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m88 slot machine casinoThe m88 online sports bettingScience and Technology Department organized the second regular meeting on scientific research work in the second semester of the 2023-2024 academic year

Technology DepartmentYuApril 202426AMThe second regular meeting on scientific research work in the second semester of the 2023-2024 school year was held at 9:30 in the conference room 203 in the south of the Mingzhi Building of the school。Conference byLei Juan, deputy director of m88 slot machine casinoThe m88 online sports bettingScience and Technology DepartmentHost,Vice dean in charge of scientific research in each secondary college、Office Director、Teacher representatives and staff from m88 slot machine casinoThe m88 online sports bettingScience and Technology Department attended this eventConference.

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The beginning of the meeting,m88 online sports bettingm88 best betting websiteDeputy Director Lei Juan first reported on the progress of scientific research work in each college since this semester and common problems in the reimbursement of horizontal scientific research projects,Then we made arrangements for the construction of think tanks,Next,Associate Professor Zhang Guoqiang of m88 slot machine casinoThe m88 online sports bettingScience and Technology Department explained in detail to the participants the main contents and work requirements of the four systems and two notices on discipline construction recently issued by the school。

At the end of the meeting, m88 online sports bettingm88 best betting websiteDeputy Director Lei Juan of m88 slot machine casinoThe m88 online sports bettingScience and Technology Department requestedRelevant unitsToAttach great importance to itDisciplines and subject echelonsDeclaration work,Strengthen scientific research management,Complete the scientific research goals and tasks assigned by the school with high quality。

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