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Hu Chunhua: Build a livable, livable, and beautiful countryside
2022-11-15  点击:[]

General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed "Comprehensively Promoting the Rural Revitalization" in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,Emphasize "Building Livables and Rural Villages"。This is the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core to coordinate two domestic and international overall situations、Adhere to the modernization of Chinese -style modernization to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,Major strategic deployment made by properly dealing with the relationship between industrial and urban and rural relations,It will definitely promote rural revitalization for the new journey in the new era、Accelerate the direction of agricultural and rural modernization。

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Our party attaches great importance to rural construction,The Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee of the Party proposed "production development、Life is generous、Township Civilization、Village Rong Jie、Management of Democracy "new socialist rural construction goals and requirements,The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed "Industry Promotion、Ecological livable、Township Civilization、Effective governance、Life rich "implementation rural revitalization strategy general requirements。The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Party proposed to implement rural construction actions,Emphasize placing rural construction in an important location for socialist modernization。The 20th National Congress of the Party further proposed "Building Livables and Rural Villages"。This consistently reflects our party's deep grasp of the laws of rural construction,fully reflects hundreds of millions of farmers to build a beautiful home、Vision and expectation of living a better life。New Era and New Journey,Comprehensively promote rural revitalization,Construction of livable, livable, and beautiful villages,It has far -reaching historical significance and great practical significance。

(1) Building livable, livable and American villages is an important content for comprehensive construction of socialist modern countries。General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized,Comprehensive construction of socialist modernization countries,Realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,The most difficult and heavy task is still in the countryside,The most extensive and deepest foundation is still in the countryside。Current,Industrialization and rapid advancement、Urbanization comparison,The pace of development of agriculture and rural areas can not keep up,Unexpected development of urban and rural development、Insufficient rural development is still a concentrated manifestation of the main contradictions of society。Implementation of rural revitalization strategies,It is the global nature of the relationship between the comprehensive construction of a socialist modern country、Historical tasks。New Era and New Journey,To build a well -off society in an all -round way,Do a good job of comprehensively promoting the revitalization of the countryside,Make up on the shortcomings of "three rural areas",Consolidate the foundation of the "agriculture and rural",Promoting a comprehensive upgrade of agriculture、Comprehensive progress in rural areas、Farmer development,Construction of livable, livable, and beautiful villages。This is a new historical position of the development of agriculture and rural areas,It is also a new historical mission of the "agriculture and rural" work。

(2) Building livable and industrial and beautiful villages is an urgent need for farmers to live in modern life。General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized,Keep in mind the revolution of hundreds of millions of farmers、Construction、The huge contribution made by the reform,Building the countryside,Let hundreds of millions of farmers feel more。These years,Rural production and living conditions have been greatly improved,The rural appearance has changed a new change。Rural are not synonymous with fading and backward,It can be the same as the town,Construction becomes an important carrying place for modern life。2021,760 million people in my country's rural household registration、498 million people permanent resident population,In the future, even if the urbanization rate reaches more than 70%,Hundreds of millions of people will live in the countryside,They are the same as urban residents,Also yearning for the place of residence can live modern life。To conform to the peasants' longing for a better life,By persistently promoting the construction of livable and livable and livable and beautiful villages,Continue to improve the quality of rural life、Reduce the gap between urban and rural development,Efforts to make the countryside into a happy home for farmers to live in modern life。

(3) Construction of livable and livable and beautiful villages is the inherent requirements of the new weather in rural civilization。General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized,The countryside is the birthplace of my country's traditional civilization,The root of local culture cannot be broken,The countryside cannot become a barren countryside、Left -behind rural、The hometown of the memory。Excellent traditional culture of rural areas is an important genetic password for my country's farming civilization for a long time,It is also the precious spiritual wealth that boosted rural m88 online bettingessence in the new era。Under the impact of urbanization and market economy,Some excellent traditional local culture gradually declined,Some traditional villages with different characteristics are accelerating disappearance,Rural high -priced color gift、Comparison of human affairs、Feudal superstition、Thick burial thin nourishment、Following waste and other rules and abundant habits need to correct the governance。Promoting the construction of livable and livable and livable and beautiful villages,Must adhere to material civilization and spiritual civilization together,Combination with the excellent heritage and modern civilization elements of my country's farming civilization,Give new era connotation,Let my country's long -established farming civilization show its charm and style in the new era,Further improve the spiritual style of farmers,Improve the degree of rural social civilization。

  2、Accurately grasp the basic connotation of the construction of livable, livable and industrial and beautiful villages

Construction of livable, livable, and beautiful villages,The target task is comprehensive、Multi -layered,All aspects of rural production and life ecology,Covering the areas of material civilization and spiritual civilization,Both the modernization of "things",It also includes the modernization of "people",It also includes the modernization of the rural governance system and governance capabilities,Connotation is very rich,To grasp the following requirements in general。

(1) The rural areas must be gradually possessing modern living conditions。Now rural living conditions have been greatly improved,But there is still a lot of gaps from the requirements that basically have modern living conditions,Rural Road、water supply、Energy、Communication and other public infrastructure is not good,Toilet、Trash and sewage treatment、Village Rongcun Village and other living conditions must be continuously improved,Education、Medical and Health、Basic public services such as elderly care and childcare needs to be improved。It is necessary to closely focus on the goal of basically having modern living conditions in rural areas,Efforts to achieve: The basic living facilities in rural areas are continuously improved。The basic supporting facilities of living infrastructure such as rural hydropower and logistics and logistics,The quality of rural housing construction has steadily improved,The degree of convenience of production and life further increases。Basic public services in rural areas can be fairly able to reach。All people covered、Inclusive sharing、The basic public service system of urban and rural integration is gradually improved,Urban and rural basic public services are equalized and advanced,Education、Medical、Public service resources such as pension and other county rural coordinated allocation、Reasonable layout,The level of basic public services in the countryside is continuously improved。Rural environment Ecological livability。The rural living environment continues to improve,Sanitary toilets further popularized,Domestic waste and sewage are effectively handled,The rural ecological environment gradually improves,Green production lifestyle is deeply rooted in people's hearts。Village style has its own characteristics。Village style prominent local characteristics、Regional characteristics、Regional characteristics,Both personality、It is full of characteristics and complete functions、Facilities perfection,Keep the rhyme of villages and villages、Township Village,Keep green mountains and green water、Remember to live in nostalgia。

(2) In the countryside。Now more and more farmers choose to leave the country without leaving the country,Employment near the county in the county。2021 migrant workers monitoring survey report display,162 million migrant workers employment in the county,55%of the total number of 293 million migrant workers across the country。Need to broaden the space for rural development,Increase the employment capacity of the county area,Drives more farmers to realize the income income in the nearby employment,Efforts to achieve: rural employment is more sufficient。Agricultural multiple functions、Various villages Validity is effective development,The development of rural industry provides more nearby、Stable jobs,Rural labor force Stable Out of employment,Farmers' production and operation capabilities、Employment skills and quality are significantly improved。Farmers' income income channels are more diverse。The long -term mechanism of farmers' income increase is further improved,Farmers' living standards continue to improve,The income gap between urban and rural residents has gradually reduced。Rural development space is wider。The rural business environment has improved significantly,Policy support and service guarantee is continuously strengthened,All kinds of talents stay in the countryside and return to the countryside to employment and start a business,Become the main force driving rural development。

(3) The rural areas should maintain positive civilized fashion and stable social environment。The countryside must not only shake,More to cast souls; not only "rich pockets",More "rich head"。Rural revitalization cannot only stare at economic development and material life improvement,Ignore rural governance and rural spiritual civilization construction。Need to strengthen the "hardware" construction,Pay more attention to moisturizing people's hearts、Dehua's heart、"Software" that condenses m88 live casino and sports bettingthe hearts of people's hearts,Efforts to achieve: The effectiveness of rural governance is significantly strengthened。Rural grass -roots party organizations further grasp the construction of strong construction,Autonomy under the leadership of party organization、rule of law、The rural governance system combined with German rule is continuously improved,The level of rural good treatment has improved significantly。The degree of civilization of rural wind has increased significantly。Socialist core values ​​deeply rooted in people's hearts,Excellent traditional culture prosperous development,Rural moving customs and customs make solid progress,Farmer's spiritual features are comprehensive booster,Good Social Treasures become windy。Keep stable and peaceful rural society。Effective resolution of various contradictions and disputes in rural areas,Ping An Village Construction solidly advances,The rural social environment has always maintained stable。

(4) City and villages must be beautiful、Coordinated development。The proportion of the city rose in the process of modernization、The decline in the proportion of the township is objective law,But urban and rural areas will be coexisting for a long time.。It needs to be strengthened to supplement farming、Township with the city,Accelerate the formation of mutual promotion of workers and peasants、Urban and rural complementary、Coordinated development、Commonly prosperous new types of workers, peasants urban and rural relations,Efforts to achieve: Farmers can advance and retreat between urban and rural areas、Free flow。Agricultural transfer population citizen is solidly promoted,Basic public services in the city gradually covered with the resident population,Land contract management right to settle in farmers in the city、The right to use the right to use the homestead and the collective income distribution right is effectively protected。The system mechanism of the integration of urban and rural areas is more complete。Urban and rural factors free flow institutional channel basically open,The gap between urban and rural development and the living standards of residents continues to narrow,Urbanization with county seat as an important carrier is solidly promoted,Make a significant progress in the development of urban and rural areas of the county。

  Third, the key tasks of building livable and livable and livable and beautiful villages

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has been fully deployed to build a livable, livable, and American village,Metaid clear requirements。To from political and global height,Hurry up and implement the key tasks to implement the landing,Promoting livable and livable and American villages to continuously achieve new progress and new results。

(1) Build a modern rural industrial system。Industry is the foundation of development。The "Five Revitalization" in the countryside,Industry revitalization is the first place。Only the industry is prosperous,can agricultural operations be effective、Become an industry with a head,can farmers increase their income and become rich、Become an attractive occupation,can the rural areas keep people、Beautiful home to become Anju Yueye。To make bigger and stronger breeding。Always tighten the string of food safety,Vigorously promote the construction of a strong agricultural country,Fully implement the food hidden food、Tibetan grain for technical strategy,Constantly improving the level of supply guarantee guarantee for food and important agricultural products。To promote the integration and development of the rural one, two, and three industries。Relying on agricultural and rural resources,Develop the village's second and third industries,Extend the industrial chain、Enhance the value chain,Promote the depth and breadth of the development of rural industries,Improve quality and efficiency and market competitiveness。To establish the employment of farmers、Development orientation of promoting farmers' income。Based on the entire county's overall planning industry development,Give full play to the role of various industrial parks,Scientific layout production、Processing、Sales、Consumption and other links,Leave more industrial value -added links in rural areas、Value -added income is more left for farmers。To improve the mechanism of the joint agriculture with agriculture。Correctly grasp the positioning of industrial and commercial capital in the development of rural industries,Set "traffic light",Strengthen the entire process supervision,Guide industrial and commercial capital to play its own advantages,Complement with the advantages of the farmer's industrial chain、The pattern of division of labor cooperation,drive farmers to become rich and increase income。

(2) Consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation。Consolidation of poverty alleviation is the prerequisite for rural revitalization,Not only must you consolidate,There must be further development,Make the people from poverty alleviation go to the first floor。We must keep the bottom line that does not occur without a large -scale return。Strengthening the implementation of the help mechanism for preventing poverty -giving monitoring and assistance,Discover it in time、Timely warning、Intervention in time,Eliminate the risk in the bud state,To prevent the whole township from returning to poverty,Practical maintenance and consolidation of great achievements of poverty alleviation war。To rely on development to consolidate the results of poverty alleviation。Take increasing income from poverty alleviation as the fundamental measure,m88 online sports bettingTake the accelerated development of poverty alleviation counties as the main direction,Coordinating and integrating various resources to make up shortcomings、Promoting development,Make sure the level of guarantee guarantee is steadily improved,Make sure the "three guarantees" and the level of drinking water continuously consolidate and improve,Continuously narrowing the income gap、Development gap。It is necessary to improve the normalized and long -acting assistance mechanism in the low -income population and underdeveloped areas in rural areas。Improve and perfect the rural social security system,Strengthening rescue resources integration,Implementation of layered classification assistance rescue,Building the bottom guarantee network,Improving the ability of low -income population in the countryside。Increase support for the key regions such as the key to the county's rejuvenation,,Improve the support policy system,Forms mutual promotion、complementary advantages、A new pattern of regional development of common development。

(3) A solid and secure implementation of rural construction actions。Leading to meet the needs of the good life of farmers,Key to strengthen inclusiveness、Basic、Fundamental people's livelihood construction。To promote the modernization of rural infrastructure。Continue to focus on the construction of public infrastructure in rural areas,Coordinating the planning and construction of urban and rural infrastructure,Promoting rural roads solidly、Water supply protection、Clean Energy、Improvement of quality and safety of farm houses、Agricultural product storage preservation and cold chain logistics、Flood prevention and drought、Construction of facilities such as digital countryside,Priority arrangement of construction projects that are convenient for life and promoting production。Perseverance to improve the rural living environment。Promote rural toilet reform、Domestic waste treatment and domestic sewage treatment,In -depth promotion of village greening and beautification。Based on local characteristics、Regional characteristics and national characteristics enhance the village style,Pay attention to protecting traditional villages and characteristic houses,Inheritance Historical Memory,Combining the excavation of the original ecological village and the introduction of modern elements,Create a modern version of "Fuchun Mountain Residence Map",To prevent the construction of the town construction of mechanical machinery,The city is not like the city、Village does not look like a village。To promote basic public services in the countryside。Accelerate filling in rural education、Medical and Health、Social Security、Basic public services such as pension and childcare,Constantly improve service capabilities and service levels。Adapt to changes in rural population structure and social form,Increase the input and coordinated allocation of rural public service resources in the county,Promote the formation of the county's rural function connection and complementation、Tiered the integrated development pattern of solving different problems,Promote the sustainable and healthy development of the basic public service system in the county。What needs to be emphasized is,Village construction mainly solves "there is no new house without a new village、There are new villages and no new appearances "Question,Not to start another stove to build a new village,It can not violate the wishes of farmers to engage in large -scale villages to withdraw、Get the farmer upstairs。

(4) Strengthen and improve rural governance。Rural Governance Director Guanxian's ruling foundation in rural and rural society is stable and peaceful。It is necessary to give priority to protecting and improving rural people's livelihood,Establish system governance、Governance according to law、Comprehensive governance、The concept of source governance,Constantly improving the modernization level of the rural governance system and governance capabilities。It is necessary to give play to the leadership role of rural grassroots party organizations in rural governance。firmly strengthen the construction of rural grassroots party organizations,Comprehensively enhance the organizational force of rural grassroots party organizations、Cohesion、Battlepower。The flag insists on and strengthened the leadership of various rural organizations in grassroots party organizations,Improve the rural governance system led by party organization,Paiqiang uses the first secretary of the village and the work team,Tightly unite the masses around the party。To improve the function of the county's rural three -level governance system。Firmly establish a work orientation of Grass Grassroots,Promote the center of gravity of governance、Resource sink。Leading the leadership command and coordination of county -level leadership in rural governance,Strengthen the responsibility of the county party committee to catch the village to promote the village。Integrated township approval、Service、Law Enforcement and other aspects of forces,Improve service capabilities。Better play the basic role of village -level organizations,Enhance village -level organizations to contact the masses、Serving the masses。To innovate rural governance methods。Comprehensive use of traditional governance resources and modern governance methods,Promotion and application points system、Listing、Digitalization and other governance methods,Implement rural grid management、m88 live casino and sports bettingDigital empowerment、Refined service。

(5) Strengthen the construction of rural spiritual civilization。Rural spiritual civilization construction relative to urban lag,Mainly in the carrier platform that adapts to the characteristics of farmers and the masses。Working methods to innovate the construction of rural spiritual civilization。Actively explore the specific ways of promoting the integration and development of the spiritual civilization of urban and rural areas,Vigorously promote and practice the core values ​​of socialism,Strengthening peasant ideological education and guidance,Effectively give full play to the village rules and people's treaty、Family Education Family Wind,Cultivate civilized native wind、Good family style、Simple Min Feng。To strengthen the construction of rural public cultural positions。Combined with rural audiences and objects,Add more farming and farming flavor、Full of positive energy、Various forms of ground gas、Cultural product supply popular with farmers。To further promote rural migration and customs。Clarify the top -level design and system planning,Find the specific grasp and carrier of actual promotion,The boundary of the traditional etiquette and the rules of traditional rituals and rules,Banner clearly opposes sky -high prices、Opposition to shop and waste、Opposition to marriage and funeral exercises、Anti -feudal superstition,Guide farmers to change the rules and bad habits、Establish a new style of civilization。

(6) Accelerate the development of urban and rural areas of counties。Compared with large and medium cities,Break the urban and rural segmentation pattern within the county,Take the lead in achieving urban and rural integration and development,Cost lower、More realistic feasibility。To promote the formation of the formation of county rural coordinated development。Given the autonomy of more resource integration and use of county levels,Increase the overall development intensity of the county and rural areas,Strengthening the industry、Infrastructure、Public services and other counties in counties,Continue to promote rationalization of urban and rural elements in the county、Urban and rural public services equalization、Integration of the development of urban industries。It is necessary to accelerate the establishment and improvement of urban and rural integration development system mechanisms and policy systems。Strengthening overall planning and top -level design,Promote employment that basically realizes urban and rural areas in the county、Education、Medical、Pension、Housing and other policy systems,Gradually break the boundaries of urban and rural areas in the county,Turn off the concept of citizens and peasants,Promote the formation of farmers' self -selection between workers and peasants、Free conversion,Two -way flow between urban and rural areas、The form of production and life in advanced and retreat,Make the county into a connection worker and peasant、Important bonds that integrate urban and rural areas。

(7) Improve the promotion mechanism of livable and livable and academic and beautiful rural construction。Building livable and industrial and beautiful villages is a long -term task、System Engineering,Must be stable、For a long time,Follow a year in one year、One after another,Do not do it overnight、anxious to find success。Build it for rural construction for farmers。Persist in quantity to obey quality、Progressive obedience,Ask if you do n’t want,Really handle good things、True facts,Let the peasants have more sense in comprehensively promoting rural revitalization、Happiness sensation、Safety。To establish and improve from bottom to the bottom、Villagers' Autonomy、Implementation mechanism participated by farmers。Give full play to the role of the peasant's subject、Better play the role of the government,The government must effectively provide basic public services,Do a good job of planning、Policy support、Construction of public facilities, etc.,What the farmers should do、If you can do it, give it to the farmers to do it,Improve the mechanism for farmers participating in planning, construction, operation and protection。To strengthen and improve work style。Veterans in rural areas in my country,The situation in various places is very different、Different social custom habits,In addition to rural work directly serving farmers,Receive farmers' inspection at any time,It must not be false at all。Must start from actual,Seeking truth and pragmatic、Respect the law,Tightly combined with actual planning and promotion,Resolutely prevent and oppose various formalism、bureaucracy,Firmly safeguarding the interests and democratic rights of farmers,Comprehensively promote rural revitalization with excellent style。

Construction of livable, livable, industry and beautiful rural areas are of great significance、The task is arduous。It is necessary to unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,Further learn to understand the idea of ​​socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era of internship,Deep understanding of the decisive significance of "two establishment",firmly unswervingly maintain the core of the Central Committee of the Party Central Committee of Xi Jinping、The core position of the whole party,Continuously enhanced political judgment、Political understanding、Political Execution,Further strengthen the sense of responsibility for the sense of mission of the new era and the new journey of "agriculture, rural areas, and rural areas",True Grabbing、Buried heads,Strive to create a new situation in comprehensive m88 online bettingpromotion of rural revitalization,To comprehensively build a socialist modern country、Realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation to make new historical contributions。

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