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Safety knowledge
Safety knowledge
Drowning prevention in summer

Drowning is the number one cause of accidental death among students。As the weather gets hotter,Drowning accidents have also entered a dangerous period、Prone period、High incidence period。The summer will usher in sunny and hot weather,Need to pay great attention。Enhance students’ safety awareness m88 online sports bettingand m88 online sports bettingself-protection awareness,Improve risk avoidance and self-rescue capabilities。Attach great importance to the safety precautions for preventing drowning,Prevent drowning incidents。

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1. When entering the waterDon’t be too hungry、Too full。You can only go into the water one hour after eating,To avoid cramps;

2.Test the water temperature before entering the water,If the water is too cold, don’t get in the water;

3.If you areRiver, river, lake, seaSwimming, thenMust be accompanied by a companion,Do not swim alone;

4. Observe the environment of the swimming place before entering the water,You cannot swim here if there is a danger warning;

5.Do not swim in canyons where the geography is unclear.The water in these places varies in depth,And cool,There are potentially harmful obstacles in the water,Very unsafe;

6.Be sure the water depth m88 live casino and sports bettingis at least 3 meters m88 online bettingbefore diving,And there are no weeds under the water、Rocks or other obstacles。It is safer to enter the water feet first;

7. Swimming in the sea,Swim parallel to the coastline,Those with poor swimming skills or insufficient physical strength,Do not wade into deep water。Make a mark on the coast,Pay attention to whether you are rushed too far,Adjust the direction in time,Keep it safe。

8.No running or chasing around the pool,To avoid slipping and injury.

9.Do not push anyone into the water by the poolto avoid bumping into others or getting hurt by hitting the edge of the pool.

10.Diving is strictly prohibited near the pool,Often due to shallow water, cervical vertebrae are injured and paralyzed for life.

11. When playing in the water,Do not press others into the water and hold them back,To avoid suffocation due to choking on water。

m88 best betting website12. During water activities,m88 slot machine casinoWhen you feel chilly,When you may have cramps,Should go ashore and rest。

13.If someone is found drowning,Immediately send a "someone is drowning" call for help or call 110 for support,If you have never learned water lifesaving,Do not rush into the water to rescue。

14. If you find yourself in the waterInsufficient physical strength,When unable to swim back to the pool,Please call for help immediately,Or shout "Help" loudly to the surroundings and wait for rescue。

2. "Six Don'ts" to prevent drowning

    1. Do not swim in the water privately.

    2. Do not swim with others without permission.

    3. Do not swim without the guidance of parents or teachers.

    4. There are no safety facilities in the area、Swimming in waters without rescuers。

    5. Do not swim in unfamiliar waters。6、Students who are not familiar with water properties are not allowed to go into the water to rescue without authorization。

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