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For the new journey for a new journey
—— On the study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the theme education work conference
2023-04-18 This newspaper commentator 点击:[]

       According to the 20th major deployment of the party,Focus on leading cadres at or above the county level,In -depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideological theme education,Use the party's innovation theory to unify the idea、Unified will、Unified action,Promote the spirit of the great party,Keep in mind the "Three Boss",Promote the whole party to comprehensively build a socialist modern country、Comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and united struggle。

April 3,Learning and implementing Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideological theme education work conference was held in Beijing,General Secretary Xi Jinping attended the meeting and delivered an important speech。General Secretary Xi Jinping's strategic height of the overall development of the party and the country's cause from the new era and the new era of the new era,Deeply explain the significance and goal requirements of the theme education,Make a comprehensive deployment of the work of theme education。The important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping to build a high house、Vision of the field of vision、Deep thoughts、Rich connotation,It has strong political nature、Ideology、Guidance,Provided the theme education for the whole party to provide fundamental follow,Is a Marxist programming literature。

Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era is contemporary Chinese Marxism、The 21st Century Marxism,The essence of the times of Chinese culture and Chinese spirit,is the crystallization of the practical experience of the party and the people and the collective wisdom,It is an important part of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics,It is a guidelines for the action of the people of all ethnic groups in the whole party m88 online sports bettingto M88 Online Live Casinoachieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,It must be continuously developed for a long time。The theoretical innovation of the party will be further in every advance,Theoretical armed forces must follow up。For the decade in the new era,We persistently use this innovative theory for armed brain、Guidance practice、Promoting work,It provides fundamental following the development of the party and the country in the new era。Great change in the decade in the new era,It is the people of all ethnic groups in the whole party.、Dry it、Struggle,The most fundamental is that General Secretary Xi Jinping is in charge of the helm,There is a scientific guidance of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics。Practice sufficient proof,"Two Establishment" is a major political achievement made by the party in the new era,It is the promotion of historic achievements in the cause of the party and the state、Decisive factor in historic change,is to defeat all difficult and dangerous obstacles、The maximum certainty of all uncertainty、The maximum base gas、Maximum guarantee,Development of the cause of the party and the state in the new era、It is decisive for promoting the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。Practice sufficient proof,Having Marxist scientific theory guidance is our party's firm belief belief、Grasp the fundamental of history and initiative,Learning and implementing Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the fundamental requirement for the new journey of the new era to create a new situation.。

In -depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist thought theme education,It is the 20th spirit of the Party Central Committee to fully implement the party、Mobilization of the major deployment made by united comrades to complete the party's central task,It is a major deployment of the new era of the party's construction in the new era.。New Era and New Journey,Facing the intricate international and domestic situation、The difficult and heavy reform and development task、Various uncertainty and unpredictable risk challenges,To achieve the strategic goal of m88 slot machine casinothe 20th National Congress m88 live casino gamesof the Party,Urgently requires the majority of party members、Cadres, especially leading cadres at all levels, further study and implement Xi Jinping's new era of socialist thought with Chinese characteristics,This is the main consideration of the Party Central Committee determined to carry out the theme education in the whole party。The whole party must deeply recognize,Carry out this theme education,It is a unified action of the whole party's ideology and will、Always maintain the strong cohesion of the party、The inevitable requirements of combat effectiveness,It is to promote the active role of the whole party to act as、The inevitable requirements of continuously creating a new situation in the development of the cause,is to further promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party、The inevitable requirement of leading the social revolution with the party's self -revolution。Carry out this theme education,Promoting the whole party, especially leading cadres, to continuously lead to study and implement Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideas with Chinese characteristics.,For the idea of ​​unified the whole party、To solve the outstanding problems in the party、Always maintain the party with the party with the people with flesh and blood、Promoting the development of the party and the country,It has important significance。

Marxism is our establishment of the party and the country、The fundamental guidance of the party and the country。Practice tells us,Why can the Communist Party of China,Why socialism with Chinese characteristics is good,In the final analysis, it is Marxist deeds,It is the Marxist deeds of the age of Sinicization。Carry out this theme education,It is to use Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics to cast the soul,Promote the decisive significance of the whole party more consciously and profoundly,Enhance "Four Consciousness"、To achieve "two maintenance"、To achieve "two maintenance",Always maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in ideology;、Full grasp、Fully implement the 20th spirit of the party,Implement m88 live casino and sports bettingthe new development m88 sports bettingconcept、Build a new development pattern、Promote high -quality development,Promoting Chinese -style modernization; that is, to promote the party's self -revolution、Maintain the soberness and firmness of solving the unique problems of the big party at all times,Always concentric with the people,Maintain the party's advanced nature and purity,Make the whole party more closely unite around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,For the new journey for the Forward、Jian Gong will provide strong political leadership and political guarantee。This theme education,To promote the study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, we must work hard,Education Guide Party Member、Cadres from the original clear source、Guben Peiyuan,Constantly improving political judgment、Political understanding、Political Execution,Think about it in one place、Jiejieye,Jointing the party forging a piece of attack、The invincible hard steel。To educate and guide the majority of party members、Cadre Thought、See Action,Establish the correct view of power、Performance view、Care view,Enhance the sense of responsibility and mission,Constantly improve the ability to promote high -quality development、Serving the masses、Preventing the ability to resolve risk,Strengthening the spirit of struggle and the ability to develop the ability of struggle,Promote the sharpness、Affordable Essence。To educate and guide party organizations at all levels and party members、Highlighting the problem orientation of cadres,Inspermail、Find a gap、Ming direction,Receive political medical examination,Cleaning political dust,Correct behavioral deviation,Solve the impure thought、Outstanding problems existing in the impure organization,Continuously enhance the party's self -purification、Self -improvement、Self -innovation、Self -improvement ability,Makes our party full of vigorous vitality and vigorous vitality,Always become a strong leadership core of socialism with Chinese characteristics。

m88 slot machine casinothe 20th National Congress m88 live casino and sports bettingof the Communist Party of China has painted a comprehensive construction M88 Online Live Casinoof socialist modernization countries、The grand blueprint for the great revival of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese -style modernization,Time nickname horn that sounds the new journey。"Construction of a strong country、The grand goal of national rejuvenation is encouraged、Entrusted,Our generation of Communists is glorious、Significant responsibility。"General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized,"We want to take this theme education as an opportunity,Strengthening the party's innovative theory armed,Constantly improve the level of Marxism of the whole party,Constantly improving the party's governance ability and leadership level,For the new journey for a new journey,踔、Mobbing with Yongyi,To comprehensively build a socialist modernization country、Comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and united struggle。"Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,Persist in using Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics to armed the whole party,firm historical self -confidence,Enhanced historical initiative,Persist in keeping positive innovation,Maintain strategic fixed force,Promoting the spirit of the struggle,Courage to overcome difficulties,It will definitely be able to make a negative era in the new journey、No negative history、The performance of the people without the people,To promote the construction of a strong country、National rejuvenation has made the due contribution of our generation!

"People's Daily" (01, April 05, 2023)


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