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The development concept of General Secretary Xi Jinping
2023-05-09 "Looking" 点击:[]

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core adheres to the people -centered development idea,Historical achievements with the cause of the party and the state、Historically transformation and performance "people's longing for a better life,is the solemn commitment of our goal ",The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process

The new development concept is "command stick", "traffic light",Answer the purpose about development、Power、Method、Path and other series of theories and practical problems,clarified the political position on development、Value orientation、Development mode、Development roads and other major political issues

High -quality development is the primary task for comprehensively building a socialist modern country,The theme of the economic and social development of my country for a longer period of "14th Five -Year Plan",Relationship between my country ’s socialist modernization construction global

Development is the first priority of our party's ruling country.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Our party leads the people to govern the country for governing the country,A very important aspect is to answer what kind of development to achieve、How to achieve this major problem。"development is the last word,is the foundation and key to solve all problems in my country,It is a profound inspiration from our party in long -term exploration。

A nation only develops,Only the forest of the world's nation。For the eternal theme of the development of the development,The new era of Chinese leaders in deep thinking and deep practice,Explore the way of breaking the question。

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core Based on the historical position of the new era,Focusing on what kind of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era、How to adhere to and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics,What kind of socialist modern power country is built、How to build a socialist modern power,What kind of long -term governing Marxist party、How to build a major era topic such as Marxist parties such as long -term governance,Grasp the development active from "whether there is" to "good" to "good",Leading China Economic Giant Wheel Entering a new channel at a high -quality development,With a series of new ideas, new ideas, new ideas, new strategies, and expanding the development concept of the new era,Practice the path to m88 live casino and sports bettingm88 online sports bettingPromote the modernization of Chinese -style modernization。

Complete and accurate comprehensive understanding of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s development concept,For the high -quality development of my country's economy and society,Comprehensive construction of socialist modernization countries、Realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,It has very important guiding significance。

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General Secretary Xi Jinping's development concept is a systematic theoretical system,It is an important part of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Rich and developed socialist political economics with Chinese characteristics,It is the time to advance with the current theory of Marxist science。

Adhere to the people -centered development idea。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out,Adhere to the people -centered development idea,Reflected the party’s ideals and beliefs、Nature purpose、The initial mission,It is also a profound summary of the party's struggle and practical experience。The people -centered development idea,Vividly answered who develops for for、Who can rely on、The fundamental question shared by the results of development,Concentrated reflects our party centered on the people、The ruling concept of the people first。Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core adheres to the people -centered development idea,Historical achievements with the cause of the party and the state、Historically transformation and performance "people's longing for a better life,is the solemn commitment of our goal ",The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process。

Grasp the new development stage、Implement the new development concept、Build a new development pattern,Promote high -quality development。Grasping the new development stage is to implement the new development concept、The actual basis for building a new development pattern,Implement the new development concept to grasp the new development stage、Construction of a new development pattern provides action guidelines,Building a new development pattern is to deal with opportunities and challenges in the new development stage、Strategic choice of implementing the new development concept。These three are theoretical logic of my country's economic and social development、Historical logic、Real logic decision,Interconnected,Tightly associated,is the prerequisite and foundation for promoting high -quality development。

Properly handle the relationship between reform and development and stability。Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core adheres to the overall national security concept,Grasp the World Love、National conditions、Deep changes in party conditions,Correctly deal with the relationship between development and safety,More powerful to resolve various risk challenges,Bold explore innovation,Grasp the correct direction,Persist in and improves the socialist system with Chinese characteristics,m88 live casino and sports bettingm88 online sports bettingPromote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities,The organic unity of reform and development and stability、Coordinated advance。

Promoting Chinese -style modernization。The Twenty Copy of the Party,From now on,The central task of the Communist Party of China is to unite and lead the people of all ethnic groups in the country to comprehensively build a socialist modern power country、Realizing the second century -old struggle target,Comprehensively promote the great revival of the Chinese nation with Chinese -style modernization。Promoting Chinese -style modernization,To "deeply grasp Chinese -style modernization of Chinese characteristics and essential requirements,Fight for the initiative of my country's development ",Persist in the development of the country and the nation on the base point of its own strength,Persist in firmly in your own hands。

Adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Comprehensively build a socialist modern country、Comprehensively promote the great revival of the Chinese nation,The key lies in the party。"" Comprehensively strengthen the party's leadership,Ensure that the Party Central Committee's authority and centralized unified leadership,Ensure that the party can play the overall situation、Coordinate the core role of the leadership of all parties,Make the whole party's thoughts more unified、Politically united、More consistent in action,Promoting the party's leadership of the modernization of socialist modernization is more scientific and reasonable in functional configuration、More complete and perfect in the system and mechanism、More efficient in operation management。

General Secretary Xi Jinping's development concept firmly grasped the character of Marxism and the times,It has Chinese characteristics、Following the actual situation of China,Policies reflected in the development of the country、Strategic tactics、Policy measures、All aspects of work deployment。

New development stage、New development concept、Inner logic of the new development pattern

The "Ten Clear Clear" proposed at the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China will grasp the new development stage in the form of historical resolutions、Implement the new development concept、Build a new development pattern to enrich the socialist thoughts of Xi Jinping's new era。

Entering the new development stage Clarified the historical position of my country's development。​​Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era,my country is the international status of the world's largest developing countries without changes,my country is still in the basic national conditions of the primary stage of socialism for a long time,The contradiction between the people's increasingly growing needs and unbalanced and inadequate development is currently the main contradiction in our society。This is our country planning for development、Clarify the basic basis for developing historical positions。

Current,my country already has a new journey、Realizing the new and higher goals of the strong material foundation,Economic strength、Technology strength、Comprehensive national strength and people's living standards significantly improved。my country's economic development prospects are good,but also facing structuralness、Institutional、Difficulties and challenges brought by interwoven periods of interwoven problems。Speed ​​evolution without a large change in a century -old change,Deep adjustment of international power comparison,Raise the trend of globalization,Unilateralism、Protectionism has risen significantly,Full of world economic recovery,Local conflicts and turbulence frequency,Geopolical risk rises and other adverse situations are objectively existing,Global problems intensify,The world enters a new turbulent change period。

General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered important speeches in the spiritual seminar of the party's 19th Plenary Session of the Fifth Plenary Session of the Party at the provincial and ministerial level,systematically explained "my country has entered a new development stage"。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out,"Current and in the future,Although my country's development is still in an important strategic opportunity period,But there are new development and changes in opportunities and challenges,Opportunities and challenges are unprecedented,Once the overall opportunity is greater than the challenge。”

Accurately grasp the rich connotation and development trend of my country's new development stage,It is a big change in the world that has not been safely in the world、The premise and foundation of seizing the strategic opportunity。

Implementing the new development concept clarified the guidance principles of my country's modernization。Development concept is strategic、programming、Leading attribute。Only in line with the trend of history,Positive response,Active change,can we travel with the times。At the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Party,General Secretary Xi Jinping explicitly proposed innovation、Coordination、Green、Open、Share development concept。

The new development concept is "command stick", "traffic light",Answer the purpose about development、Power、Method、Path and other series of theories and practical problems,clarified the political position on development、Value orientation、Development mode、Development roads and other major political issues,Further scientifically answered what kind of development did it achieve、How to achieve the problem of development,Further deepening and expanding our party's understanding of the laws of socialist construction。

Implementation of the new development concept m88 live casino and sports m88 best betting websitebettingis the only way for my country's development and growth in the new era。Only adhere to the people -centered development idea,firmly follow the road of common prosperity,Adhere to the development for the people、Development depends on the people、The results of development are shared by the people,can establish the correct concept of development,can we grasp the new development concept from the fundamental purpose; only on the new historical starting point,Persevere problem -oriented,Effectively solve the problem of imbalanced development and inadequate development,can promote high -quality development,can we grasp the new development concept from the problem orientation; only facing the deeper adjustment of changes in the main contradictions of our society and the comparison of international forces,Face the internal and external risks facing the development of my country's development,Persist in the bottom line thinking,can be prepared to cope with more complex and difficult situations at any time,can we grasp the new development concept from worry and consciousness。

Practice sufficient proof,The new development concept is the development idea of ​​my country's new era、Development direction、Concentration reflection of the development focus,Is the overall situation、Tube fundamental、Tube long -term guidance。

Building a new development pattern clearly clarifies the path selection of my country's economic modernization。Accelerate the construction of a large domestic cycle as the main body、The new development pattern promoted by domestic and international dual cycles,It is based on achieving the second century -old struggle target、Strategic decisions made by overall development and security。

Domestic large loop is "main body"。my country as a socialist country with a large population and a large -scale market,In the historical process towards modernization,It is necessary to bear various pressures and severe challenges that other countries have never encountered。Therefore, the first thing is based on itself,Unblocked the large domestic cycle,Working hard to refine it and do not invade、Diamond is not bad body,Continuous enhancement of survivability、Competitiveness、Development、Continuous forces。

domestic and international dual -cycle "mutual promotion",The key lies in the smooth flow of economic cycle,Ren Du two pulses with yin and yang qi and blood in the whole body,Make sure that the combination of various production factors of economic activities is in production、allocation、circulation、Organic connection of all aspects of consumption,Unimpeded,to achieve circulating flow,Forming a spiral -rising development process。

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized,Only accelerate the construction of a new development pattern,can we consolidate the foundation of my country's economic development、Enhanced the security stability of development。The most essential characteristic of building a new development pattern is "Realizing High -level Independence",More strong and independent innovation,Make full use and play the super large -scale domestic market advantage,We must persist in deepening the main line of structural reform of the supply side,Implement high -level opening to the outside world,Perseverance of problem -oriented and systemic concepts,Efforts to break the main contradictions and problems that restrict the construction of a new development pattern,Realize the dynamic balance of the economy at a high level。

firmly grasp the primary task of high -quality development

High -quality development is the primary task for comprehensively building a socialist modern country,The theme of the economic and social development of my country for a longer period of "14th Five -Year Plan",Relationship between my country ’s socialist modernization construction global。

Build a high -level socialist market economy system。General Secretary Xi Jinping creatively proposed the important idea of ​​accelerating the improvement of the socialist market economy system,Emphasize that the market should play a decisive role in the allocation of resource allocation,Better play the role of the government,To correctly understand and grasp the characteristics and behaviors of capital,profoundly answered a series of major theories and practical problems facing the improvement of the socialist market economy system,Deepen our party's understanding of the laws of socialist market economy,enriched the theory of Marxist political economy on market economy。

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "One key factor for my country's economic development,It is the strengths of the market economy,The superiority of the socialist system。"" Socialist market economy system is compatible with the level of socialist development in the primary stage of socialism in my country,It can also give play to the significant advantage of the concentrated power of the socialist system,Mobilize the enthusiasm of hundreds of millions of people、Active、Creativity,A strong joint force for concentrated power to deal with various risk challenges,Provides strong support for high -quality development。

Construction of a modern industrial system。my country has the world's most complete industrial system and potential domestic demand market,Manufacturing scale accounts for 30%globally,Is an important hub of the global manufacturing industry。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out,"The new development pattern is based on the modern industrial system,Economic cycle is unblocked and requires orderly links in various industries、Efficient and smooth。"Construction of the modern industrial system,Insist on putting the focus of the development of the economy on the real economy,Promote the new type of industrialization。By optimizing the infrastructure layout、m88 best betting websitem88 best betting websiteStructure、Function and system integration,Promote deep integration of internal and external industries,Create autonomous controllable、Safe and reliable、Modern industrial system with strong competitiveness。

Comprehensively promote rural revitalization。In the process of modernization,How to deal with the relationship between workers and peasants、Urban and rural relations,To a certain extent determines the success or failure of modernization。Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as its core insists on solving the problem of "agriculture, rural areas, and rural areas" as the top priority of the work of the whole party,Winning the largest fight against poverty in human history,Historically solved absolute poverty problems,Implementation of rural revitalization strategies,Promoting historic achievements in agriculture and rural areas、Historical changes occurred。

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out,Implementation of rural revitalization strategies,To conform to the new expectations of farmers,Based on national conditions and farmers,Focusing on the prosperity of the industry、Ecological livability is the key、Township Civilization as guarantee、Governance is effective、Life is rich as the fundamental,Promoting a comprehensive upgrade of agriculture、Comprehensive progress in rural areas、Farmers' comprehensive development。

Promoting regional coordinated development。my country is vast、Many population,The difference between the differences in natural resources in various regions is rare in the world,The development of the overall plan has always been a major problem。For the objective reality of my country's economy from a high -speed growth stage to a high -quality development stage,General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward from the global height and longer consideration,It is necessary to adjust and improve the regional policy system in accordance with the objective economic laws,Give full play to the comparative advantages of various regions,Promote the reasonable flow and efficient gathering of various elements。Can't simply require regional regions to reach the same level in economic development,It is clearly proposed to get out of the road that is suitable for high -quality development suitable for the region,Constructing complementary advantages、High -quality development regional economic layout and land and space system。

Promoting high levels of opening to the outside world。"Opening to the outside world is the basic national policy of China,Never shake at any time。"" General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out,China does not play ground game small abacus,Don’t engage in a closed row of his small circle,Do not do a strong buying and selling for people。We will hold up the banner of open cooperation,Adhere to the principles of multilateralism, discussion and co -construction and sharing,Fresh the "air" of the investment environment,firmly unswervingly pursuing mutual benefit and win -win open strategies,Persist in introducing and going out,Efforts to create a full range、Multi -level、Comprehensive open new pattern in the wide field。

China's door open will not close,Only getting bigger and bigger。Implement high -level opening to the outside world,We must continue to deepen the product、Service、Funds、Talent and other elements flowing open,It is necessary to steadily expand the rules、Regulations、Management、Standard and other institutions open。By participating in international market competition,Enhance my country's export products and service competitiveness,Enhance my country's influence in the innovative chain of the global industrial chain supply chain。

The party's leadership is the fundamental guarantee for development

With the continuous expansion of my country's development field、division of labor is becoming increasingly complicated、Form is more advanced、International and domestic linkage is closer,Putting higher requirements for the ability and level of party leadership development。General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized,"The party's leadership is the fundamental guarantee for doing a good job in the work of the party and the country"。

Adhere to and strengthen the centralized unified leadership of the Party Central Committee。Our party continues to improve the overall situation、Coordinate the party's leadership system of all parties,Give full play to the institutional advantage of the Party Central Committee's centralized unified leadership。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out,The more the situation is complicated、The task is arduous,The more we must adhere to the comprehensive leadership of the party and the central government's centralized unified leadership,The more we need to implement the requirements of the Party Central Committee on implementing the new concept of development into work。

Only standing at a political height,Good at political problems,Observe and analyze economic and social development problems with political eyes,Only to understand the political policy and decision -making deployment of the Party Central Committee more thoroughly,Only work to work can be more foreseeable and initiative。This requires us to deeply understand the decisive significance of "two establishment",Resolutely achieve "two maintenance",Constantly improving political judgment、Political understanding、Political Execution,To the "big of the country" is clear from the chest,The implementation of the party's central spirit is reflected in the planning of major strategies、Formulate m88 online bettingm88 online sports bettingmajor policies、Deployment of major tasks、In the practice of promoting major work,Fixed ideological and political action is consistent with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,Effectively use Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics to arm the mind、Guidance Practice、Promoting work。

Persist in daring to fight,Good at struggle。Dare to struggle is the distinctive character of our party。Our party relies on struggle to today,It is also necessary to rely on struggle to win the future。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: We must consciously strengthen the struggle experience,Fighting in the struggle middle school,Growing up in the struggle,Efforts to become dare to fight、Warriors who are good at struggle。

Facing the new situation and new tasks,To promote the spirit of great struggle,Let's first play a good game,Fight the active battle,Prepare for the conflict risk challenge to deal with any form of contradictions,Do a good job of economical、Politically、Culturally、Society、Diplomacy、Preparation of various military struggles。Don't imagine when you can imagine gongs and drums、Enter modernization joyfully,A generation of people has a generation of people for a generation,Since it is the Long March,It is inevitable to "climb the snow mountain" and "cross the grass",It is inevitable to carry out great struggles with many new historical characteristics。Maintaining the heroic spirit of "the more difficult the danger, the more dangerous, the more",Keep the fighting spirit of "dare to teach the sun and the moon to change the new heaven",Dare to fight、Good at struggle,Open Road in Fengshan、Encountering water frame,All kinds of difficulties and challenges on the road to the way forward。

Construction of a high -quality cadre team。Accelerate the construction of a new development pattern,Focus on promoting high -quality development,There must be a political exceptional、Adapt to the requirements of the new era、Cadre teams with the ability to lead modernization。

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "A political party、Can a country continue to cultivate outstanding leadership,To a large extent, this political party、The rise and fall of this country。"He emphasized many times,"Senior cadres must become Marxist politicians,Leading cadres at all levels must become politicians。”

Whether it is analyzed the situation or making decisions,Whether it is cracking development problems or solving problems involving the interests of the masses,All professional thinking、Professional literacy、Professional method。We must continuously improve political ability、Strategic vision、Professional level,Dare to take responsibility、Good at,Continuously strengthening ideological temper、Political experience、Practical exercise、Professional training,Focus on sharpening cadres in major struggles,Strengthen the spirit of cadre struggle and the ability to develop the ability to develop,Efforts to strengthen risk prevention、Welcome to the challenge、Anti -suppression ability,Inspired cadres dare to take responsibility、Actively actively,Continuously seize the new victory of comprehensively building a socialist modern country。

(Author: Research Institute of the Party History and Literature of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Shi Hui)



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