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[Summer Practical Activities] "New Mingde Youth Return to the Long March" Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology went to Guyuan, Ningxia to "rock climb Liupan Mountain Road",Exploring the Red Mystery” Summer Social Practice Activities (2)

Contemporary youth must dare to take responsibility,Bravely stand at the forefront of the times,Actively contribute wisdom and strength to the country and people。“Realizing the Chinese Dream is a historical relay race,Contemporary youth must strive to be the first on the track to realize national rejuvenation”,This is General Secretary Xi Jinping’s encouragement to young volunteer teachers to shoulder important responsibilities、Words that live up to your youth。In order to fulfill the mission of the younger generation,9:00 am on July 26, 2024,Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology went to Hongya Community to carry out summer "Three Going to the Countryside" practical activities m88 online bettingteam m88 live casino and sports bettingwent to Hongya Community, Longde County, Guyuan City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region to carry out summer three times to the countryside to support education activities。

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This teaching support activity “Continuing the red bloodline,Inheriting the Spirit of the Long March” as the theme,Combined with the Party and Mass Practice Platform of Hongya Community in Longde County,Successfully launched volunteer services with the theme of red education for left-behind children in Hongya Village。

In order to increase students’ interest in class,Inspire children’s patriotism,The teacher led everyone to read aloud the great leader of New China、"Qingpingle" by the poet Mao Zedong·Liupan Mountain》。The supporting teacher told the children the background story of Chairman Mao’s creation of this poem。October 7, 1935,Mao Zedong led the Central Red Army to set off from the station,After breaking through the enemy's defense line,Cross the Niutou Mountain Pass along the small ditch,Climb Liupan Mountain--the last mountain climbed by the Central Red Army during the Long March。Mao Zedong saw the gorgeous scenery of Liupan,Written the magnificent poem "Qingpingle·Liupan Mountain》。

Word“You are not a true man unless you visit the Great Wall”,Exhibits unswerving faith in revolutionary ideals and revolutionary cause,Displays the spirit of revolutionary optimism that is not afraid of m88 online bettingm88 online sports bettingdifficulties and dares to win,Inspiring generations of people to move forward bravely。The supporting teacher told the children,The Liupanshan spirit of “If you don’t visit the Great Wall, you are not a hero”,It is a spirit of true optimism,No matter how many setbacks you suffer、What kind of hardships are faced,Always have full confidence in the revolutionary cause,Continuous struggle。This is the perseverance of the Chinese nation、A concentrated expression of the perseverance of the national spirit,It is a powerful spiritual pillar and spiritual motivation to ensure that our reform cause will move towards new victories。

Want to really learn poetry,And understand the emotions behind the poems that the author wants to express,More than just understanding the meaning of the words,At the same time, you must also understand the background of the writing to appreciate it。Since most of the students present have studied "Qing Ping Le"·Liupan Mountain》,Therefore,The supporting teacher gave everyone a unique poetry class from the perspective of appreciation。While giving lectures,The supporting teachers also did not forget to interact with the students in the audience,Encourage students’ enthusiasm,Inspire their passion for poetry,Among them,Two students are particularly positive,Therefore,After class,The supporting teachers gave them additional rewards。m88 online bettingm88 online sports bettingThanks to the correct teaching methods of the supporting teachers,Although this poetry class is short,But it achieved good results,Making the students understand the difficulty of the Red Army’s Long March,And feel the red spirit of hardship。

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The volunteer teacher leads everyone to read poems

The supporting teachers pay attention to the balance between work and rest,So after the poetry class,Proceeding againArt class with the theme of “Expressing Patriotic Feelings”。The teacher first explained the requirements of the art class to the students,Then I sent everyone a template,Subsequently,The students in the audience started painting enthusiastically,Draw the motherland in your mind,The teacher is in the process of drawing by the students,Combined with own characteristics,Proposed suggestions suitable for each student,This also makes the classroom atmosphere more relaxed and harmonious。

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The supporting teacher leads the students to draw

Towards the end of the course,The supporting teacher leads everyone to sing the national anthem,I hope every student can inherit the spirit of the Long March,Continuous red bloodline,Thus becoming a positive to society、People who have contributed to the country。

The supporting teacher led the students to sing a chorus and took group photos

"Teacher,So preaching is the way to gain karma and resolve doubts”,In the process of teaching this time,The supporting teachers had in-depth m88 online bettingexchanges m88 slot machine casinowith the students,The process of teaching children is also a learning process for the supporting teachers,Teachers and students unanimously expressed their inheritance of the revolutionary spirit of Liupanshan Revolutionary Base,Continuous red bloodline,Voice of contributing to the country in the future!Last,Teachers and students sang patriotic songs,The event ended with singing,But,The patriotism and desire to serve the country in everyone’s heart will not end when the event ends,This innate red gene will be passed down and continued from generation to generation。


Editor: Huang Fangyong He Ying

Instructor: He Ying Yu Jing

Audit: Wang Juntao


Previous article:[Summer Social Practice] "Puyun Red Soul" Xi'an Mingde Institute of Technology went to Pengcun, Pucheng County, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province to carry out summer "Three Going to the Countryside" social practice (1)

Next item:[Summer Social Practice] Mingde New Youth Returns to the Long March