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Xi Jinping、Comrade Cai Qi speaking at the theme educational work conference of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era of Xi Jinping
2023-05-10 Communist Party Member Network 点击:[]

On April 3, the study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideological theme education work conference was held in Beijing. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the CPC, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, attended the meeting and delivered an important speech.

  On April 3, the study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideological theme education work conference was held in Beijing. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the CPC, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, attended the meeting and delivered an important speech.

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Speech by Comrade Xi Jinping

(April 3, 2023)

Previous,The Party Central Committee has issued "Opinions" on the theme education,Just grasp this theme education and make arrangements,Make a clear requirements。Here,I talk about 3 questions。

  1. Deep understand the significance of carrying out the theme education

Focusing on leading cadres at or above the county level, focusing on the study and implementation of the theme of socialist thought themes with Chinese characteristics in the new era,It is a major measure to implement the 20th spirit of the party,For the idea of ​​unified the whole party、To solve the outstanding problems in the party、Always maintain the party with the party with the people with flesh and blood、Promote the development of the party and the country,It has important significance。

  First,This is a unified action of the whole party's ideological will、Always maintain the strong cohesion of the party、The inevitable requirements of combat effectiveness。Unity of unity is the party's life,It is the power of the party。The unity of ideology is the most unity and unity of the party's unity and unity.。We are such a big party,Leading such a big country,Shoulders leading the people of all ethnic groups across the country to realize the strength of the country、The arduous task of national rejuvenation,The whole party must unify thinking、Unified will、Unified action。How to realize the idea of ​​the whole party、Will、Unification of action? The most fundamental is to armed the whole party with the basic theory of the party。

Our party always attaches great importance to theoretical armed forces,Every major historical juncture,All must use the party's innovation theory to unify the whole party thought,Each party centralized education also adheres to theoretical learning as the primary task and runs through,Laying a solid ideological foundation for the unity of the whole party。Today,Our party has led the people of all ethnic groups in the country to comprehensively build a stateist modern country、Comprehensively promote the new journey of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,To better shoulder the mission task of the party in the new era and the new journey,Urgent need to use the new era of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics to armed minds、Guidance practice、Promoting work。

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,Along with the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era,We continue to promote the party's innovation theory armed party,Obvious results。but,The task of theoretical armed forces is still arduous。One aspect,Use true faith and true letter、Learn to do it in real aspects,There are still some issues that need to be paid attention to。Some members of the party、Cadre theoretical learning is not interested,Can't learn,Learn the way to pretend;,Knowing half solution、Taste to stop,I do n’t know why it is;,Learning to learn to do it,Not good at transforming learning results into actual skills of the officer entrepreneurs,etc.。These questions indicate,The theoretical armed work of the party cannot engage in form,Must continue to go deep、Go in the real。On the other hand,The theory of innovation of the party is constantly developing,The 20th National Congress of the Party proposed a series of major ideas、Major views,Since the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, some new ideas have been put forward in the process of elaborating the party's 20th spirit.,In particular, it proposed and systematically explained the major theory and practical problem of Chinese -style modernization,Further enriched the thought of socialist thought with Chinese characteristics in the new era。Study and implementation in this area has just begun。So,At the beginning of the start of the new journey,We must continue to promote the whole party's in -depth study and implementation of socialist ideas with Chinese characteristics in the new era。History and reality indicates,Theoretical learning is not in -depth,There is no foundation for thinking,The unity of the party will be seriously affected。

This theme education,It is necessary to promote the study and implementation of the socialist ideas with Chinese characteristics in the new era.,Education guidance party members、Cadres from the original clear source、Guben Peiyuan,Constantly improving political judgment、Political understanding、Political Execution,Enhance "Four Consciousness"、Firm "Four Confidence"、To achieve "two maintenance",Always in ideological and political action with the Party Central Committee with high consistency,Thinking about it in a place、Jiejieye,Jointly caused the party to forge a piece of attack、The endless hard steel。

  2,This is to promote the active responsibility of the whole party、The inevitable requirements of continuously creating a new situation in the development of the cause。Comprehensively build a socialist modern power、Realize the second century -old struggle target,Comprehensively advanced the great revival of the Chinese nation with Chinese -style modernization,The central task of the people of all ethnic groups in the country in the new era of the new era。This is the pioneering cause of the former without ancient people,On the road,It will inevitably encounter a large number of new topics that have never appeared、Encounter various difficulties and dangers、It is a major test that has suffered a lot of wind and waves and even stormy waves。Only always maintains the aggressiveness、Dare to be a first、The struggle posture of the difficulty,Active responsibility as、Dare to fight good at struggle,Only to victory can promote the construction of a strong country、The historical great cause of national rejuvenation。

The great achievements of our party's century -old struggle are all party members to lead the people of all ethnic groups in the country、dry,To turn the magnificent blueprint of the party's 20 major drawings into reality,Still depends on the fight、To depend on dry。Generally speaking,Now the majority of party members、Cadres' ability, quality and mental state are good,But I also have to be soberly seen,Unwilling to play in the cadre team、Dare to take responsibility、The problem of bad responsibility is relatively prominent。Some would rather not be a person in order to not happen,Over and over; some encounter contradictions and problems detour,Push my responsibility out,Dare to touch it; some are not practicing,Show fast、Gate Tu Gao,Slow action、Poor implementation; some virtues are not equipped、Capability,Can't afford the burden,Can't open the work situation;、Fear of the first and fearful,Insufficient confidence in the face of major risk challenges、panic,etc.。Although these problems exist in a small number of party members、Cadres,But let it develop,It will damage the party's image、Demonstrate party's business,It must be solved carefully。

This theme education,To educate and guide the majority of party members、Cadre Thought、See Action,Establish the correct view of power、Performance concept、Care view,Enhance the sense of responsibility and mission,constantly improves the ability to promote high -quality development、Serving the masses、Preventing and resolving risk skills,Strengthen the spirit of struggle and the ability to develop the ability to fight,Promoting the sharpness、Dravian of the Essence of Essence。Take effective measures,Focusing on various negative factors that affect cadres' responsibilities,Dare to act as a responsibility、Responsible for the person in charge、Supporting waist for the officer,Let the wish to be responsible、Dare to take responsibility、Good responsibility to become the wind,Promote the majority of party members、Cadres strive for a new journey with enthusiasm、New era。

  Third,This is the in -depth promotion of comprehensive and strict governance of the party、The inevitable requirement of leading the social revolution with the party's self -revolution。Governance of the country will be governed first,Dangxing talent can be strong。Comprehensive and strictly governing the party will always be on the road,The Party's self -revolution is always on the road,To solve the unique problem of the big party is a long and arduous process,Need to catch unremitting,You need to focus on,Timely eliminating all factors that affect the party's advanced purity,Clear all viruses that erode the body's physical health,Make sure that the party will never deteriorate、Non -change color、Non -flavored flavor。

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,Facing the major risk test faced by the party and the outstanding problems in the party,Our party's self -revolutionary spirit in the blade,Take a series of major strategic measures,Persist in and strengthen the party's comprehensive leadership,firmly promoting the comprehensive and strict governance of the party,The party becomes stronger and stronger in revolutionary forging。Achievements are obvious to all,The problem cannot be ignored。The thoughts in the party are impure、Organization is impure、Outstanding problems such as impure work style have not been fundamentally solved,Some problems that have been solved may be resurrected,Some new problems are constantly appearing。For example,Some places and departments implement the decision -making deployment of the Party Central Committee.,Either simplified、"One -size -fits -all",Copy and copy、Generally rough up and down,Either make a choice、Differential、Discount,Regardless of the overall situation、Division and local protectionism; hedonalism、Luxury wind raised from time to time,Stealth mutation behavior is dull and long,Clear formalism、Bulletin stubborn illness is still long -term; some party organization's political functions、Organizational functions are not strong,Party building leading the role of grassroots governance is not fully played; the situation of anti -corruption struggle is still severe and complicated,Contain increase、The task of removing the stock is still arduous,etc.。It cannot be relaxed when solving these problems,The strict tone must be、Strict measures、Strict atmosphere persistence for a long time,constantly leading the party to the strict party to deepen。

This theme education,To educate and guide party organizations at all levels and members of the majority of party members、Cadre prominent problem orientation,Insufficient finding、Find a gap、Ming direction,Receive political medical examination,Cleaning political dust,Correct behavior bias,Solving the impure thought、Outstanding problems existing in the impure organization,Continuously enhance the party's self -purification、Self -improvement、Self -innovation、Self -improvement ability,Makes our party full of vitality and vigorous vitality,Always become the core of strong leadership of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics。

  2. Fully and accurately grasp the target requirements of theme education

The Opinions issued by the Party Central Committee for the general requirements of this theme education、Target task、Method measures made clear stipulation,Party organizations at all levels must grasp the implementation in combination with actual situation,Make sure the expected effect is obtained。

  First, firmly grasp the general requirements.The general requirement of this theme education is "Learning Thought、Strong Party、Re -practice、Building New Gong "。These four sentences reflect the combination of our party's understanding and practice、Connect to actual theory、The consistent requirement of renovating the subjective world and the renovation of the objective world is consistent,Is a close contact、penetration of each other、Inner unified overall。To penetrate the total requirements of this theme education。

Learning Thought,It is necessary to comprehensively study and understand the socialist thought of Chinese characteristics in the new era,Fully systematically master the basic point of view of this idea、Scientific System,Grasp the world view of this thought、Methodology,Persevere、Use the point m88 online bettingof view m88 online bettingthat runs through it,Continuously enhances the political identity of the party's innovative theory、Identification、Theoretical identity、Emotional identity,True to learn Marxist housekeeping skills,Consciously use the new era of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics to guide various tasks。

Strong Party,It is necessary to consciously use the new era of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics to transform the subjective world,Deeply understand this idea about firm ideals and beliefs、Improve ideological realm、A series of requirements for strengthening party spirit exercise,Always maintain the political nature of the Communists。

Re -practice,It is to consciously practice socialist thought with Chinese characteristics in the new era,Used to transform the objective world、Promoting career development,​​It is used to observe the era、Grasp the Times、Leading Times,Active understanding of transformation and change,Solve various contradictions in economic and social development and party building,Prevention and resolution of major risks,Promoting Chinese -style modernization has made new progress and breakthroughs。

Building new skills,It is to draw from the wisdom and strength of aggressiveness from the thoughts of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era,Skilled leadership method、Thought method、Working method,The ability and level of continuously improving their due diligence,Ningxin Gathering to promote development,Endless grasp of implementation,Contributions to the position,Efforts to create the actual results of history and people's inspection。

  Second, anchor the target task tightly.Carry out this theme education,The fundamental task is to insist on learning and use through、Uniform,Convert the socialist thought of Chinese characteristics in the new era into a firm ideal、Refining party spirit and guidance practice、Powerful power to promote work,Make the whole party always maintain a unified thought、firm will、Coordinated action、Powerful combat power,Efforts are learning to cast souls、Learn to increase wisdom、Learn to righteousness、Real results in promoting work with learning。Specific to achieve the following goals。

The first is to build the soul to build the fundamental。To educate and guide the majority of party members、Cadres suffer from ideological temper、Spiritual baptism,firm belief in Marxism、Belief of Socialism with Chinese characteristics、Confidence in achieving the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,Promote the spirit of the great party founding,Be sure to forget the original heart、Remember the mission,Be humble and cautious、Hard struggle,Must dare to fight、Good at struggle,Build the foundation of faith、Make up the calcium of the spirit、Crimination of steady thoughts。

The second is to refine the character to strengthen loyalty。To educate and guide the majority of party members、Cadres refine political character,Constantly improving political judgment、Political understanding、Political Execution,Enhance "Four Consciousness"、Firm "Four Confidence"、To achieve "two maintenance",Taking the banner of the party as the banner、Taking the will of the party as the will、Taking the party's mission as the mission,Always loyal to the party、Loyalty to the people、Loyalty to Marxism,I really love the party、Moment Saying Party、Strong protection party、Quanliangxing Party。

Third is to promote development。To educate and guide the majority of party members、Cadre with "the big of the country",Follow the central task of the party in the new era and new journey,True Grabbing、Seek results,Focus Questions、Knowing difficulty and entering,With the sense of responsibility of "constantly rest assured"、Active responsibility for acting to perform well for the party and the people、Failure to blame,Get new results with new weather and new as a promotion of high -quality development,Relying on stubborn struggle to open a new world for development。

Fourth is to practice the purpose of making a blessing for the people。To educate and guide the majority of party members、Cadres firmly establish the people -centered development idea,Persist in everything for the people、All rely on the people,Consciously ask the people、Ask to be in the people,Always breathe with the people、Common destiny、Heart Heart,Constantly enhance people's livelihood by making "cakes",Efforts to solve the problem of the people's urgency and sorrow,Put Hui people's livelihood、Warm people heart、Shun people's work to achieve the hearts of the masses,Enhance the people's sense of gain、Happiness sensation、Safety feeling。

Five is the integrity and worshiping the new wind。To educate and guide the majority of party members、Cadre enhanced discipline awareness、Rules Consciousness,Continuously cure "Four Winds",Correction formalism、bureaucracy places more prominent positions,To achieve fair rights、Use rights in accordance with the law、For civil rights、Power of integrity,Promote the formation of refreshing gay relationship、Regularly upper and lower -level relations、Pro -unified new type of political and business relations,Be a good leader of a good political ecology and social atmosphere、Creator、Maintenanceer。

  Third, comprehensively implement key measures.This theme education will not be scheduled、No section,Study theory、Investigation Research、Promoting development、View rectification, etc.,Organic fusion、Integrated advance。

To strengthen theoretical learning。Adhere to the principle of reading the original text of the original book,Persist in thinking about thinking、Learning deeply,Comprehensively study and understand the scientific system of socialist thought with Chinese characteristics in the new era、Core essence、Practice requirements,To grasp the overall grasp、Flating and penetrating。Vigorously promote the theoretical connection with the actual Marxist style,Tightly combines the magnificent historical process and great change of the new era,Deeply grasp the practical foundation of the generation and development of socialist ideas with Chinese characteristics in the new era; closely combining the great struggle、Great Engineering、Great Business、Great Dream,Coordinated the overall layout of the "Five -State"、Coordinated the era requirements for promoting the "four comprehensive" strategic layout,Deeply grasp this new idea and new ideas and strategies for governing the country; closely integrating work responsibilities,Deeply grasp the important expositions of this idea on related fields and the ideas of doing a good job、Measures、Method。Combining comprehensive learning and focusing on,Guide the majority of party members、What the cadre does to do if you persist、What is the focus of what is missing,Enhanced learning targeted,Efforts to improve learning effectiveness。Party committees (party groups) at all levels should adopt theoretical learning center group for study、Holding a variety of forms of reading class to carry out centralized learning、In -depth discussion and exchange。Leading cadres must go to the podium、Talking about party lessons,Leading with examples、To promote learning。Adhere to the education guidance and learning of the whole society,Let the party's innovation theory "fly into ordinary people's home"。

In -depth investigation and research。According to the Party Central Committee's work plan for investigation and research in the whole party,Organize the majority of party members、Cadres, especially leading cadres at all levels, rush down、Shen to the front line,Deep in the countryside、Community、Enterprise、Hospital、School、"Two New" organizations and other grass -roots units,Ask the pulse for diagnosis、Anatomical Sparrow,Make a problem with the problem、Difficulty investigation,Use the new situation of the party's innovation theory、Solve new problems。Persevere problem -oriented,Enhance the problem of problem,Dare to face up to the question,Good at finding problems,Look at both "high -rise buildings" and "back yinhong",Really understand the situation、Find the question、Make the countermeasures。Improved research method,Power ring formalism、bureaucracy,More difficulties、Concentration of opinions of the masses、Works and units investigations that cannot be opened at work。Good at thinking in other places,Enter the masses,Sincerely listen to the crowd voices、True reflect the wishes of the masses、Truth cares about the suffering of the masses,To accurately understand what the people are concerned about。Pay attention to the transformation and use of research results,Deepen research on the basis of survey,Improve the quality of research results,Effectively transform the research results into a problem to solve problems、Actual measures to improve work,Prevent survey more research less、Analysis of more situations,The countermeasures proposed by the countermeasures are large and transformed、empty hole abstraction、Do not solve actual problems。Coordinated arrangements、Reasonably determine the survey time、Location,Preventing a pile survey、Show -style survey。During the survey process, light cars should be simple,Simplified official reception,Do not increase the burden on the grassroots。

To promote high -quality development。The primary task of high -quality development This comprehensive construction of a socialist modern country,To strengthen theoretical learning guidance development practice,To deepen investigation and research to promote the solution of development problems,Implementation and investigation into the various tasks of the 20th major deployment of the party,The theme educational results of the new results inspection to promote high -quality development。Careful implementation of the Party Central Committee on implementing the new development concept、Build a new development pattern、A series of requirements and decision -making deployment to promote high -quality development,Enhance the concept of system and the overall situation,Do a good job of expanding domestic demand、Deepen the supply -side structural reform,Accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system,Comprehensively promote rural revitalization,Implementation of the strategy of science and education and education、Talent Strategy、Innovation -driven development strategy,Guarantee and improve people's livelihood,Promoting green development、Promote the construction of beautiful China,Promote the comprehensive governance of the country in accordance with the law,Build a socialist cultural power country,Maintaining social stability and other aspects,Forms a strong joint force for high -quality development。Tightly combined with actual,Breaking the mindset,Change the ideas,Focusing on the influence and the influence and restriction of high -quality development problems in the region and its own unit,Carry out targeted therapy,Correct processing speed and quality、Development and safety、Development and environmental protection、major relationships such as development and epidemic prevention,Continuously improve the systemicity of promoting high -quality development、Platerality、Collaborative。Need to focus on emphasis,Leading teams at all levels should keep in mind the party and the people's entrustment,Promoting "You don't have to be in me、The spirit of merit must have me ",Persist in a blueprint to draw to the end,For existing deployment and plan,As long as it is scientific、Following the new practice requirements、What meets the wishes of the people,Perseverance,One stubble one after another,Prevent political impulses that are prone to occur after the generalization、Blind and dry、Dadan fast up and "Act"、"Leave Traces" and other phenomena。

Be good at reviewing and rectification。Persist in learning、side control、View while viewing、Rectification of the side,The problem rectification through the theme education is always,Let the people really feel the actual results of solving problems。The leadership team must compare the questions listed in the "Opinions",Detaidation of Socialist Thought with Chinese characteristics and major decision -making deployment of the Party Central Committee,System sorting out the problems developed and developed、Promoting problems encountered in development、The public reflected strong problems,Dare to touch the truth、Questions found in the audit supervision,Each one to formulate rectification measures,Can be changed immediately,Can't solve it for a while,Be careful not to put it、Continuous rectification,Make sure that rectification is m88 best betting websitein m88 best betting websiteplace,Prevent for a long time、No change。Party member、Cadres, especially leading cadres, should put themselves in、Put my responsibilities in、Put the job in,Make party analysis in contrast to the problem of inspection,Criticism and self -criticism,To see people and see things,Focus on solving problems from the root cause。All departments and units in various regions must do a good job of special rectification of outstanding issues,Dare to touch the truth,Seeking results。Adhere to the combination of "current reform" and "long -term stand",A good practice and experience of learning and implementing socialist thoughts with Chinese characteristics in the new era in theme education,Fixed it in the form of institutional form。Pay attention to repeated problems to find the cause of the system,Do a good job of perfecting the mechanism、Jianzhang's work,Prevent the problem from rebound。

Central and state organs are in special important positions in the party and state governance system,Closer to the Party Central Committee,Serving the Party Central Committee is the most direct,It has a weathervane effect on the development of this theme education。This theme education,The departments of the central and state organs should bring a good head、Work table rate,Demonstration drives theme education to go deeply。At the same time,To do a good job of education and rectification of cadre teams in the theme education,Effectively strengthen political education、Party Education,Strictly abide by the rules、Yan Mingfa discipline,With serious education and pure thought,To strictly rectify the pure organization,Work hard to build the Party Central Committee with confidence、Model organ that satisfies the people of the people,The first array of the "two maintenance" is good for the "two maintenance"。

  Three, effectively strengthen the leadership of theme education

This theme education is a big event related to the overall situation,Time、Mission weight、Requirement high。Party committees (party groups) at all levels should attach great importance to,Carefully organized implementation,Make sure to successfully complete the tasks of theme education.。

  First, clarify leadership responsibilities.This theme education is carried out under the leadership of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee,Establishing a central theme education leading group and its office,Leaders and guidance responsible for theme education。Members of the leading group must give full play to their functions,Forms a combination of common management。Party committees (party groups) at all levels should carry the main responsibility,Plan the theme education、Organization、Implementation。Party Committee (Party Group) The main responsible comrades must earnestly fulfill the responsibilities of the person in charge,Plan yourself、Leading forward、Supervise guidance,Improper "Hands Shopkeeper"、Improper "Two Paschers"。Members of the party committee (party group) must carefully fulfill their dual responsibilities,Strengthen the area of ​​management、Guiding supervision of the theme education of the division of the division。The competent department of the industry system should strengthen the guidance of the theme education of the industry in this industry。Relevant departments must clarify responsibilities、Pocket cooperation,Forms a good organizational guidance pattern,Make the theme education and start good、Get actual results。The development of theme education should be used as the annual assessment of the leadership team and leading cadre、Party Organization Secretary Grasp the important content of the evaluation and assessment of party building work at the grassroots level。

  Second, strengthen supervision and guidance.Central Government sent a guidance group,Supervise the development of theme education。Provincial, district and municipal party committee and industry system competent party group (party committee) sent a tour guidance group,Strengthen the area of ​​its belonging、Supervision and guidance of the department and unit。City and county levels do not set up guidance groups。Guidance groups at all levels should take tour guidance、Random spot check、Sinking visit、Symposium and interviews,Director of Yan Governor、Director with guidance,Both point out existing problems,Help research countermeasures。For different regions、Different fields、Characteristics of the characteristics of different industries,Precise policy,Prevent "one -size -fits -all"。To rely on the party committee (party group) of the regional departmental unit to carry out work,Strengthen communication,timely exchange opinion,Promote the problem solving。What needs to be noted is,Formism、Bulletin is the problem of reviewing rectification in this theme education,So this theme education is firmly unable to engage in formalism,Can't engage in formalization、Routine、The set of surfaceization。Various formalism of possible occurrences,To predict in advance、Effective prevention、Resolutely overcome。

  Third, pay attention to the overall planning.This year is the beginning of the start of the 20th spirit of the party,It is necessary to promote the reform of the party and state institutions,Mission weight、There are many clues。Units and units in various regions must adhere to the center、Service overall,Combining the theme education and implementation of the various decisions and deployment of the Party Central Committee,Combining the central work of promoting the region and the unit of the region,,Combined with the reform of the agency,To grab both hands、Two Promotion,Promoting party members、Learning that cadres will glow、Work enthusiastically transformed into overcome difficulties、The powerful power of the officer entrepreneurship。To combine the actual,Organize the first batch、The second batch of theme education,Make sure to connect before and after、Orderly advance。

  Fourth, strengthen publicity and guidance.To give full play to party newspapers at all levels、Party journal、TV station、Radio and other propaganda main channels,Pay attention to the use of new media,In -depth publicity of the Party Central Committee deployment requirements,The significant significance of promotional theme education、Target task、Progressive results。Innovation method and method,Give full play to the role of mainstream media and emerging media,Positive guidance online public opinion,Pay attention to prevent "low -level red"、"Advanced Black"。Publicity positive typical,Summarize a batch of good experiences and experiences that can be replicated and promoted。Deep analysis of the negative typical,Case Mingfa Discipline、Promoting rectification,Effectively play a warning role。

Comrades,Construction of a strong country、The grand goal of national rejuvenation is encouraged、Entrusted,Our generation of Communists is glorious、A major responsibility。We want to take this theme education as an opportunity,Strengthen the party's innovation theory for armed forces,Continuously improve the level of Marxism of the whole party,Constantly improving the party's governance ability and leadership level,Against the new journey for a new journey,踔、Yongyi forward,To comprehensively build a socialist modernization country、Comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and work united!


Summary speech by Comrade Cai Qi

(April 3, 2023)

Learn to implement Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideological theme education work conference,It marks the official launch of theme education。According to arrangements,Let me make a summary。

Focusing on leading cadres at or above the county level, focusing on the in -depth theme education in the whole party,It is a major deployment made by the 20th National Congress of the Party。The Party Central Committee attaches great importance to this,General Secretary Xi Jinping personally review the theme education work plan,Make important instructions multiple times。March 30,The Central Political Bureau Conference specially studied the "Opinions" of the theme education in the whole party,Hold a collective learning,Models for the whole party。This morning,General Secretary Xi Jinping made an important speech,The significance of the theme education from the strategy and global high degree,Clarify the general requirements and target tasks of theme education,Make a comprehensive deployment of the work of theme education。Speaking High House Jianyu、Expressive deep、Rich connotation,Have strong political nature、Thought、Guidance,Provides the theme education of the whole party with fundamental follow。Discussion in groups,Everyone thinks,The important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping is to solve the unique problem of the big party、Provides scientific guidance for promoting the new great project of the party in the new era,It marks that our party has reached a new realm about the understanding of the ruling law of the Communist Party,Is another Marxist programming literature。Many comrades talk about,Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,Each theme education is General Secretary Xi Jinping's "first lesson",After listening, it is baptism of 醍醐、Question that touches the soul、Do not forget the original call;、Speaking of the goal of the cloud see the day,Still talk about the problem of the problem、The whip in the countermeasures,All are educated,Taste of truth、The power of thought、The charm of the leader deeply touches people's hearts; Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era is an endless book,Once you master the masses,will be converted into powerful material power,As long as we persist in learning、Enlightenment,It will definitely be able to move from the inevitable kingdom to the Kingdom of Liberty,It will definitely create more impressive miracles on earth。Everyone said unanimously,We must consciously unify the mind and action to the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech,Strongly carry out the theme education,True a theoretical study、Ideological Armed Forces,For the new journey for the end of the end、Jian Gong will provide strong political leadership and political guarantee in the new era。

The following,Focusing on learning and implementing the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the spirit of the Party Central Committee's "Opinions",Carry out a good theme education,I talk about 6 questions。

  1. Comprehensively strengthen theoretical armed forces

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech,Carry out this theme education,The fundamental task is to insist on learning and use through、Uniform,Convert the socialist thought of Chinese characteristics in the new era into a firm ideal、Refining party spirit and guidance practice、Powerful power to promote work,Make the whole party always maintain a unified thought、firm will、Coordinated action、Powerful combat power,Efforts are learning to cast souls、Learn to increase wisdom、Learn to righteousness、Real results in promoting work with learning。We need to take strengthening the party's innovative theoretical armed as the top priority,Promoting party members、Cadres' true learning true faith true use,Effectively build the foundation of faith、Make up the calcium of the spirit、Crimination of steady thoughts。

Our party's previous party centralized education,All are educated with ideology、Theoretical armed head。Yan'an Rectification Movement,Learn Comrade Mao Zedong through the system,Make the whole party unprecedented unity under the banner of Mao Zedong's thoughts,greatly promoted the victory of the Anti -Japanese War。This theme education,It is to use the party's innovation theory to armed the whole party,Promote the people of the whole party to achieve more unprecedented unity and unity under Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Construction towards a strong country、National Revival Objectives Continue to move forward。The most fundamental,It is to educate and guide the majority of party members、Cadres further deepen the understanding of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics,More deeply understanding the decisive significance of "two establishment",Enhance "Four Consciousness"、Firm "Four Confidence"、To achieve "two maintenance",More consciously in ideological and political action with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core。

  The first is to adhere to the principles of the original study of the original text.Approved by the Party Central Committee,Theme education determines 8 learning materials,Including the 20th National Congress of the Party and the Party Constitution、"Selected Reading of Xi Jinping's Works"、"Xi Jinping's New Age Socialist Thought Special Topics", etc.。Reading one by one,Apart from the sentence by paragraph and sentence。The ancients said,"Read a hundred times,Its righteousness "。We just want to study repeatedly、Care carefully,Really learn to understand。It is necessary to fully understand the scientific system of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist thought with Chinese characteristics in the new era、Core essence、Practice requirements,Strive to be proficient in the worldview of this important idea、Methodism and Positioning Perspective Methods,I can get improved by each learning。Comrade Mao Zedong once referred to Marxist world viewing methodology as the "common language" within the party;,It is also an important manifestation of the world view and methodology of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics,This is the "common language" within the party,Focus on learning、Deep understanding、Full grasp。What to learn what to do、What to make up for,In -depth study of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches and important instructions of the area of ​​the region in the region,Follow -up Learning General Secretary Xi Jinping's latest important speech and article,firmly grasping the fundamental follow of promoting work。

  Second, it is used to use it, and the integration of knowledge and action.The value of theory lies in guiding practice,The purpose of learning is to use。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech and pretend to be、Not in -depth、Learning disconnection and other problems,Genzi lies in the impureness of learning style。We want to vigorously promote Marxist style,Adhere to the "Ya" of scientific theory to shoot a strong country to build、The "" of the "" of the national rejuvenation,Really implemented learning into the casting ideals and beliefs,Promoting the unified thought of the party's innovation theory、Unified will、Unified action,firm and correct political direction; implementation to refining strong party spirit,Strengthen self -cultivation、Self -constraint、Self -transformation,Persist in the spiritual home of the Communists;,Good at using Marxist position viewing methods to analyze and solve problems、Promoting career development。The effectiveness of learning depends on whether it really touches thoughts、Touch the soul,Can't learn to use disconnection,Learning Learning、Talking about it、Do it。

  Third, leading cadres need to learn to promote learning.Leading cadres at or above the county level are the focus of theme education,To play the role of the demonstration。Touch the reading class,Members of the organization and leadership team sit down、Quiet to learn,Time is generally not less than one week。The theoretical learning center group of the party committee (party group) at all levels should list several topics,Contact the actual discussion,Exchange and use the party's innovation theory to solve the specific cases and experiences of practical problems,Thinking measures for strengthening and improving work。Reading classes and discussions can be combined,Can't simply use expert lectures、Theoretical counseling replace the special discussion。Talk about the special party lesson,Main responsible comrades take the lead,Members of other teams go to the management field、Department and other grass -roots units or branches in the department。Focus on learning and implementing the harvest of the party's innovation theory,Methods to talk about improvement work,Prevention and talk about、Nothing of empty holes。Also do a good job of self -study,Take out the spirit of "squeeze" and "drill",True learning as a life attitude、A job responsibility、A spiritual pursuit。

Party committees (party groups) at all levels at all levels are doing a good job of learning leading cadres at the same time,To organize party branches and grass -roots party members、Cadre Learning,Promoting the party's innovation theory into the institution、Entering the enterprise and institution、Enter the urban and rural community、Enter campus、Entering Camp、Enter various new economic organizations and new social organizations、Enter the website。The party branch must rely on "three meetings and one lesson"、The theme party day and other studies,Use good red education resources,Enhanced learning targeted effectiveness。Pay attention to the young party members、Learning of party members and mobile party members of retired cadres,Make sure full coverage。Party member、Cadres must consciously be a "propagandist",Drives the whole society for learning with the education of the party,Make the party's innovation theory better by the people、recognition、own。

  2. Daxing investigation and research

General Secretary Xi Jinping repeatedly emphasized,Investigation Research is the heirs of our party,It is the basic skills to do a good job of various tasks。Take Daxing Investigation and Research as an important content,It is a distinctive feature of this theme education。We need to insist on investigating the way,Use the new situation of the party's innovation theory、Solve new problems,Continuously obtain new regular understanding。

The Party Central Committee's work plan for investigation and research in the whole party,Focus on fully implementing the 20th spirit of the party、Promote high -quality development,Determined the main content of 12 aspects。Leaders at or above the county level should close these contents,Determine the specific topic for the most prominent difficulties in related fields or work,Carry out a special survey with the purpose of solving problems。Team members need to receive a research。Using Xi Jinping's world view of socialist thought with Chinese characteristics in the new era、Methodism and Positioning Perspective Methods,In -depth analysis of the problem,Fully discussion verification,Put forward countermeasures。Full research after full research、More mature survey opinions,It must be transformed into ideas and policy measures for promoting work in time。Party organizations at all levels must organize party members、Cadres go to the front line to investigate。To combine the discovery and problem solving,Focus on promoting the solution of a batch of development needs、Reform Institute urgently、Hope at the grassroots level、Questions that people are going。Establishing a list of survey results transformation,Enhanced effect assessment,To prevent research for research,Can't use a survey report instead of the research results,Can't just investigate and study、Do not solve the problem。

Investigation and research must achieve practical results,The key is the method to head。6 ways to propose in the work plan of the Party Central Committee,That is a strategic survey related to the global situation、Countermeasure survey of cracking complex problems、Prospective research in the new era and new situation、Tracking survey of major work projects、Anatomical survey of typical cases、Investigation survey that promotes implementation。These must be well used。The party's leader has set a glorious example for us in this regard。Comrade Mao Zedong drafted the "Hunan Peasant Movement Inspection Report" after 32 days of investigation,General Secretary Xi Jinping traveled to the province in Zhejiang to propose the "eight -eight strategy"。We have to study carefully、Look at Qi。General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed a survey and research "Deep、Real、fine、quasi、Effect "Five -character Tips,Keep in mind、See you all in the line。

We must vigorously improve the style,Adopt the "Four Nothing and Two Strains" method,More difficulties、Concentration of opinions of the masses、The work and units that cannot be held at work will conduct a survey。Resolutely prevent the show、Bonsai style and dragonfly dot water -type survey。Strict implementation of the eight regulations of the central government and its implementation rules,Strengthening coordination,Preventing a pile survey、Multi -head research、Repeat research,Do not add a burden to the grassroots。

  Three, effectively solve outstanding problems

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech,To learn while learning、side control、View while viewing、Rectification of the side,The problem rectification through the theme education is always,Let the people really feel the actual results of solving problems。This theme education must adhere to the problem -oriented,Run the problem、Learn with questions、Change to the problem,Solve the real problem、Really solve the problem。

  Find the prominent problem.Detaiders Xi Jinping's new era of socialist thought with Chinese characteristics,Seriously finding the team and individuals are implementing the party's central decision -making deployment,Implementation of new development concepts、Build a new development pattern、Promote high -quality development,problems existing in duties and other aspects。System sorting out the problems developed and developed、Promoting problems encountered in development、The public reflected strong problems,and inspecting inspections、List the problem list one by one,List the problem list one by one。To politics、Thought、Ability、style、Discipline and other aspects of party spirit analysis,Find the cause and gap from the root。Party spirit analysis cannot be a thousand people,Can't make a template "General Article"。

  We must carry out rectification and rectification solidly.Questions on the checked,To promote the most serious spirit of the Communists,Establish rectification measures one by one,Can be changed immediately,Clear and specific measures that cannot be solved for a while、Rectification time limit、Responsibility division,Forefrexy、One grasp to the end。This theme education clarifies the special rectification task,All departments and units in various regions must combine actual,Reflecting the masses is strong、Outstanding problems that have not been resolved for a long time,Develop a special rectification plan,Implementation of single management、Hanging account sales number。Special rectification plan and implementation,We must report to the party members and the masses in an appropriate manner,Actively accept supervision。To combine "changing the current" and "long -term stand",Grasp the establishment of chapters,CICF rectification and rectification effectiveness。Rectification and rectification should prevent the transformation、Avoid the weight、Avoid realization,Prevent surface articles、Digital rectification or even falsify。The Office of the Central Theme Education Leading Group Establish Rectification and Rectification Group is responsible for this work,For typical cases and special rectification staged results,Take an appropriate way to report。

  To have a high -quality democratic life meeting.Democratic life will be the "Samadhi True Fire" of the party spirit。Before the end of theme education,Leaders at or above the county level should hold a special democratic life meeting,Grassroots party organizations hold a special organization life meeting。Party member、Cadres must put themselves in、Put my responsibilities in、Put the job in,Deep searching the gap,Political dust in cleaning thoughts。Criticism and self -criticism must have the taste of the party,Red face sweat、Detox treatment,Do not replace criticism with work suggestions、Replace personal problems with team problems、Use work issues to replace ideological problems。The Party Committee (Party Group) is mainly responsible for comrades presided over the drafting team to check the material,The members of the team must contact the actual outline of the speech,Report mainly responsible comrades to control。To resolutely prevent patchwork、Plagiarism、Write a special democratic life meeting and organizational life meeting material behavior。

General Secretary Xi Jinping explicitly request,The departments of the central and state organs should do a good job of education and rectification of cadre teams in the theme education。This is an important measure to promote the party's comprehensive and strict party in the new era and new journey in the new era。Generally, insist on starting from actual,Combined with outstanding problems and typical cases investigated and dealt with in recent years,Against three、Comparison view,The review and rectification of theme education is organically combined,If you have any problems, solve it。Focus on "strengthen political loyalty、Rectification of prominent problems、Improve strict management system、Construction Model Organization "target,Focus on solving the impure thought、Organization and other prominent problems,Theoretical learning in theme education、Investigation Research、Promoting development、View rectification、Education and rectification related content in key measures and other key measures,The deployment of integrated theme education for promotion。The work plan of the Party Central Committee will print and distribute the education and rectification of the cadre team,Make specific arrangements,The departments of the central and state organs should formulate an implementation plan from the actual departure,Coordinated in the theme education。Pay attention to grasping policy,Grasp the warning education。The Office of the Central Theme Education Leading Group Office and the Central Guidance Group must strengthen supervision and guidance。Cadre team education and rectification work is strong,Stable advance in the specific implementation,Prevent layers from layer,Prevent forms、Passing the field。

  Fourth, flutter your body to really do it

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech,It is necessary to closely focus on high -quality development of the primary task of comprehensively building a socialist modern country,To strengthen theoretical learning guidance development practice,To deepen investigation and research to promote the solution of development problems,Implementation and investigation into the various tasks of the 20th major deployment of the party,The theme educational results of the new results inspection to promote high -quality development。This theme education general requirements m88 com live casino registerm88 slot machine casinoare clearly "re -practice、Building New Gong ",There are "practical responsibility to promote development" in the specific goals,"Promoting Development" in the work arrangement,Dingxing is the same,It is to educate and practice both hands、Two Promotion,Reform the objective world at the same time when transforming the subjective world。

  First, we must fully promote high -quality development.This is an important force point for theme education。The 20th National Congress of the Party made a comprehensive deployment of strategic tasks and major measures in the next 5 years,To continuously deepen understanding in theme education,Take out specific measures to implement the implementation of the unit and the unit of the region,Clear timetable、Roadmap、Responsibility Letter,Step by step forward。Especially for complete、Accurate、Comprehensively implement the new development concept,Finding the entry point of its own services and integrating the new development pattern in combination with the actual situation、Exercise point。According to "Broken Difficulty Questions、Promoting Development "Requirements,Lifting shortcomings and weaknesses restricting high -quality development,Take out the real hard trick to solve the problem。Current,To expand domestic demand、Deepen the supply -side structural reform、Construction of a modern industrial system、Promote key tasks such as rural revitalization,Anchor target is really hard -working,Put down and be a good "Captain Construction Captain",Grasp the implementation of the spirit of nails。Leading teams and leading cadres at all levels should plan from actual planning to promote career and work,Not good, high and far away,Not separated from actual。We must adhere to politics and expensive,Promoting "You don't have to be in me、The spirit of merit must have me ",A blueprint draw to the end,Prevent the impulse of political performance "Angle track"。Establish a demonstration post of party members、Party responsibility area,Carry out commitment promises、Job training、Evidence such as than learning,Guide party members、Cadre responsibilities and responsibilities、Actively actively。

  Two to continuously enhance ability skills.To party members、For cadres,Theme education is a shortcoming、The rare opportunity for strong skills。The first is to enhance political ability,Through strict ideological tempering and political experience,Constantly improving political judgment、Political understanding、Political Execution。Enhance the ability to perform duties,Efforts to master all aspects related to the work of the job,Become a expert、Leadership of the Bank。Enhance the ability of the service to serve the masses,Put Hui people's livelihood、Warm people heart、Shun people's work to achieve the hearts of the masses。Now the risk challenges facing our country are many,All kinds of "Black Swan"、"Gray Rhino" incident may occur at any time。To enhance the ability to prevent and resolve risks,Persist in the bottom line thinking,Enhance the consciousness of worry,Promoting the spirit of the struggle,Always be vigilant and prevent politics、Economy、Society、A major risk that may occur in ideology and other aspects,Strengthen tracking and judgment and emergency response,Make it in my heart、There are strategies in your hands、Copy effective。

  Third to promote the practical style of seeking truth.To cure formalism、bureaucracy placed in a more prominent position,Out of the actual "organization"、Let's go below for the disadvantages of work style without reporting.、Salm of Behavior,Come a big sweep。Promoting party members、Cadres establish the correct view of power、Performance concept、Care view,To tell the truth、Practical Things、Seeking practical effect,Do not engage in those flower fists embroidered legs、55221_55231。

  5. Strive to make the masses affordable

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech,To educate and guide the majority of party members、Cadres firmly establish the people -centered development idea,Persist in everything for the people、All rely on the people,Consciously ask the people、Ask to be in the people,Always breathe with the people、Common destiny、Heart Heart。We need to take practical education for private affairs as an important content of theme education,Take the mass line of the party in the new era,Solve the problem of the people's urgency and sorrow,Let theme education deeply rooted in people's hearts、Touched people's heart、Inspirational heart。

  To persist in opening the door for education.Carry out theme education,Can't "talk about yourself"、"Self -Playing and Singing"。To open the door to the masses,Mobilize the enthusiasm of the masses,Take individual interviews、Opening a symposium and other ways,Collect the opinions of the masses、Reflect、reflected in theme education。At the same time,Key measures to explain to the masses clearly、Rectification status, etc.,Consciously accept the supervision of the masses,Let the masses evaluate。

  It is necessary to use the heart to do practical things and solve problems for the masses.Actively respond to the concern of the masses,Drawing on "the people call something、I have something "、"Rescue of the Capture" and other experience practices,Focus on employment、Education、Medical、Tobbing、Outstanding questions such as pension,Create a ledger,Grasp the implementation one by one,At the same time, improve the institutional mechanism of solving people's livelihood problems,Let the masses see、Touch it、Have a sense of gain。To persist in doing your best、Delivery,Do not mention actual goals,No short check。Nothing can be labeled for private affairs,It can not be simply replaced by the conventional action that should be done as private practical affairs。

  We must organize party members and cadres to contact the serving the masses directly.Implementation of party members and leaders directly contact the masses,How deeply penetrates the grassroots、In -depth contact point,Sitting on a bench with the masses,Listen to both Shunfeng and listen to reverse ear words。Questions that are generally concerned about the masses,To answer the questions in time、Solving doubts、Resolve contradictions。We must carry out a wide range of party members' volunteer services,Guide party members in serving the masses、Dedicated society play a role。

  Six, compact and compact leadership responsibility

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech,This theme education is a big event related to the overall situation,Time、Mission weight、Requirement high。Party committees (party groups) at all levels should attach great importance to,Adhere to high standards and high quality,Make sure to successfully complete the tasks of theme education.。Central theme education leadership group has been established,Work under the leadership of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee。Party committees (party groups) at all levels should be in accordance with the requirements of the Party Central Committee,Hurry up to establish the theme education leadership group,Main responsible comrades must grab,Performing the responsibility of the first responsible person。The Office of the Leading Group is responsible for daily work,To strengthen work coordination and policy guidance。Members of the leading group must give full play to their functions,Form working together。The competent department of the industry system should strengthen the guidance and supervision of the theme education of the industry in the industry。Current,Some departmental units also involve institutional reform,Some units need to accept a new round of central inspections,To carry out the theme education and implement institutional reform tasks、Do a good job of inspection work overall arrangements,Prevents taking care of it、Singles。

This theme education will not be scheduled、No section,5 key measures to advance,The purpose is to combine learning and doing from the beginning、Check and change it、Unified break and stand together,Improve theme education effect。Party committees (party groups) at all levels must be scientifically grasped,Carefully formulate an implementation plan。Two batch of theme education should be connected,The rectification tasks of the first unit,The second batch of units should actively cooperate; the second batch of "manifested in the grassroots、Genzi is on it "and problems that are difficult to solve by the grassroots alone,The first batch of units must take the initiative to claim、Form "Round"、Solving together。

The first batch of theme education,The Party Central Committee will send 58 guidance groups,The party group (party committee) of the provincial and district party committees and industry system authorities must also set up a tour guidance group。The guidance group and the tour guidance group must position the accuracy,Take a tour guidance、Random spot check、Sinking visit、Symposium and interviews,Supervise and guidance of theme education for various departments and units in various regions,To be in place is not offside、Guidance is not included。Study and improve with the areas and departmental units they are directed、View the rectification "Answers to the same question"。To take the lead in strengthening theoretical learning,Get the good point,Full of responsibility,Inadequate work must be corrected in time。There is no guidance group in the city and county level,The provincial tour guidance team is responsible for supervision and guidance。

To do a good job of theme education evaluation and summary。Through comprehensive self -evaluation through the leadership team、Guidance Group Research and Analysis、Office random spot checks and other methods,Evaluate theme education effect。The annual assessment of the leadership team and leading cadre、The Party Secretary of the Party Organization arrested the party's construction of the professional review and assessment,The development of theme education should be used as an important content。

Finally, emphasize a little bit,Theme education should focus on practical results、Improve quality up and down,Never walk through the field、Screaming slogan、Placing a flower shelf。Not writing reading notes、Experience, experience, etc. Pure hard requirements,Don’t be required to fill in the materials at the grassroots level,Strictly control the number of briefings,Strictly control the trace management of the carrier of the network platform。It is necessary to predict the formalism that may occur in advance、Effective prevention、Resolutely overcome。Strictly prevent various "low -level red"、"Advanced Black"。To adhere to positive publicity and guidance,Summarize and promote good experience,Choose Tree Advanced Typical,Create a good public opinion atmosphere。

Comrades,80 years ago,Comrade Mao Zedong made a call at the Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee,"Come to a whole party's learning competition"。Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,General Secretary Xi Jinping repeatedly requested,"A big study in the whole party"。In -depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideological theme education,It is a new learning competition in the whole party、A new big study。We must unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,With a high sense of political responsibility and solid work style,Organize theme education organization for development,To comprehensively build a socialist modernization country、Comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation to inject more powerful power。


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