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Scientific Research Trends
The Science and Technology Department organizes the 2024 Mingde Fund Project Review Meeting

In order to effectively carry out the review work of the Mingde Fund project in 2024,Promote scientific research work on campus in an orderly manner,The Science and Technology Office will conduct an on-site review of relevant topics in Conference Room 108, North of the Administration Building on July 29, 2024,The meeting was chaired by Deputy Director Lei Juan,Professor Wang Lifang and Associate Researcher Zhou Jinhua of Northwestern Polytechnical University、Associate Professor Ma Junjie of Xi'an International Studies University serves as an expert to conduct the review,The person in charge of key projects participated in this meeting。

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The meeting is divided m88 online bettinginto two sessions, morning and afternoon,The review meeting for the proposed conclusion of the Mingde Fund project in the morning,The afternoon will be the review meeting for the proposed project。

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In the review process of proposed final questions,The person in charge of the key project discusses his own research results,Experts ask questions one by one,Unified scoring after the defense;Subsequently,Experts’ opinions on the general projects and cultivation projects of the Mingde Innovation Fund in 2024、Scoring of supporting materials to be completed for the Mingde Seed Fund project。

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In the review stage of the proposed project,Applicants for key topics state their topic selection,Experts will give scores after m88 online bettingasking questions;After the key project review is completed,Experts follow the 2024 Mingde Innovation Fund general projects and youth projects,On-site scoring by track。

This review meeting,On the one hand, it helps school teachers further improve their own topics,Enrich research results,On the other hand, it also helps to improve the standardization level of the Mingde Fund project itself。

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