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The story of General Secretary Xi Jinping cares about science and technology workers
2023-05-30 People's Daily 点击:[]

      Career development, we must innovate;

The way of innovation is only the one.

In the 20th report of the party,General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized,We must adhere to technology as the first productive force、Talent is the first resource、Innovation is the first power。

Careful care,Deep instruction,Handle expectations,Moving story between General Secretary Xi Jinping and science and technology workers,Show the sincere and sincere feelings of the Party Central Committee for science and technology workers,It is a strategic painting for building a strong country for technology。

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"The fundamental source of national scientific and technological innovation is people"

Selected seeds、Fertilization、Test data ... 6 am in the morning,West Fanzhuang Village, Pinggu District, Beijing,Graduate Wang Wenxin, a graduate student at the Science and Technology College of China Agricultural University。For more than a year,She and her classmates assisted in the village to create 150 acres of smart farms。

On the eve of May 4th Youth Day,Wang Wenxin and the classmates received a special reply,The money is "Xi Jinping"。General Secretary said in the letter: "Knowing that everyone has established the science and technology houses established through the school,Deep in the field and the village farmhouse,To solve people's livelihood in serving the revitalization of the countryside、Governance,I am very pleased。”

In the winter season of 1983,Hebei Agricultural University Zhengding College Students received a letter from Xi Jinping, then Secretary of the Zhengding County Party Committee。Write in the letter:

"Although the wave of 'technology fever' is booming in rural areas,But the heart is more than enough,Talents are even more insufficient! "" Rural urgently requires farm college students,Agricultural college students are also inseparable from rural。”

From getting rid of poverty to rejuvenating villages,Two letters of 40 years apart,An idea is always firm: Let the masses live a good life,The key one is the promotion and application of modern science and technology,It is a special talent who relies on these specialized science and technology。

Scientific Research Institute、University、High -tech enterprises ... Since entering the new era,General Secretary Xi Jinping always cares about the training of science and technology talents,A few times with science and technology workers face face -to -face。

Qianqiu Jiye, talent -based.

"I used to work at Zhengding,Just know that this is a very important one in our National Scientific Research Institute,Jiu Yang's name! "

May 12, 2023,General Secretary Xi Jinping, who is inspected in Hebei, came to the Institute of Basic Research of China Electricity Industry in Shijiazhuang。

Just arrived,General Secretary Xi Jinping communicates cordially on the comrades of the same research institute,This makes each science and technology worker present feel very warm。

More than 40 years ago,When I first arrived in Zhengding, Hebei,Comrade Xi Jinping feels deeply in the investigation,Talent scarcity is a large short board of Zhengding development。

To crack this problem,Comrade Xi Jinping formulated the "Talent Nine Articles" to recruit virtuous nask,In more than a year,More than 700 letters fly to Zhengding,More than 200 talents settled in the ancient city。

This time in Shijiazhuang,General Secretary Xi Jinping also said to science and technology workers with a lot of words: "Science and technology strong country,cannot be separated from the technology of technology、Technology square。”

Scientific and technological innovation relies on talents, and national development depends on talents.

In Fujian,There is a good story of "grass into gold"。

November 19, 2021,When attending the third "Belt and Road" construction symposium,General Secretary Xi Jinping recalled a past more than 20 years ago。

During work in Fujian,Xi Jinping received the visited Governor of Papua New Guinea East Highland。"I introduced him to the technology of bacteria,This governor is very interested at it when he hears it。I sent the Lin Zhanzheng in "Shan Haiqing" to go。”

Lin Zhanzheng is a prototype of an agricultural expert in the TV series "Shanhai Love",It is also the pioneer of fungal grass technology。Under the promotion of Comrade Xi Jinping,Morphic grass technology is included in the Fujian poverty alleviation collaboration project,Drive the people to become rich。After the meeting,Soon,Lin Zhanzheng went to Nan Tai to promote fungi。

2000,A special awards meeting was held in the Fujian Provincial Government。This is an award meeting specially awarded for a person,It is also the first time in Fujian to record first -class skills for science and technology workers。

The winner is Lin Zhanzheng。Award for him,It is then Governor Xi Jinping。

Awards meeting,Comrade Xi Jinping Kai Zongyi: "Our scientific and technological intellectuals can only combine our own cleverness and wisdom,Only to create the world's attention、Excellent contribution to the people welcomes the people "。

From the blooming West Sea land to the ocean across the sea,With Xi Jinping's personal care and promotion,Little "Chinese Grass" has now grown to benefit the "m88 online bettingHappy m88 com live casino registerGrass" that benefits more than 100 countries。

Gongcai cherish talents,Always full of affection for technology workers。

November 17, 2017,General Secretary Xi Jinping also took a group photo with more than 600 representatives who participated in the National Spiritual Civilization Construction Commendation Conference,When I saw Academician Huang Xuhua in their 90s standing among the representatives,General Secretary pulls his hand,Smile and ask him to sit by his side。

In the New Year's Congratulations in 2019,General Secretary Xi Jinping said emotionally: "At this moment,I want to mention some shiny names。This year,There are more ‘Nanren East Star’ ”。The general secretary of the general secretary let the story of "Father of the Eye" spread all over thousands of households。

Academician Yuan Xun Sun Jiadong, who had been on the space with aerospace for a lifetime,,I can't forget the scene of General Secretary Xi Jinping's presence of the "Medal of the Republic"。

September 29, 2019,At the awarding ceremony held in the Great Hall of the People,Sun Jiadong is not good because of his legs and feet,Sitting in a wheelchair。

"At that time,General Secretary Xi Jinping walks on my left,The pace is firm and powerful,But he pays special attention to the step,Walk parallel with me。This detail,Let me feel kind、Glory! "Recall this scene,Sun Jiadong's memory is still fresh。

Talent for talents, inspire science and technology workers to move forward.

April 10, 2023,General Secretary Xi Jinping went to Zhanjiang, Guangdong to inspect,Speaking of his past thing he worked in Fujian。

More than 30 years ago,Comrade Xi Jinping, then Secretary of the Ningde Land Committee,Make a instructions on the "Report on the Development of the East Mumframe and Fish Breeding Technology" submitted by Liu Jiafu, a local big yellow croaker breeding technology expert,,Requires concentrated power to conduct scientific research。

"This timely rain,Provides ideas and funding support for deepening research for big yellow croakers.,More confidence and strength to the continuous research of our technology workers。"" Liu Jiafu, who is now the year of 耄耋。

From "small bacteria" to "big yellow croaker",E -selected talents、Breaking the conventional talent,The new results in the laboratory have become the "rich fruit to the rich" of the people。

"The innovative career calls for innovative talents."

June 2014,General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the opening meeting of the Academician Conference of the two hospitals: "Realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,The more talents, the better,The bigger the ability, the better。”

September 2020,General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at a scientist forum: "The fundamental source of national science and technology innovation is people。”

May 2021,General Secretary Xi Jinping at the Academician Conference of the two hospitals、The Top Ten of the Chinese Association of Science and Technology pointed out: "my country must realize high -level technology self -reliance,In the final analysis, it depends on high -level innovative talents。”


On the new journey,The majority of science and technology workers are struggling to fight for the direction guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping。

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"The key is to improve scientific and technological innovation ecology"

March 10, 2023,The first session of the 14th National People's Congress voted for the decision on the reform plan of the State Council。

"Establishing the Central Science and Technology Commission" "Re -establish the Ministry of Science and Technology" ...

In the "Reform Plan for Party and State Institution","Strengthen the central government of the Party Central Committee for the centralized unified leadership of scientific and technological work,Coordinated to promote the construction of the national innovation system and the reform of the scientific and technological system ",Become a key focus in this important deployment。

Release the innovative vitality with reform,Let more thousand -mile Madrid galloping。

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,General Secretary Xi Jinping takes the reform of the scientific and technological system as the focus of comprehensive deepening reform,Leading、Deploy in person,Many major scientific and technological system reform issues point to the ideological obstacles and institutional barriers to eliminate scientific and technological innovation,Stimulate the enthusiasm of science and technology workers、Creativity。

"The essence of people, it will be stored widely."

In the heart of General Secretary Xi Jinping,The general direction of the national innovation system must be captured,Specific things involved in science and technology workers must also be controlled。

Facing my busy work arrangement,The "Republic Medal" winner, Academician Zhong Nanshan, is helpless: "I sometimes have to 'platform'、Take a video! "Such troubles,Many technology workers have encountered。

"Various types of scenery、Interest activities less scientific and technological personnel to participate,It will not cause any losses! You must not let the technology personnel spend a lot of time welcoming some unnecessary sending to the event,flowers on unnecessary review and evaluation activities,Flower in formalism、All activities of bureaucracy! "

May 28, 2021,At the Academician Conference of the two hospitals、The Top Ten of the Chinese Association of Science and Technology,General Secretary Xi Jinping's Remembering Love Trust,Talk about the voices of the majority of science and technology workers,Treating strong resonance inside and outside the venue。

m88 best betting website"my country's science and m88 live casino and sports bettingtechnology team contains huge innovative potential,The key is to effectively release this potential through deepening the reform of the scientific and technological system。"General Secretary Xi Jinping's words throwing sound。

Reform always adheres to the word "dare",Dare to meet the difficulties,Dare to take the world first。

During 10 years,Institutionality of supporting comprehensive innovation、Basic framework is basically established,Institutional mechanism is more suitable for the needs of scientific and technological development and the demands of scientific researchers:

"Unveil the List" and "Horse Racing" supports scientists boldly explore,More young scientists pick up the beams in major scientific research tasks;

to break the "Thesis、Lifetime title、Education、The phenomenon of the "Four Wei" and "New Standard" as a breakthrough,Relax for scientific researchers、Burid reduction;

With innovative value、Ability、The contribution -oriented talent evaluation system is being established,Activate the "one pond spring water" of activation of scientific and technological innovation;


Build higher technology business buildings,It is the strategic requirement proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping。

September 11, 2020,At a special scientist symposium,Talent issues become focus topics。Each spokesman feels thousands of emotions、Speech sincerely。

Suggestion of Academician Yao Yizhi,Create a complete talent training chain,Cultivation of Chinese talent creation ability。

Academician Shi Yigong reported the construction progress of West Lake University,Looking forward to becoming a cutting -edge technology incubator and top talent training base。


General Secretary Xi Jinping intervened from time to time,Records sometimes。General Secretary said: "We are the same! The fundamental source of national science and technology innovation is people。Ten years of trees,Centennial Tree Man。”

Attract and cultivate top talents,General Secretary thinks profound: "On this question,We are going bigger for our steps。The step is bigger and the courage is a bit bigger,Introduction to more open、More flexible mechanism。”

Care about technology workers,General Secretary Xi Jinping is fine。

Many technology workers in Zhejiang recall,During the work of work in Zhejiang,Is our "Logistics Minister",Is the "Mother family" of scientific and technological talents。He always sent the "warm wind" and "thermal air" to scientists,Together with everyone, take the "cold bench" hot。

November 17, 2005,Dr. Ding Liechi, who has developed new drugs in Hangzhou for nearly three years,After a few nights of tangles,Decided to write a letter to Comrade Xi Jinping, then the secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee。

Since returning to China,Ding Lieming and the team overcome many difficulties,Completed a pre -clinical study of a new type of lung cancer targeting medicine。But,I didn’t get the approval,Clinical trials cannot be advanced。

Urgent under burning,This letter written to the Provincial Party Secretary,Become the "Last Hope" of Ding Lieming and the team。

Surprint of Ding Lienessed,Only 5 days later,Comrade Xi Jinping made instructions on this letter,Paddling the line in the key point in the letter。

According to the requirements of Comrade Xi Jinping,Zhejiang Economic and Trade Commission、Provincial Food and Drug Administration and other departments related leaders came to Ding Lingming's team,Understand the progress of new drug research and development and corporate needs,and actively coordinate with relevant national departments,Promote the acceleration of approval。

The road of scientific research is obstructive and long,This concern,illuminated the road of dreaming of Ding Lingming。

Ding Liming relied on this project,Won the first prize of the 2015 National Science and Technology Progress Award。

In the Great Hall of the People,When General Secretary Xi Jinping met with the award -winning representative,Ding Liming excitedly expressed his heart to the General Secretary: "We are grateful to the motherland from our hearts,It is a platform and opportunity for the motherland to better realize our value ... "

This is the first time Ding Lieming communicated with General Secretary Xi Jinping.,The eyes encouraged by the General Secretary,Make him unforgettable for a long time,more inspired him to bury the head of scientific research。

Innovative talents are like excellent seeds,Very rare,Give special care。

April 2003,Xi Jinping, who was the secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, went to the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences for investigation,I heard that agricultural scientific and technological personnel are facing difficulties and treatment issues in scientific and technological innovation,Xi Jinping knows the relevant situation in detail。Not long after the survey,These problems are solved。

General Secretary Xi Jinping is very concerned about the first nuclear weapon development base in our country -the retired employees of the State -owned 221 Factory,Make important instructions multiple times,Requires to solve the difficulties and problems encountered in the life of retirees。

Now,The retired employees of the 22nd Factory are treated well,Seeing a doctor more worry -free,Relevant units also repaired employee housing,Beautiful community environment,Life is more comfortable。

From 2017,my country will set up May 30 as "National Science and m88 live casino and sports bettingTechnology Worker m88 online bettingDay"。For a few years,On this special day,,General Secretary Xi Jinping has delivered important speeches or letters,Care for the national science and technology workers with sincere greetings。

General Secretary Xi Jinping requires leading cadres at all levels to "take the initiative to lead to solve problems for science and technology workers、loosening burden、Come on Drumming,Putting a series of strategic deployment of the Party Central Committee on scientific and technological innovation is implemented "。

Now,Talents of the World Gathering Shenzhou、The vivid situation of the freedom of the free cream is being formed,More than 90 million technology workers nationwide are fighting for high -level technology independence and self -reliance。

The heavy responsibility given by the times

"The majority of scientific and technological workers in our country are a big deal"

May 23, 2023 12:30,Various Mount Everest witness history again,13 scientific examination players in my country successfully reached the top of Mount Mount Mount。

6 years ago,The second Qinghai -Tibet Plateau Comprehensive Scientific Investigation Study was started,General Secretary Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter,Encourage everyone "to carry forward the older generation of scientists hard work、Unite and forge ahead、The Spirit of Yong Climbing Peak "。

Unlimited scenery in Dangerous Peak,For technological innovation,This is the same。

"There is no flat avenue in science,Only those who are not afraid of hard work along the steep mountain road,Only the apex that hopes to reach the glorious。Only those who are not afraid of hard work along the steep mountain road,Encourage science and technology workers to climb the peak。

Yin Yin looks forward to igniting the ambitions that dare to create.

January 19, 2021,General Secretary Xi Jinping took the Beijing -Zhang high -speed rail to the Zhangjiakou Division of the Beijing Winter Olympics for inspection。At Prince City Station,General Secretary pointed out: "One of the successful examples of my country's independent innovation is the high -speed rail,From nothing to,From introduction、digestion、Rehabilitation and innovation to independent innovation,Now leading the world。”

These words,Let the deputy chief designer of the "Fuxing" smart EMU of the Jingzhang high -speed rail Zhu Yan particularly inspiring。

July 17, 2015,General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Zhu Yan where China CRRC Changchun Rail Bus Co., Ltd. was inspected。General Secretary boarded the assembly high -speed EMU,Understand performance、Facilities、Operation operation,Encourage everyone to "seize the opportunity、By the situation "。

A few months later,Construction of the Beijing Zhang high -speed rail,The target aims at built the world's most advanced smart high -speed railway。This speed,Beyond the highest speed of high -speed rail operation at that time,Design and development without ready -made experience can learn from。

Don't give up day and night、Gathering Cover。Zhu Yan's team made a new design for air resistance issues,The resistance of the "Fuxing" has been reduced by 11%compared to the "Harmony"。

December 30, 2019,my country's independently designed and constructed Jingzhang high -speed rail open operations。

"1909,Jingzhang Railway was completed; 2019,Jingzhang high -speed rail traffic。Breakthrough from the independent design and construction to the world's most advanced level,From 35 kilometers per hour to 350 kilometers,Jingzhang Line witnessed the development of the Chinese railway,It has also witnessed the leap of China's comprehensive national strength。"" "Opening operation,General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions,Deeply clarify the significance of the Beijing Zhang high -speed rail,And warm congratulations to all comrades participating in the planning。

Construction Space Station in space、Have a Chinese "own home",The dream of countless astronauts。

Today, this dream has become a reality.

Shenzhou 10、11th、No. 12,General Secretary Xi Jinping has three times with the astronaut "Tiandi Call" who is performing mission in space。

On the afternoon of November 9, 2016,General Secretary Xi Jinping came to China Manned Aerospace Engineering Command Center,Shenzhou 11 Aerospace officer Jing Haipeng, who is performing mission in Tiangong No. 2、Chen Dong cordially talks。

Seeing that the astronauts are in good condition,General Secretary is very happy。He said: "You unite and collaborate、Welcome to difficulties,Reflected first -class、Excessive quality。”

Jing Haipeng、Chen Dong's triumph,General Secretary Xi Jinping met at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing and the representative of the sophomores of Tiangong and Shenzhou 11.,Talk to them cordially。

From high -speed rail to large aircraft,From manned aerospace to deep sea detection,From quantum information to nuclear power technology ... Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,Technology workers constantly write innovative answers in the new era,my country's scientific and technological innovation has achieved a series of extraordinary achievements of world -renowned attention,Historical cause of the science and technology cause、Platerality、Fortification changes,my country has entered the ranks of innovative countries,Chinese Flying Dream、Scientific dreams extend to a farther sky。

Deep concerns and stimulate patriotism.

"Entering to science,Construction of Great Northwest "。Xingqing Campus of Xi'an Jiaotong University,The Jiaotong University moves in the museum,A license to the Westward Line of the West in 1956,Carrying with passionate burning memories。

April 22, 2020,General Secretary Xi Jinping walks m88 slot machine casinointo the Museum of Migration m88 live casino gamesWestward,I met with 14 professors westward。

"Move from the Huangpu River to the coast of Weishui,You will start with your backpack,She Xiaojia Gu Gu。​​Jiaotong University's westward movement for the entire country and nation、For the strategic layout of the western development,The meaning is very significant。”

General Secretary Xi Jinping encourages teachers and students not to forget the original heart、Remember the mission,Continue to carry forward the "spirit of the west",Building merits in the most needed place in the motherland,Inherit the generation of "Migration West" from generation to generation。

Call for Li Siguang in multiple occasions、Qian Sanqiang、Qian Xuesen and other older scientists learn;

Examine South Breeding,A deep admiration "Comrade Yuan Longping is a model";

Meet the "Sky Eye" team,Sinity "I hope everyone will take Mr. Nanren Dong as an example";

Backtracks and encouraged the team of Huangda Nian -style teachers across the country、"Luoyang Youth Commando" player ...

General Secretary Xi Jinping is full of affectionate conversations、Emphasized instructions again and again,Stimulate and condense the majority of science and technology workers "I have a big me、Repairing the country "of the spiritual power。

Optorizing in order to gather the surging motivation of hard work.

Gaoye Mao, tied to the deep.

The generation and transmission of three -dimensional videos -Liu Liming, a doctoral student at Peking University's computer application technology, is launching a challenge to this cross -disciplinary field。A young man with General Secretary Xi Jinping in a young age,Let him grow from a "small fan fan" into youth science and technology talents。

On the eve of Teacher's Day 2016,General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Beijing Bayi School for inspection。Liu Liming, who is studying in the second year of high school, demonstrated the popular science satellite model made by the General Secretary and his classmates。

"You have cultivated scientific literacy since middle school,Development interest,Put a solid foundation,In the future, I will continue to study in college in the future,Coherent,This is good。"General Secretary Xi Jinping told the students to tell him when the small satellites were launched。

More than three months later,Liu Liming and the classmates wrote letters to General Secretary Xi Jinping,Report the message that the small satellite is about to launch,I quickly received a reply from the General Secretary: "The enthusiasm and courage of climbing the peak of technology make me feel comfortable"。

December 28 That year,This small satellite is launched。The joy of success is like "Qi Xing",Lead Liu Liming on the road to scientific exploration.。

General Secretary Xi Jinping deeply pointed out: "We must attach great importance to the growth of young science and technology talents,Make them the main force of scientific and technological innovation。”

The average age of young talents participating in the "Chang'e 5" mission is 32.5 years,The youngest system commander was born in 1996.,The overall design team of the Rockets is less than 30 years old ...

Care of General Secretary Xi Jinping、Guidelines,More and more young talents thrive in the front line of scientific and technological innovation,Surging wave of constructing a strong country of science and technology。

The seeds of innovation have been sowed,Innovative Chinese vitality。

Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,my country's majority of science and technology workers are confident、Italian、Can continue to climb the peak of science,To comprehensively build a socialist modernization country、Comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation to contribute greater power!

      "People's Daily" (May 30, 2023   Edition 01)

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