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[Summer Social Practice]

Sunshine helps the disabled for seven years,National unity blooms。June 28th to July 1st,Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology's "Thousands of Voices to Help Blind Children and Thousands of Hearts to Tibet" Summer "Three Going to the Countryside" social practice team entered the Lhasa Special Education School for the seventh time。

In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party,Implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on the cause of persons with disabilities,Further build a stronger sense of community for the Chinese nation,Pay attention to the physical and mental health, survival and employment of Tibetan disabled children,Strengthening the ideological and moral construction of students in special education schools,Comprehensive implementation of the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” for legal education,

This time the volunteer service team brought a mock court to the special school、Blind Massage、Physical etiquette training、Painting exchange and other activities,Also donated by Bailiff、Lawyer、College student、Primary school student、Voice volunteers such as party members and league members donate sound cards,m88 online sports bettingSocial m88 online sports bettingdonation underwear、Socks、Hygienic products and more than 4,000 yuan。

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Seven years ago,The first class the volunteers took into this special school was on the playground under the blue sky and white clouds。I remember the volunteers playing guitar and singing with the children,The sky suddenly showed a beautiful rainbow during the dance interaction,Everyone affectionately calls this volunteer classroom: Rainbow Classroom。Relevant news was also reported by People’s Daily Online and others。The gap has passed,This year’s new volunteers stand with the children under the blue sky and white clouds,Physical etiquette training allows children to walk confidently and gracefully、Singing and dancing talent show allows children to express themselves happily,Items from caring people are also given to the children as prizes,The love continues...


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Moot Court Legal assistance to the disabled

Lhasat School has always focused on the study of law for children with disabilities、Know the law、Usage,Hold online many times、Offline legal class,This time volunteers brought a mock court to children with disabilities,Integrating learning and experience,Held in visually impaired class。With the strong support of Teacher Bian Bacangjue, the director of the school’s teaching office,Organize nearly ten performers and more than twenty observers,In more than half an hour of experiential teaching,Children show boldly,Brave performance,A round of applause at the end,Excellent on-site effect。Volunteers also expressed their appreciation for the strong learning ability and optimistic spirit of children with disabilities。Student Tuwang (pseudonym), who plays the role of the clerk, said: I have taken law m88 best betting websiteclasses m88 online sports bettingboth online and offline,But this time I have a special feeling,I’m very nervous because I have to act,But also have a deeper understanding of the law,More interest,In the future, you will definitely not be nervous on the road of “learning, using, and understanding the law”。Other actors also said that they were a little nervous because of their first performance,But this form is very good,I will definitely study law well,Do not let down the hard work of the volunteers。

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Blind Massage Promote employment

The blind group has always been an important group of people with disabilities that society pays attention to,Their survival and employment are also the focus of all sectors of society。Under the organization of Teacher Awang, Director of the Special Education Ideological and Political Office,Volunteers conducted intensive training for all blind students throughout the day,Children are proactive,Don’t be afraid of hard work and study hard,Learned respectively: basic massage techniques、Shoulder and neck conditioning massage、Visual rehabilitation massage, etc.,Blind teacher Si Yong said: Many basic movements are taught very carefully,Let the children receive good teaching,Prevent yourself from being injured due to improper exertion in the future。I will definitely listen to the volunteer doctor’s recording again and again after the study is over,Lead the children to practice according to the steps,Helping children improve their massage skills,Promote employment of blind children。

Painting exchange National integration

In the painting classroom,Deaf-mute teacher Ning Xiaohan is teaching Tibetan watercolor painting to the children,Every work has strong national characteristics and vivid images,Volunteer Yan Hairui, a painting m88 online bettingart m88 slot machine casinostudent, observed carefully and said: I mainly focus on watercolor,I feel great visual impact after seeing their works,The style is obviously different from the works in the mainland,Warm and passionate,Children’s imagination and skills are very good,I want to learn more from the children。Subsequently,He also came up with himself and the teachers of our school’s art school、Works of young painter Fan Zhengzheng and exchanges between teachers and students,Teacher Ning not only explains the teacher’s painting techniques to the children,Patiently told the teacher’s resume and award-winning experience,Encourage children to learn more from teachers,Continuously break through yourself,Develop well along the professional route,Get greater achievements in life。The kids keep giving thumbs up,Also expresses one’s determination and confidence。After class,Teacher Ning led the volunteers into a teacher donated by a love fund,Let everyone see many works waiting for auction,Ultra-high technology makes volunteers marvel at the artistic talent of deaf-mute children,Also saw their bright employment prospects,Thank you to the caring people for helping children with disabilities。

To this point,The seventh summer social practice activity of "Thousands of Voices Helping Blind Children, Thousands of Hearts Blessing Tibet" entered Lhasa Special Education School concluded successfully,Three days of contact made the children and volunteers reluctant to leave,It also allowed the volunteers to see the children’s optimism and solid foundation,I am even more impressed by the rigorous teaching and the enthusiasm of the teachers at the Lhasa Special Education School,Looking forward to building m88 best betting websitem88 slot machine casinoself-confidence for children with disabilities,Help discover your own shining points,Helping young people establish national consciousness、Citizenship、Awareness of the rule of law,Enhanced the awareness of law and the concept of rule of law,Learn to protect yourself。At the same time,We are also more convinced that through the interaction between students in the thousand-year-old city of Xi'an and Tibetan children with disabilities,Can promote cultural inheritance and ethnic exchanges and integration,Everyone strives to be the defender of national unity and progress、Promoters and practitioners,Building a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation。

Author: Zhang Qi

Photo source: Yan Hairui

Audit: Zhang Mengchu

Final Judgment: Wang Juntao

Previous article:[Summer Social Practice] Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology's "Thousands of Voices to Help Blind Children and Thousands of Wishes for Tibet" The summer "Three Going to the Countryside" social practice team entered the Shigatse Special Education School

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