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Central Spirit
Xi Jinping emphasized during the sixth collective study session of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee to continuously deepen the understanding of the regularity of the party's theoretical innovation and achieve more fruitful theoretical innovation results in the new era and new journey
2023-07-03 Xinhuanet 点击:[]



      。Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, stressed when presiding over the study,The major task of opening up a new realm of adapting Marxism to China and the times,It is the solemn historical responsibility of contemporary Chinese Communists。The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is based on summarizing historical experience,Proposed and elaborated on “two combinations”、“Six Must-Perseverance” and other scientific methods to promote theoretical innovation,Provides fundamental guidance for continuing to promote the party’s theoretical innovation,We must persist、Use it well。

Li Wentang, deputy director of the Central Party School (National School of Administration), explained this issue,Propose work suggestions。Comrades from the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee listened carefully to the explanation,and discussed。

Xi Jinping delivered an important speech after listening to the explanation and discussion。He pointed out,Reviewing the Party’s Centenary History of Struggle,The reason why our party can succeed in the revolution、Construction、Major achievements have been made in various historical periods of reform,Be able to lead the people to complete arduous tasks that are impossible for other political forces in China,The fundamental lies in mastering the scientific theory of Marxism,And continue to promote theoretical innovation in combination with new realities,Acquired Mao Zedong Thought、Deng Xiaoping Theory、Important Thought of "Three Represents"、Scientific Outlook on m88 live casino and sports bettingm88 best betting websiteDevelopment、Major theoretical achievements such as Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Always insist on emancipating the mind、Seek truth from facts、Advance with the times、Seeking truth and being pragmatic,Make Marxism glow with great vitality in China,The party has mastered the powerful power of truth。Why can the Communist Party of China,Why socialism with Chinese characteristics is good,In the final analysis, it is Marxist behavior,It is a Marxist practice that adapts to the times of China。This is the conclusion of history。We must continue to deepen our understanding of the regularity of the party’s theoretical innovation,Achieve more fruitful theoretical innovation results in the new era and new journey。

Xi Jinping emphasized,The major proposition of sinicizing Marxism in China and the times is determined by itself,We must never abandon the soul of Marxism,We must never abandon the roots of China’s excellent traditional culture。Hold on to this soul and root,Is the foundation and premise of theoretical innovation。Theoretical innovation must speak new words,But we can’t lose our ancestors,Forgetting one’s ancestors after reading scriptures is equivalent to cutting off one’s soul and roots,You will eventually make the subversive mistake of losing your soul and roots。We must adhere to Marxism to build the party and the country、The foundation for revitalizing the party and the country remains unshakable,Insist on rooting the country、The fertile historical and cultural soil of our nation will not stop the development of Marxism,Strong confidence in history、Cultural confidence,Insist on serving the past for the present、Innovate with the old,Comprehensive exploration of the treasure house of Chinese civilization of more than 5,000 years under the guidance of Marxism,Use Marxism to activate the vital and outstanding factors in China’s excellent traditional culture and give it new era connotations,Inject the great spirit and rich wisdom of the Chinese nation into Marxism at m88 online bettingm88 online sports bettinga deeper level,Effectively connect the essence of Marxist thought with the essence of China’s excellent traditional culture,Fusion becomes a new theoretical advantage,Continuously climb new ideological peaks。We need to broaden our theoretical horizons,Learn and learn from all the outstanding civilizational achievements of human society with an open mind that embraces all rivers,Absorb excellent ideological and cultural resources from the "total of human knowledge" to innovate and develop the party's theory,Form inclusiveness、Theoretical pattern and atmosphere that draw from the strengths of others。

Xi Jinping pointed out,New issues of the times must be answered promptly and scientifically。Time is the mother of ideas,Practice is the source of theory。All epoch-making theories,They are all products that meet the needs of the times。To observe the times、Seize the times、Theories that lead the times,Must reflect the voice of the times,Never break away from the practice of the times,Must constantly summarize practical experience,Condensate it into the ideological essence of the times。Our promotion of theoretical innovation is theoretical innovation based on practice,Rather than sitting in an ivory tower with fantasy,We must insist on discovering the truth in practice、Developing Truth,Use practice to realize the truth、Test the truth。In the context of an era in which the "two overall situations" are accelerating their evolution and deeply interacting,Human society faces many common problems that need to be solved,my country’s reform, development and stability、Domestic Affairs, Foreign Affairs and National Defense、Managing the party, the country, and the military are also facing a series of new major issues,Questions about China、Questions of the World、People’s Question、The new test questions presented to us by the questions of the times are more complex than in the past、Harder,There is an urgent need m88 online sports bettingm88 best betting websitefor us to submit answers based on the combination of theory and practice。We must firmly establish a big historical perspective,With a broader perspective、A longer-term perspective to grasp the development context and correct direction of world history,Understand my country’s social development、The general logical trend of the development of human society,Grasp the historical evolution and practical requirements of Chinese-style modernization,In a new round of technological changes、Deepen the importance of promoting high-quality development within the overall global economic development pattern and the stage characteristics of my country's development、Regular understanding of building a new development pattern,Deepen the understanding of the regularity of the party’s self-revolutionary strategic thinking in the comparison of the fate of Marxist parties in the world and the practical test faced by our party’s long-term governance,Comprehensively and systematically propose scientific ideas to solve practical problems、Effective countermeasures,Let contemporary Chinese Marxism、Marxism appears more powerful in the 21st century、The more convincing power of truth。

Xi Jinping emphasized,Promote the systematization of theory、Learn Physics and Chemistry,Is the inherent requirement and important way of theoretical innovation。The reason why Marxism has far-reaching influence,It lies in its profound academic theory that reveals the truth of the development of human society、Prove the scientific nature of his theory with a complete system。The development of socialist thought with Chinese characteristics in the new era is a process that is constantly enriched, expanded and systematized、The process of learning physics and chemistry。Marxist theoretical research and construction projects must continuously deepen theoretical research and interpretation,Focus on research and interpretation of the principle theoretical achievements in the new ideas and new judgments put forward by our party,m88 online bettingGrasp m88 live casino gamesthe inner connection between each other,Education guides the whole party and the country to better learn and grasp the theoretical system of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era。

Xi Jinping pointed out,We must pay attention to drawing theoretical innovation wisdom from the creations of the people。Marxism is a statement for the people、The theory of speaking for the people,Founded to change the destiny of the people、Enriched and developed in the practice of people’s pursuit of liberation,The creative practice of the people is the inexhaustible source of Marxist theoretical innovation。The people as the creators of history,Not only the creator of material wealth,Also the creator of spiritual wealth。The results of the sinicization of Marxism with the times,They are all the crystallization of practical experience and collective wisdom of the party and the people。Whether it is Mao Zedong Thought、Theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Or the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,All come from the wisdom of the people、People’s Exploration、The creation of the people。To continue to promote the party’s theoretical innovation, we must follow the mass line,Never do things behind closed doors、Sitting and talking、Fantasy。We must respect the people’s initiative,Focus on summarizing fresh experiences from people’s creative practices,Rising to rational understanding,Extract new theoretical results,Strive to let the party’s innovative theory penetrate into the hearts of hundreds of millions of people,Become grounded、Juminzhi、Follow the will of the people、Theory that wins the hearts of the people。


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