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Safety knowledge
Safety knowledge
Popular knowledge on anti-fraud

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What is fraud?

Fraud,Refers to the purpose of illegal possession,Use methods of fabricating facts or concealing the truth,The act of defrauding large amounts of public and private property。Due to this behavior no violence is used,But in a calm and even mannerHappyConducted in an atmosphere,In addition, victims generally have poor awareness of prevention,Easier to be deceived


Common fraud methods.

1, Internet brushing fraud

Keywords: part-time job, information, high income

Part-time job brushing scam,Fraudsters pretend to be customer service staff and send links to defrauded targets,Claims to have clicked on a link therein,After successfully purchasing the product,The payment will be refunded,There is also a rebate commission,Even ask the defrauded target to fill in an employment information,Let them think that they are hired by a legitimate company to make money。After completing the first purchase task,The defrauded m88 best betting websiteobject m88 live casino and sports bettingwill receive the rebate previously agreed by customer service,And use this as bait,Attract the defrauded people to purchase larger amounts of goods。When the transaction reaches a certain amount,Customer service staffwill cut off contact with the person being defrauded and disappear. becauseEasy work、Profitable,The fraud behavior has attracted many college students to participate,Such fraud cases occur frequently。

2, Pretending to be an acquaintance to commit fraud

Keywords: false, acquaintance, borrowing money

Fraud criminals obtain citizens’ personal information through illegal channels or randomly select them,By phone、Internet and SMS methods,Making up false information,Calling yourself a friend of the other party、Schoolmates or even relatives and other acquaintances set up scams,Liedly claiming that there was something very important that required money for emergencies,Inducing the victim to remit money、Transfer。If you meet a scammer or an acquaintance and want to transfer money、Lending money and other operations,Call for secondary confirmation,Do not transfer money easily。


3, online shopping fraud

Keywords: website, social media

Internet fraud usually refers to fraud methods that defraud others of money in various forms on the Internet to achieve a certain purpose。Fraudsters publish false information through fake websites or social media,Using m88 best betting websitelow m88 online sports bettingprice as bait,Attracting the victim to the bait。Wait until we transfer the money,The liar disappears。So we need to conduct online shopping transactions through regular websites such as Taobao,Both parties are guaranteed。


      4, purchasing agent fraud

Keywords: circle of friends, three noes, hidden dangers

So-called purchasing products posted in Moments,In fact, many of them are even manufacturers、Product information、QSSanwu products without logo,Brings great security risks to users。If there is any problem after purchase, it is very difficult to return or defend your rights,Only a mute can eat coptis,It’s hard to say。


5, part-time fraud

Keywords: part-time job, trap, deceived

After entering university,Many college students choose to do part-time jobs in their spare time,While exercising yourself,You can also make money to support your life。However,Among them,The reason behind a large number of part-time jobs,They all have hidden traps,Many students not only don’t make any money,Instead, he was defrauded of living expenses。



      6, campus loan fraud

Keywords: illegal loan, large amount

Campus loan mainly means that the victim only needs to provide the student ID card to the illegal lending platform or the borrower、ID card,Also provide family members’ phone numbers or frequently used contacts,You can borrow thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars in cash,has become a simple loan procedure on campus,Low loan threshold,The way to get a larger loan amount。


How to prevent fraud?

1, Don’t be greedy for gain or unwarranted favor

Never have the mentality of taking advantage,Don’t listen to the rhetoric of strangers。Don’t easily buy cheap items from door-to-door sales,These may be scam bait。

2, Improve prevention awareness and enhance discrimination ability

You need to be more careful in normal times,Treat netizens、Strangers should always be alert。Watch the news more often、Various information,Understand various deception methods,Improve the ability to distinguish and process various information。

3, Pay attention to the protection of online information

The network is good,But information is easily leaked,Enable criminals to take advantage,Pay attention to the protection of personal information when surfing the Internet,Do not tell your real name at will、ID card number、Bank Card、Mobile phone number and other sensitive information,Don’t trust unfamiliar text messages easily,Click on unknown links at will,Prevent information leakage and exploitation。

4, pay attention to verify the other party’s relevant information

Many students working part-time jobs,Many students working part-time jobs,Earning extra money reduces the burden on parents,On the other hand, I also trained myself,But there are many scam companies or MLM companies,If there is an opportunity to work part-time,It is necessary to carefully verify the units recruiting part-time workers,Especially companies on the Internet。

5, Handle interpersonal relationships correctly

m88 best betting websiteFor first time acquaintances,m88 online bettingBe cautious in your interactions,When you don’t understand the other party,Don’t reveal your true identity easily。True friends should be like-minded,Don’t associate with improper people,Keep a clear head at all times,Act rationally,When the other party is suspicious or has been deceived,Should be reported to the teacher or school in time。


Friends,There are endless fraud methods by criminals,The editor just lists a few common fraud methods here

If you encounter a scam,Be sure to call the police in time,Try to minimize the scope of losses

Preventing fraud depends more on everyone improving their own prevention awareness,Remember not to be greedy for petty gains

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