come to this red land that is unforgettable to all Chinese people,Sacrifice the heroes、In deep memory。

Heroic epic, immortal monument

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Once entering the memorial hall,What you see is a huge relief,It vividly depicts the resolute eyes of the Red Army soldiers、heroic gesture,Regarding the Red Army soldiers as if they were dead when the war was raging、Born to death、The indomitable and majestic momentum is vividly depicted,Reproduced the urgent scene of rushing to cross the Xiangjiang River。

Iron-blooded defender, heartbroken and clear-minded

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When the commentator was explaining the heroic deeds of Master Chen Shuxiang,All team members were moved。The division commander was shot in the abdomen during the Battle of Xiangjiang,Unfortunately captured,But he would rather die than surrender,grit your teeth,Enduring the severe pain,Pull out the intestines from the abdominal wound with your hands,Tear it m88 slot machine casinom88 online sports bettingoff with all your strength,Died heroically on a stretcher,Sacrifice at the young age29 years old。Chen Shuxiang uses a heartbreaking method to clarify his ambition,Fulfilled the solemn oath to “shed the last drop of blood for the Soviet Union”。

No flattery in life, but a good name in death

Also,The martyrs’ list wall in the memorial hall makes us feel particularly heavy。Densely packed names above,They are all heroes who sacrificed their precious lives for the revolutionary cause。They used their blood and lives to compose magnificent hymns,Their deeds will forever be engraved in the long river of history,Inspiring us to keep moving forward。

Every plant, every tree, every loyal soul

On this large hillside next to the memorial hall,There are many such stones,Under every stone,The remains of the martyrs who died in the Battle of Xiangjiang are all sleeping。Buried under the nine stones in the first row are nine soldiers of the Young International Division,While they were sacrificing,The average age is less than18 years old。And just the Junior International Division,More than 4,000 young people died like them。

One mountain, one stone, one monument

When the members of the practice team stepped m88 online sports bettinginto the memorial square,m88 slot machine casinoThe majestic and solemn Monument to the Soul of the Red Army,Standing there quietly,Telling people about the tragic and tragic battle that year。There is a solemn atmosphere filling the square,Awe-inspiring。

Remember the martyrs, we will strengthen ourselves

Under the leadership of the instructor, the team members presented flowers with reverence,I would like to express my deepest remembrance to the martyrs who sacrificed their lives heroically。Subsequently,The review of the oath to join the party is heart-warming。When the solemn oath sounds,A strong sense of responsibility and mission poured into the hearts of every member present。

This event is a profound spiritual baptism。Let our young people understand more,Today’s peace and prosperity are hard-won,We must always remember the dedication and sacrifice of the martyrs,Inherit and carry forward the spirit of the Long March。In future study and life,Require yourself to higher standards,Don’t forget your original intention,Keep the mission in mind,Contribute to the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。Proactive and enterprising,Contribute to the prosperity of the motherland。

m88 live casino and sports bettingPicture source: Zhuo Yulu Zheng Haoyu

Text source: Yang Xinyi Tang Pengyu

Editor: Li Siqi Zhang Qian He Shiqiang

Teacher: Cao Kai

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