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Central Spirit
"Responsible for history, responsible for the people"
—— General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected and hosted a special symposium on a special symposium in Inner Mongolia
2023-06-14 People's Daily 点击:[]

      General Secretary Xi Jinping's trip to Inner Mongolia this time,Live four days,Research on the two places、Two meetings。Bayannaoer, who passed in the Yellow River,On the afternoon of the 6th, a symposium for strengthening the comprehensive prevention and treatment of desertification and promotion of "Sanbei" and other key ecological engineering construction symposiums,General Secretary evaluates "iconic meaning"。

Bayannaoer is located in the "Yellow River in the World,Fullying A set of Hejie "River Set Plain。For thousands of years,Forest is in contest sand,Water is in nourishing fields,Rising and sunset,Breaking interest。

Extend the lens。On the territory of China,A west of the Tarim Basin、Wanli Wind Saudi in the east to the west of Songnen Plain,It is the place where China's desertification prevention and "three north" and other key ecological projects are overcome.。

The "Three North" project started in the year of reform and opening up,Delicate "Wanli Fengsha" is "Green Great Wall"。Forty -five years in thorns,General Secretary Xi Jinping's in -depth investigation made a judgment:

"Practice proof,The Party Central Committee's decision -making decision -making on the construction of the project is very correct、Very Far -view,my country has come out of a law that meets the laws of nature、The road of anti -sand and sand with Chinese characteristics that conform to the national feelings。"" "The" Three North Spirit ",Establish an international model of ecological governance。”

Mangye Season。"Zhou Li" said: ",Species of the species。”

The symposium is related to "Zecao",It is also a global measure、State's policy。"Implementing the" Three Norths "project is a major national strategy",It is a Sanbei area with nearly half of China's land area,New hope below。

Sandang control situation is still severe。At the symposium,General Secretary Xi Jinping's Direction、Thoughts、For deployment,The era call of "striving to create a new era in the new era in the new era of China to prevent sand and sand"。

"Strengthen the comprehensive control of desertification,Deepen the construction of key ecological projects such as ‘three north’,It is related to my country's ecological security、Reason for the construction of a strong country、It's about the sustainable development of the Chinese nation "。For the "Large of the Country",General Secretary always rest assured。

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"Large of the Country" is about long -term。Standing in the construction of a strong country、On the new journey of national rejuvenation,How far see the past,How far is possible to foresee the future。

Ecological problems tests historical vision.

Don't worry about it from time to time,After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Inner Mongolia for investigation three times。Every time,All will talk about building an ecological security barrier。This time,He emphasized again,Building an important ecological security barrier in northern my country,is the "big of the country" that Inner Mongolia must keep in mind。

Investigation, discussion, this theme runs through.

5th,Arrive from Beijing to Bayannaoer,Go to Wuliang Suhai first,Watch the water; then go to the modern agricultural demonstration park of the southern coast of Wu Liang Su Haiki,Look at the field。

6th,Go to the state -owned Xinhua Forest Farm, Linhe District,Look at the forest; then go to the water volume information monitoring center of the river cover irrigation area,Look at it。

Afternoon of the same day,Strengthen the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification and promote the construction symposium of key ecological engineering such as "Three Norths",6 provinces and regions from Sanbei region、The main responsible comrades of the relevant departments of the central and state organs attended the meeting。

7th,General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Hohhot,Deep in Central Industrial Park,Look at the green transformation、Innovation Development。

8th,At the Party Committee and Government Work Report Meeting of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,General Secretary focuses on the work emphasized,High -quality development、Ecological Preference、Green development is still "primary" and "guide"。

Along the way,Over -the -oreal,Yellow and green are intertwined、Also compete。Flying bird、Seedlings growing after the improvement of saline -alkali land、The tough and tough tree,There are also web weaving woven from yellow irrigation ... All about this land experienced by yesterday,and what is happening today。

Yiyezhiqiu。Every day of the three north earth is ancient,Also brand new。

In ancient times, Wo Ye Qianli, the grassland is fat.

Silee when time,Popularity increase、The hustle and bustle of plunder development,Climate Change、The whistling sound of sand and dust,Gradually more。Green fades,Yellow Sweeping,Land sand,Gulf vertical and horizontal。

In the 1970s,Sanbei looks like,worrying。

1978 that the "Three Norths" project began to implement,As the curtain of reform and opening up is opened,Under the tide of the era of just over the night,The Party Central Committee is very strategic and historically locking its eyes to 2050 next century,Draw a grand project that spans 73 years。

m88 online bettingm88 slot machine casinoThis project,Including 13 provinces (districts、City) and 725 counties in the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps,Total area of ​​more than 4 million square kilometers。

Time、Geosity、Difficulties、Determine's firm,The world is rare!

Xinhua Forest Farm,General Secretary Xi Jinping walks into the sandy land that is being governed,Jiu Jiu Duan in those years in those years、Trees planted day after day。Deep Sanda、Yewang to the sky。The General Secretary is quite emotional: "The construction of a major ecological engineering such as the construction of the protection forest system like the‘ three north ’protection forest system,Only under the leadership of the Communist Party of China。The ecology of the Sanbei area is very fragile,Sand prevention is a long -term historical task,We must continue to grasp this job,It is worthy of our ancestors and offspring。”

"You can afford our ancestors and offspring",Dedicated commitment,Carrying on the shoulders of the Chinese Communists in the new era。

Ten Years of the New Era,Ecological civilization construction is placed at an unprecedented height。A big party that is determined to be in Qianqiu Weiye,A series of fundamental nature、Pioneering、Long -term work,Great Slave、Great strength、The results are unprecedented。

Xi Jinping's Ecological Civilization Thought Breeding and guiding practice in practice,The construction of ecological civilization from recognition to practice has occurred historic、turning sex、Global changes。

Following the footprint of the General Secretary,Look at Sanbei。Inner Mongolia、Hebei、Shaanxi、Gansu、Qinghai、Ningxia、Xinjiang ... The sand control is always concerned about the heart。

Wuliang Suhai, which was inspected this time,General Secretary Xi Jinping has also been missing。2021 National Two Sessions,When participating in the review at the Inner Mongolia delegation,General Secretary said: "I have made many instructions in Wu Liang Suhai。Now seeing the governance has achieved obvious results,It will take a long time to do it for a long time。”

For a long time,This is the concept of political achievements of the Communist Party of China。I don’t have to be in me,Gongcheng must have me,In the flow of time, it has precipitated the perspective of the great party and the great powers。

Sanbei looks like,Blue Sky、Bishui、Greenland,Visible visible、Tentacle feel。The key governance zone has realized the historic transformation from "Sand Jinren" to "Green Entering the Sand",Protecting ecology and improving people's livelihood enters a virtuous cycle,Desertized regional economic and social development and ecological appearance have undergone tremendous changes。

At the symposium on the afternoon of the 6th,Tour the past、Look at the present dynasty,General Secretary Xi Jinping's words: "Follow the construction of ecological civilization,The ancestors of the Chinese nation are worthy of the ancestors of the Chinese nation,Under the explanation of our descendants。We must have awe of nature for nature,Grasp the construction of the 'Three North' protective forest system,Responsible for history,Responsible for the people。”

  The systemic concept in "A big game"

"This incident cannot be rested,Can't relax。"" ",General Secretary Xi Jinping will be likely to prevent sand prevention and sand in "Rolling Stone Go Mountain","Roll down without leaving the stone without leaving it"。

my country is one of the most desertification countries in the world,Desertification of land is mainly distributed in the Sanbei region。Here,Sand prevention and sand control face large land area、Distribution Guang、A degree of weight、Difficulty in governance。Drought and less rain、Frequent ecological disasters, etc.,Make it difficult to prevent sand and sand。

45 Years Lan Road Blue Walk,Project construction entering the "hard bone" stage。"my country's desertification prevention and sand prevention and sand control situation is still severe。"General Secretary warned,To further improve the position,Enhance the sense of mission and urgency。

Anchor 2050,Deep cultivation 2021-2030。"A Big Battle",Operations。From 2021 to 2030,It is the sixth phase of the "Sanbei" project construction period,is the key period for consolidating and expanding the results of sand prevention and sand,It is a tackling period to promote the high -quality development of the "Three Norths" project。

"Strive for about 10 years,Fighting a 'Three Norths' Project Tackling Battle "。

73 -year grand plan has been half -way,This 10 years,Monter into the depths of the desert,Fair key,must also be "difficult"。

Treatment "the relationship between overall advancement and key breakthroughs","We must pay attention to the overall plan,Also pay attention to holding the 'cow nose' ",General Secretary's system concept,Map the global view of "a big game",Also attracts the methodology of "with point -to -face"。

At the symposium,General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed to fight three major iconic campaigns: the Yellow River "several words bend" tackling battle,Korqin、Hun Shandack's two sandy land wiped out,Hexi Corridor -The edge blocking war on the edge of the Taklama -Gang Desert。

From the map,Unplug these deep yellow dots,You can connect a section of green line,The "Three North" project will also be connected to the more complete and heavy northern Xinjiang Great Wall、Ecological security barrier。

"Complete function、Jailing is not broken ",This is the current period of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "Three North" project in 2030,It is also a matter of finding the key under m88 live casino gamesm88 slot machine casinothe system concept、Objectives that can be achieved with some breakthroughs。

System concept is also reflected in the grasp of dynamic balance.

Since the founding of New China,Water conservancy construction for decades,Printing the 7 -level irrigation and arranging system that is spreading like human blood on the river in the river。

General Grain from the Plants from the Plain,You can see everywhere in the fields、Several palm -wide hair canal,Under the 7 -level irrigation system,The power of nature can finally "use it for me"。

"People who open the canal,Reserve names eternal、Qingshi leaves name! "General Secretary to this open desert、Runze Wo Ye's irrigation system is amazed。

Time will not stagnate, and it is only time to control the river.

"What do you need to do in the next step?"。

A response to "modern transformation",General Secretary instructions: First, "Gentle Entry" planned investment,Mobilize social forces participation、Mobilize social forces participation。

In Xinhua Forest Farm,Popular tree、Drought Liu、柽liu,Some tree species need to be updated。

General Secretary instructions: "The desert ecosystem is naturally fragile,Dress the whole body。Can not transform the desert in a place where it is not suitable,Can't wait and see、Fear hands and feet。Some deserts can't change well、Can't change,Don’t know what it can't do for it。”

Instructions,Under the philosophy of infiltrating the balance of balance,Extending the overall view of the overall situation。

2021 National Two Sessions,When participating in the Inner Mongolia delegation for review,General Secretary pointed out: "Coordinate the governance of the mountains and water, forests, lakes and sand systems,Add a ‘sand’ character here。”

Add the word,But is a profound interpretation of the systemic concept、"Six must persist" concept essence。

Wuliang Suhai, which is inspected on this trip, is proof.

Before the show board,Local responsible comrades reported the change of governance ideas to the General Secretary: initially "treat water",Devil results。Follow the system governance concept of General Secretary,Mountain、Water、Lin、Tian、Lake、Grass、Sand Fang together to consider coordinating,The pattern and effect are obviously changed。

Poted to more than 90 % of the farmland drainage of farmland drainage in the river -style area,Once the reed flood、Yellow Algae dens,"Disease" is not light。Now,Before the shore,I heard bird language,Walk to the shore of the lake,See Yu Xiang。"Pearl Waiwai Pearl",Relators。

Watch the chess, the heart has the whole game;

At the end of the 1970s,Wind and sand harm is serious,For green,If you have any trees, you can grow any trees,Often ten trees and seven dry。Now,Yi Qiao Zeqiao,Yicao is grass,Apply irrigation,Yisha,Precision Sands and Sand。

"To choose a vegetation recovery mode,Reasonable configuration of the type and density of forest grass planting,Persevere and the combination of trees permeable "。General Secretary Xi Jinping further talked about the issue of scientific and precise configuration at the symposium:

"We are now planning an ecological reserve,Some are economic development zones,Some are farming areas,Forest Grassland is planning,All must be clearly clear,Don't simplify this process,Consider the situation of thousands of differences,To look dialectically,Adactions to local conditions,Coordinated consideration。”

"Three North" project,East -west stretches for more than 4,400 kilometers,Considering the land of more than 9.6 million square kilometers,Its meaning is even more magnificent。

Li Guo is like Zhang Se,It has always been a string phase system、Rhyme stack。

Under this sky,National Strategy Chan Ruo Xingchen。Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei Coordinated Development、Ecological protection and high -quality development of the Yellow River Basin、Development of the West、Base of major strategies such as the revitalization of the Northeast,It is the ecology。and the "Three North" project,is the main position of national ecological restoration。

In the world dimension,Realizing carbon peak carbon neutralization and consensus。Reservoir、Grain Library、Qianku、Carbon Library function,The three -dimensional ecological value that the "Sanbei" project cannot be estimated,Become "Responsibility for actively acting as a major country、A solid base for promoting the establishment of a community of human destiny。

  "Three North Spirit" for a long time

"Yugong Yishan、Dayu Governance,The Chinese nation has fought for thousands of years with natural disasters,Accumulated valuable experience,We will continue to fight。"General Secretary Xi Jinping once talked about the ancient nation's non -yield in the face of natural disasters、Not afraid。

The wrestling of people and sand is also a long journey.

A compete for yellow sand and green shade,is the confrontation of space,It is a spiritual counterpart。

At the symposium,The General Secretary talked about the sand controlrs he had seen for a lifetime: Wang Youde, "Heroes of the Sand Management" in Ningxia,Gansu Eight Step Shalin Farm "Six Old Han",Forests and Mrs. of the Forest Tower of Wanghai Tower, Saihanba Farm ...

Their figure,remit into the three north earth,Ordinary and resolute。China has created the world's largest artificial forest。Shoulder carry、Hand digging,Before the world -class problem of sand prevention,Three North people vowed to use white hair to change oasis。Countless hands full of calluses、Numerous darkened faces,"One stubble one after another,Go forward and then do it ",For a long time,Getting water will eventually wear stones,The final yellow sand dye green。

Along the way,Research、Thinking、Enlightenment,General Secretary Xi Jinping m88 com live casino registeroften feels the wisdom m88 online sports bettingand strength of the people。

In Xinhua Forest Farm,The person in charge pointed at the pile of small particles in the sand and introduced: "This is called‘ bitter beans ’,Old farmers see,I know that sand is in soilization,You can plant crops here in the future。”

General Secretary pointed out: "This is the people in the hard environment,The Spirit of Difficulty。”

At the water amount information monitoring center,General Secretary watching the sand table,Details to learn more about the history of irrigation for more than 2,000 years of irrigation district in the three large -scale irrigation districts in the country。

Governance River is the heavy responsibility of farming civilization。Breeding development in the course of diversion of the Yellow River north,Hetao Irrigation District is in the arms of the Yinshan Mountains,Beginning in Qin Han,"Irrigation field,Getting Natural Power ",Han "Kunzi Bian Bian",Tang "Building the City Solid Border",From the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China,From the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China,"West Exit" folks reclaimed the field for field,赓 Continuing the irrigation district。

Because it is a self -flow diversion control controlled by the gate for a while,Irrigation District "Drought Drimination Water、Water Big Flowing Beach "。After the founding of New China,The Party Central Committee is determined to solve the problem,Build a self -flow water irrigation area。

"The first gate of the Yellow River" of "Thousands of Miles" San Shenggong Water Conservancy Hub,As a result, it was completed。Ten million builders in the Freshman Republic,Use a low thick and thick number sound,Gathering into the history of water conservancy construction。

Time has passed again。Before the sand table,General Secretary Xi Jinping carefully details the 7 -level irrigation system。General Grain Question Irrigue District,Circle blood vessel -like branches deep into the farmland,Water level on each capillaries、The traffic are clearly marked。

Local responsible comrades introduced,Now,Self -flow measurement problems,They have been developed and solved,"Modern transformation will be carried out in the next step"。

"This set of system spends a lot of effort,It is also worth it。It will be used as a century in the future、The millennium base industry is left。"" General Secretary Xi Jinping feels it with feelings,"Seeing the construction of the channel,I am very emotional,One is our unique natural resource condition,Another is the creation of the Chinese people who are hardworking and brave for thousands of years,Very valuable。”

It is not easy to treat water,Difficult to control the sand。Tough Mianqi,Also with the strength of breakthrough、Created wisdom。

Ningxia,Mao Wu Su、Tenggeli、The three major deserts of Badan Jilin surrounded。Plant planting here,Wind scrape,No shadow without a trace。

Also here,Cascidists invented the "Chinese Rubik's Cube" — Mai Cao square,Locking the soil and water,Make plant green possible。

Open the sand control handbook in the Sanbei area,Write the hard work and wisdom of the people: STE、Repair Land、Repair reservoir,Drive Water Lasha,Lock edge fixation,Spiral Diamond Planting Method,Water -saving container planting method ...

General Secretary Xi Jinping deeply pointed out at the symposium: "Adapt to local conditions、Effective governance mode of scientific promotion and application。For more than forty years, we have innovated and explored Ningxia Zhongwei Shapotou Mode、Inner Mongolia's mouthpiece mode,and Kubuqi mode、A large number of effective sand control models such as Koko Model in Xinjiang。”

History will not disappoint those who do it。Piexing Daiyue,Battle Heavenly Fighting Land; open the road in Fengshan,Encountering water frame。saline -alkali land、Desert、Desert Sand,Moving "Shawo",Moving "Poor Nest"。"Three North Spirit" cast it because of people,also changed people。

Where to go,I miss the people to live a good life。

Tianyuti,Questions about the circulation of land for the land for the benefit of farmers,Can the transformation mode of saline -alkali land be copied。Grain Safety,Against national strategic security,Also related to the "rice bag" of millions of households。

Saidi,Think about whether the development of the photovoltaic industry can achieve a win -win situation for the diverse economy。Industrialization of desertification governance,Is a big article。

At the Party Committee and Government Work Report Meeting of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,General Secretary Xi Jinping talked about common prosperity: "Common wealth reflects the requirements of the essence of socialism with Chinese characteristics,But no one can move together like a crab,To encourage some people to get rich first。But the second half of the sentence cannot be forgotten,‘First Fu Belt and Rich’。This is in line with the road of socialist development in our Chinese characteristics,This is how to walk the right path。”

  "Strong Power Construction

Time has opened a new door.

Today,Sanbei changed the world to marvel at the world,The Yellow River runs around the new "Mother River" story,Realizing the "timetable" of carbon peaks and carbon neutrality urges people ...,Green Development、Innovation development is a must -answer questions。

Inner Mongolia has "East Forest and West Iron、Nanliang Bei Mu、Mine everywhere ",17 types of mineral resources find out that the number of reserves nationwide。continues to eat mountains,Still seeking another way?

In the afternoon of the 7th,General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Central Industrial Park in Hohhot City。New Energy、New Material、New Industry,New hope everywhere。

The park has been built for more than ten years,16 semiconductors and photovoltaic industries settled in the settlement among the domestic、International First Block,Here it has M88 Online Live Casinoalso become the exploration m88 online bettingof green transformation and development in the Sanbei region、A microcosm of the road to innovation。

The photoelectric industry developed with photovoltaic boards,It is a vitality army in the new energy industry of Inner Mongolia。Standing in front of the screen,General Secretary inquire about those big projects in the desert,Red line、Blue line intertwined,Except the vitality of new energy development。

"What's the next plan?" The general secretary asked.

Local comrades responsible for the development of the energy industry, such as several treasures: "It is expected to be 2025,Inner Mongolia's new energy installation and power generation,Turn more than 2022,External electricity volume doubles more。”

General Secretary Xi Jinping told them: "Inner Mongolia's energy industry has been mainly coal for a long time、Born due to coal。But the industry is too single,Diversified development is the direction。Energy construction cannot rely on traditional industries,To develop new energy、Clean Energy,Efforts to achieve carbon peak carbon neutralization,Construction of Green China。”

Do something、There is nothing,For China, which has gone through the modernization road that has gone through the developed countries for hundreds of years in just decades,,Do a good job of modern energy economy.,Just at the time。

Introduction to the general secretary left a deep impression: "You said just now,Some of these two or three years have to be doubled,Some overwhelm more。Inner Mongolia is clear in this regard、Road to the head、The prospect is very good,After reading it,Very angry! "

Fortune is far away, and thoughts are often new.

For the decade in the new era,Sanbei earth is in practicing the concept of "green water and green mountains is the golden mountains and silver mountains",Expand the new space of "value -added"。

Silicon wafers are like the "foundation" of photovoltaic boards。In the industrial park,General Secretary Xi Jinping walks into the production workshop,Single Crystal Furnaces such as the queue,The rows of rows are quite spectacular。They run day and night,Out of Silicon Blips,After slice,Made into a solar photovoltaic board。Corporate responsible comrades introduced to the General Secretary: "Not only is domestic demand strong,Also sold overseas。”

In the exhibition hall, a row of transcripts:

The first 12 -inch photovoltaic silicon wafer was released in 2019,Promoting industry technology 5 to 10 years ahead,The cost of photovoltaic electricity is reduced by 6.8%。

Now,Positive aiming for semiconductor monocrystalline silicon localization for science and technology research。

Grasp the new energy industry in one hand,Grab modern equipment manufacturing,The practice of Inner Mongolia is enlightened。Under the change of a century -old change,China's economy has shifted from a high -speed growth stage to a high -quality development stage,Innovation、Green,Not only Chinese -style modernization to today's Times topic,It is also a strategic choice in the international situation of the storm。

"Now,We have to rely on high -level technology to self -reliance、Build a new development pattern to overcome technology difficulties。"General Secretary's eyes are long and long。

In all kinds of foreseeable and unpredictable wind and storm、Among the stormy waves,The most important thing is to do our own thing。General Secretary Xi Jinping's words: "Build a new development pattern,First of all, we must do a good job in the large domestic cycle,This is a strategy for the root cause。‘Dual Cycle’ is not a retreat to lock the country,but when others do not open the door for us,We can survive ourselves、Live better。We open the door,Welcome to cooperate with us。Economic globalization is the avenue,Everyone is the best cooperation and win -win cooperation。”

New era, new journey, big pattern, big strategy.

Dimension of contemporary China on the upper end of the magnificent space -time coordinates、"Time and Time" in the world today,From the overall situation、Long -term、Judgment and decision -making,General Secretary Xi Jinping often talks about the new。This time,He talked about the road to revival in the new situation: "Some countries need to engage in hegemony、Monopoly,Want to let us run with Yong。Our Chinese nation must revive! We want to continue to overcome difficulties,Further floor! "

History has never lived up to the fighters and forgiving.

Centennial struggle,Is the history of pursuing national rejuvenation,It is also a history of constantly exploring the road of modernization。


Green Development,China has established "International model for ecological governance"。At the same time,Not only beautiful China,and the common home of human beings,Looking forward to extensive international exchanges and cooperation; innovation development,China leads development with innovation in open cooperation,Breeding yourself,Benefits the world。

Avenue like,Pedestrian Wujiang。A pioneering business of no ancients,China Exploration, which creates a new form of human civilization,Chinese -style modernization,To the construction of a strong country、The only correct road for national rejuvenation,Is historic,Also global。

    "People's Daily" (June 10, 2023   Edition 01)


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