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m88 online bettingSchool m88 best betting websitecarries out special inspection on gas fire safety

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Source: Smart Security Police Department Text: Cui Buwen Picture: Cui Buwen

6month25Sunday morning,Smart Security Police Joint Logistics Management Office、Logistics Industry Group to School Canteen、Back kitchen、Gas consuming units such as stalls conduct special inspections on fire safety。

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m88 online sports bettingSafety m88 online sports bettinghazards discovered during the inspection require immediate rectification,Establish a ledger and clarify corrective measures、Time limit and re-inspection time。Focus on those involving liquefied gas38Household business offices conduct on-site training on fire safety awareness and fire emergency response。

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Through this special inspection, the fire safety awareness and gas safety knowledge of business m88 best betting websiteoperators m88 live casino and sports bettinghave been further improved,Effectively strengthened the foundation of school fire safety。

Smart Security Police Department


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