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Notice Announcement
Notice Announcement
School of General Education’s advanced collective of “Three Whole Educations” for the 2023-2024 school year、Advanced individual of “Ten Educational People”、Announcement of recommended m88 slot machine casinom88 best betting websitecandidates for “Teacher Ethics Model”, “Excellent Teacher”, “Advanced Educator” and “Most Satisfied Teacher”

According to the school document "About Development 2023-2024School year“Three Complete Education” Advanced Group、Advanced individual of “Ten Educational People”、Notice on the Selection and Commendation Activities of “Teacher Moral Model”, “Excellent Teacher”, “Advanced Educator” and “Most Satisfied Teacher”” requirements,College in July18To be held in the evening2023-2024 School year“Three Complete Education” Advanced Group、Advanced individual of “Ten Educational m88 online sports bettingPeople”、College Council for the evaluation and recommendation m88 best betting websiteof “Teacher’s Model of Ethics”, “Excellent Teacher”, “Advanced Educator” and “Most Satisfied Teacher”,Members of the college team attended the meeting as members of the review team。

Organize teachers to apply through the teaching and research office,Deliberation by the College Senate,Now will be the School of General Studies“Three Complete Education” Advanced Group、Advanced individual of “Ten Educational People”、The list of "Teacher Ethics Model", "Excellent Teacher", "Advanced Educator" and "Most Satisfied Teacher" to be recommended to the school joint evaluation is as follows:

The advanced collective of "Three Complete Education" intends to recommend: Mathematics Teaching and Research Section.

Recommended person for the “Ten Educators” advanced m88 online sports bettingm88 online sports bettingindividuals: Cheng Jiaxing、Zhang Hua。

The recommended m88 slot machine casinom88 best betting websitecandidates for “Teacher’s Moral Model” are Li Ni and Xue Xiaocui.

Person to be recommended for “Excellent Teacher”: Tang Fei、Jing Kangkang、Li Yu、

Yan Maixiong.

The person to be recommended for "Advanced Educator": Fu Yanuo.

Person to be recommended for "Most Satisfied Teacher": Liu Xuemei、Songgege。

It is now announced. If you have any objections, please contact us2024YearJuly21Report in writing to the college office before 10:00.


School of General Studies

July 202318

Next item:School of General Education 2024 Mathematics Teacher Recruitment Announcement