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"A strong atmosphere of forming love reading, reading good books, and reading good reading
—— General Secretary Xi Jinping led the reading of the whole people to read the wind
2023-04-28 Reporter Zhang He Zheng Haiqian 点击:[]

April in the world, the spring is warm and bright, the book is fragrant.

April 23,The 28th World Reading Day arrives。a year ago,General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in the congratulatory letter from the first national reading conference: "I hope the whole society will participate in reading,Form love reading、Read a good book、The strong atmosphere of good reading。"谆、Horned Instructions,greatly inspired the enthusiasm of reading and learning throughout the whole party。

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,With the leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,Reading work in depth,Book Fragrant Social Construction Progress is obvious,Reading learning is full of wind。Reading to enhance people's ideological realm、The role of enhancing the spiritual power of the people is even more prominent,The spiritual world of the Chinese nation is thicker and deeper。

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This phenomenon can be clearly seen from ancient and m88 online bettingmodern Chinese and foreign history:,It must be a successful learning;,must be read what you get。

"Chinese Communists rely on learning to come today,It is also necessary to rely on learning to move towards the future。"General Secretary Xi Jinping deeply pointed out the importance of learning。Reading is an important way to learn。

Regardless of work,Still work in the central government,Comrade Xi Jinping always attaches great importance to leading cadres to study —

Require leading cadres to "take the lead in reading、Diligent reading "" Growing knowledge through reading and learning、Increase wisdom、Enhanced skills ";

Emphasizing that leading cadres "must put learning in a very important position,Learn thirsty like thirsty,Even squeeze for half an hour a day,Even if you read a few pages of books,Just persist,It must accumulate less and more、Sand to become a tower,Jiming steps and even thousands of miles ";

Tell leading cadres "Reading is learning,Use is also learning,and is a more important learning ";

Advocating leading cadres "should take learning as a pursuit、A hobby、A healthy lifestyle,Be well to learn and learn "...

General Secretary Xi Jinping's insights about reading and learning,It comes from his diligently、Life experience of unreasonable volume。

"Love Reading" is the deepest impression of Comrade Xi Jinping to colleagues and folks。The folks of Liangjiahe, Shaanxi still remember when Comrade Xi Jinping came to cut into line,I only brought two suitcases in my portable,All the books are installed in it; Remember that Comrade Xi Jinping read it under the dark kerosene lamp in the cave until late at night,Face and nose are smoked blackened by oil; Remember Comrade Xi Jinping in order to find Goethe's "Faust",After walking 30 miles, I borrowed it ...

Persist in reading under difficult conditions,I still insist on reading in the intense and busy work。The comrades of Zhengding, Hebei, still remember,Comrade Xi Jinping does not care about how late,You must read before going to bed at night,Generally read at two or three o'clock in the night; comrades in Fuzhou Fujian still remember,When Comrade Xi Jinping was idle,The favorite is buying a book,Comrade Xi Jinping moved by colleagues,The most moved is the book ...

Those who have listened to General Secretary Xi Jinping have a common feeling: General Secretary Xi Jinping Ronghui Ancient and Modern、Excellence of the side,Allusions come in handy,metaphor for fun,Narrative Tiao,Talking about the whipping thoroughly,Education is deeply educated、Demonstrate,I really feel the power of knowledge and the charm of culture。General Secretary Xi Jinping this knowledge,This kind of cultivation,This pattern,It is the result of many years of grinding a sword,and long -term unremitting reading thinking is dense。

During work in Zhejiang,Comrade Xi Jinping once went to community survey in Cuiyuan District, Cuiyuan District, Xihu District, Hangzhou,His profound knowledge at the symposium、Vivid language、Exciting insights,Let the community cadres Gu Ronggen deeply admire。Gu Ronggen worked at the factory before,Only read only 6 years of books,Working is a good hand,Make commendation many times,But the most afraid of theoretical learning and writing materials。

"Secretary Xi is so busy at work,Can you still have time to learn? "Symposium ended,Gu Ronggen grabbed the staff of the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee around him and asked。

The staff laughed by him,Tell him,Secretary Xi loves reading,Whether in the office or the way to investigate,Whether it is night -stay farmers or during the visit,Books will be held when you have time,Read the material。The most conservative estimate,General Secretary Xi Jinping's reading volume per month is more than 300,000 words。

Gu Ronggen admires。He took out the drill of the previous technology backbone,Read the original work、Learning theory,The report of the party spirit analysis report repeatedly modified it many times。More than two months later, Comrade Xi Jinping came to the community again to hold a symposium,Gu Ronggen's first speech talk。Comrade Xi Jinping took the lead to applaud him: "See,The working class is the most advanced class! "

Learning to promote work,Promotion learning with m88 best betting websitereading,m88 live casino and sports bettingReading learning to improve style、Promoting work,This is Comrade Xi Jinping’s consistent practice,Frequent grasp -

Zhengding in Hebei,Encourage cadres at all levels to strengthen learning,Add knowledge reserve,Under his proposal,The county opened a high -school cultural tuition class for the cadres of the party and government organs;

Ningde, Fujian,Organize the local county party committee secretary to participate in the reading class of the local party committee learning center group,Carrying your own book and take everyone to learn、Read together;

During the president of the Central Party School,Reading books Learn many times,For leading cadres "love to read、Read a good book、Good Reading "is always through ...

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,General Secretary Xi Jinping further pointed out the knowledge theory and methodology of reading —

"Stop to quit impetuous,Read more time with time、Quotation,Actively speed up knowledge update、Optimized knowledge structure,Make yourself not dry at any time、Smart ";

"Organize the majority of CPPCC members to read more、Read a good book、Good reading,Efforts to improve the level of ideology and ability,and strive to drive and affect people from all walks of life to carry out reading activities "...

Comrade Xi Jinping encourages the masses of cadres: "You must not relax and learn!"

"The atmosphere of promoting the formation of national reading can help lay a deeper foundation for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation、Provide stronger power。"" As a National Women's Federation Parent -Child Reading Promotion Ambassador,Member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference、Professor Monman of the Central University for Nationalities has been in accordance with the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping in recent years,Participate in reading promotion activities all year round。She said,"my country has always vigorously promoted the reading of the whole people,Our reading products are getting richer。The participation and promotion of each of us,It will definitely be able to form love reading、Read a good book、The strong atmosphere of good reading。”

"Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,Under the personal care of General Secretary Xi Jinping,Reading of the whole people is full of wind,achieved real results。"Wei Yushan, Dean of China Press and Publication Research Institute, said deeply,"When investigating,We clearly feel,The atmosphere of reading in my spare time for leading cadres is getting stronger,Everyone will ask each other from time to time to ask what books I have read recently。”

"Leading cadres should focus on improving ideology、Enhance work ability、Improve the knowledge structure、Improve the spiritual realm,Choose those who are closely related to the working relationship、Read your hobbies and interested books "

For the truth, you must read the classics.

Famous saying sentences in Marxist classics in hand,Skilled use of Marxist theory to solve complex and severe theoretical problems and realistic problems ... General Secretary Xi Jinping's solid Marxist theoretical skills,It originated from his long years of tireless reading。

One time,Comrade Xi Jinping discussed with friends about the Chinese translation of the Communist Declaration。Speaking of Russia、Day、De、English、Chinese texts translated from different languages ​​in different languages ​​have their own focus,The understanding of the text is not the same time,Comrade Xi Jinping said with emotion: "Such a small thin classic,There are so many halls,It is not easy to see the truth of understanding。”

Many years later,General Secretary Xi Jinping still sighs,"If you don't feel it in your heart,Go to study classic works,"Declaration of the Communist Party" a few more times "。

During working in Xiamen,Comrade Xi Jinping once communicated with a student and read the experience of "Capital",His familiarity with "Capital" surprised the student secretly。Comrade Xi Jinping explained,When I went to the countryside, I read 3 times "Capital theory",Remember a lot of notes,I also read several different translations,Favorite Master Xia Dali Guo Dali、Wang Yannan's translation。

To know the avenue, you must read history first.

General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to learning history,"Historical knowledge is rich,The horizons and minds can be widened,The spiritual realm can be greatly improved,Thinking level and leadership level can be promoted to a new realm。”

When serving as the Secretary of the Local Party Committee in Ningde, Fujian,Go to Xiapu to go to the countryside for research,Comrade Xi Jinping invited someone to find a prefecture from Funing Mansion。

"General Secretary Xi Jinping,Let's run around all day long and run around for so hard,You still have to stay up late to read a book,Can you eat it? "Some comrades can't help asking。

"Let's see the situation like this、Listening report is not enough,It depends on history "。Comrade Xi Jinping's focus on the center of gravity,"The best manifestation of the history of a county is the county chronicle,Muzhi is more comprehensive,Inside both positive characters,Also write negative characters,We know what happened at a glance,You can learn from it。”

After working in Zhejiang,A survey everywhere,Comrade Xi Jinping will let the local preparation of the county chronicle,Often read to the middle of the night。Communication discussion with you the next day,Also often use the content of the county as the head。

General Secretary Xi Jinping has deep traditional cultural literacy,Many excellent cultural classics contain the wisdom of governing the country and the truth of doing things,After he cited, he deeply rooted in the hearts of people。

General Secretary Xi Jinping requires leaders m88 best betting websiteto read more ancient and m88 online bettingmodern Chinese and foreign traditional cultural books。General Secretary pointed out: "Reading excellent traditional culture books,It is a kind of ten、Cultural reading with high gold content。Leading cadres read more excellent traditional culture books,Frequent acceptance of excellent traditional culture,Can improve humanistic literacy,Enhancement to people、People and society、The ability to understand and grasp the relationship between people and nature,Correct handling righteousness and profit、I and him、Power and the people、Material enjoyment and spiritual enjoyment。”

Opening volume is good,But in the face of the vast book sea,Which books should I read priority? General Secretary Xi Jinping's instructions to read the door diameter: "Leading cadres should focus on improving their ideological level、Enhance work ability、Improve the knowledge structure、Improve the spiritual realm,Choose those who are closely related to the working relationship、Reading by my hobbies and interested books。”

General Secretary Xi Jinping bowed to practice,Take the lead in studying,greatly encouraged the enthusiasm of party members and leading cadres to read and learn。From central to local,More and more party members and leading cadres pick up books、Aaring lecture,Hold a bit of time reading "Charging"。

Central and state organs "Strong Quality & Middot; Expods" reading activity has persisted for 15 years,More than 150 issues have been held in accordance with the cumulative hosted,The theoretical study of the theory of becoming a party member leading cadre、New platform for organizational life、New channels for exercise of party spirit; Shanghai、Fujian、Guangdong and other provincial and municipal party and government agencies have carried out in -depth reading activities,Holding a Symposium on Reading Cadres、Leadership Recommendation Activities, etc.; Tianjin、Jiangxi、Henan and other provincial and municipal party committees formulate a book incense agency construction plan,Highlight "Leading Cadre Leading Read",Regularly refer to the important discussions of General Secretary Xi Jinping to leading cadres to read books and other must -read books ...

"less entertainment", "more reading", "a lot of gains" ... In a survey,Many party members and leading cadres said,Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,My reading situation is greatly improved。Examiners point out,This and strengthening style construction,Leading cadres read the learning conditions and atmosphere to turn closely related。

The "wind becomes above by the party members and leading cadres reading,Vulgarization of the Popularization "of the Popular Demonstration",Impact drive the reading atmosphere of the whole society。"10 books that are most popular with cadres of the central state organs" book list,As soon as it spreads on social media,Immediate attracting high attention。Party members and leading cadres become important forces to lead the whole people。

"Reading can keep people's ideological vitality,Make people wisdom inspiration,Make people nourish the vast qi "

Since Mencius proposed "good at raising my vast qi",For more than 2000 years,"Hao Ran Qi" has always been a lofty spiritual pursuit of the Chinese nation,Inspiring Chinese children to hard work、Xiu De stands。Philosopher Feng Youlan believes that "the Qi Ran Qi" is a concept unique to Chinese culture,I know this vocabulary,can you understand the spirit of Chinese culture and the Chinese nation。

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Reading can keep people's ideological vitality,Make people wisdom inspiration,Make people nourish the vast qi。”

General Secretary Xi Jinping's firm ideals and beliefs、Sincere people's feelings、Noble moral sentiment and firm cultural self -confidence,Reading diligent with him、Tired of drawing a close relationship from books from books。

—— A firm ideals and beliefs in reading.

"I came from Beijing to a small village in northern Shaanxi, China as farmers at the age of 16,Over 7 years of youth time。That era,I want to find ways to find Shakespeare's works ... "October 2015,At the Dinner of the Mayor of London's Financial City,Xi Jinping, who is already the President of China, recalled his reading heart affection: "Young Me,On the barren yellow land in northern Shaanxi that year,constantly thinking about the problem of 'survival or destruction',Finally I set up the motherland、Dedication for the people to contribute to the people。”

—— Cultivate people's feelings in reading.

In the 1980s,On the eve of the work of Zhengding, Hebei,Comrade Xi Jinping listened to the writer Wang Yijian told Liu Qing's story。Liu Qing in order to penetrate the life of farmers,Settling in Huangfu Village, Chang'an County, Shaanxi,Squat point 14 years,"History of Entrepreneurship" is obtained from 14 years of rural life。

"You go to the countryside,Like Liu Qing,Go deep into the peasants,Make a piece with the peasants。"Wang Yijian said to Comrade Xi Jinping,Send a file in the central government,Liu Qing will know whether his landlord is crying or laughing。If the voice of the people can understand this extent,Is it very helpful for governance?

32 years later,October 2014,General Secretary Xi Jinping mentioned this past at the Literature and Art Symposium,Speaking of literary and art workers "must always bring people's warmth、The happiness of the people is in their hearts "。

——The moral sentiments in reading.

During work in Zhejiang,Comrade Xi Jinping encourages party members and cadres to "read more books,Political and Germany ",He emphasized: "To cultivate moral ethics,Improve political and moral realm,The best way is to strengthen learning,Reading and morality,Concerned and Xingxing,Putting into practice。The majority of party members and cadres m88 slot machine casinomust develop more reading、The m88 online sports betting apphabit of reading a good book,Make reading learning as a transformation idea、An important way to strengthen cultivation,Become a purifying soul、Effective means of cultivating noble sentiments。”

—— Establish cultural self -confidence in reading.

March 2021,Wuyishan Jiuquxi River,General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into Zhu Xiyuan。

"Guo people based on the people,Society also stands for the people "... on the wall of the park,The classic discussion of Zhu Ximin's thoughts,General Secretary stops to stare for a long time。

"When I went to Shandong to inspect, I went to the Confucius Temple,Go to Wuyi Mountain and also take a look at Zhu Xi。"",General Secretary Xi Jinping said meaningfully,"If there is no Chinese civilization,Where is the Chinese characteristics? If not with Chinese characteristics,How can we have the road to socialism with Chinese characteristics so successful today? "

"We said we must strengthen the socialist road confidence with Chinese characteristics、Theoretical self -confidence、System self -confidence,In the final analysis, it is necessary to strengthen cultural self -confidence。Cultural self -confidence is more basic、Deeper、More long -lasting power。"" General Secretary Xi Jinping's words are powerful。

"I have a hard work, I find a true knowledge"

"Learn less and learn,Ru Sunr's Yang "。The future of a nation,The power of youth。

General Secretary Xi Jinping specially cares about young people reading and learning,Emphasizing "the buttons of life must be buckled from the beginning",Encourage the younger generation to "cherish Shaohua,Read attentive,Min Yu Zhi Zhi Knowing "" Conspling the cause of learning to grow with the party and the country、The needs of the same society and the people are closely combined,Playing the way with youth,Let the ideal extension。”

May 4, 2014,General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Peking University for inspection,Participate in a teacher -student symposium。General Secretary Xi Jinping hopes that the majority of young people will "learn,Bittering,Seeking true learning "。General Secretary pointed out: "The youth of the university,Life is only once,It should be cherished。For the hard work of learning、Guili Research、Gui is Heng。”

December 2014,General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the New Campus of the University of Macau for inspection,When participating in the theme salon of "Chinese Traditional Culture and Contemporary Youth",He told the students,I also like to read the Chinese Cultural Classics in my youth,Perseverance to learn bit by bit。"Until now,When you have time, you will pick up a copy and turn it over,Every time I feel that the opening of the volume is good。Chinese culture source far flowing、Bobo and profound,Like a treasure,Once you explore it,It will be used for life。”

Children and children are the future of the motherland and the hope of the Chinese nation.

2014 "June 1" International Children's Day,General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Beijing Haidian District National Primary School to participate in the Young Pioneer Theme Team event。Langlang Langlang,attracted the footsteps of the General Secretary。He walks in,Listening to the students with Guzheng music recite "Disciples" and "Juvenile China",I hope that children will draw nutrition from classic works。

"I can blurt out now and quote the ancient poetry classics,Many of them are recited when they are small,Lifetime benefit。"General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out,The civilization of a nation,The development and growth of a country,Need to work hard for generations after generations。The Chinese nation must continue to move forward,It must be according to the conditions of the times,Inherit and promote our national spirit and national excellent culture。

February 2015,General Secretary Xi Jinping came to Yan'an Yangjialing Fuzhou Hope Primary School to visit faculty。He picked up a comic book of "Going to Fuxing Road and Round Chinese Dream" on the corner of the book,While looking at, "This is good。To promote the Chinese Dream in a simple and easy -to -understand way,Entering textbooks from elementary school to classroom。"General Secretary emphasized,Education is very important,Revolutionary Old District、Poverty -stricken areas to develop development in the root or must do well in education,Don't let your child lose on the starting line。

Under the care and guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping,"Shuxiang Campus" construction is solidly advanced,"National Youth Student Reading Action Implementation Plan", etc.,Construction can be read from time to time、Campus reading environment that can be read everywhere。Corridor Library、mobile book car、Reading of the corridor、Class library corners, etc. can be seen everywhere on campus、Troubleshooting,Make sure that children can read in their favorite ways,Let students fall in love with reading,Cultivation character。

April 21,In Yihai Primary School, Fengtai District, Beijing,A unique reading will make the children happy for the children,Children wearing the clothes of their favorite books to listen to the story,Exchange books with each other。"General Secretary Xi Jinping hopes to develop reading habits,Happy reading,Healthy Growth。We implement the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Jinping,Cultivate children's reading interest with innovative reading activities。"School leaders said。

"Let the cultural relics collected in the Forbidden Palace、Heritage displayed on the vast land、The text written in ancient books is alive "

Publishing inheritance civilization,Books carry a historical culture of a nation。

With the care and support of General Secretary Xi Jinping,A masterpiece of a ministry、A set of m88 best betting websiteheavy m88 online bettingclassics is smoothly published,Scholarship with the scent of China to continue the Chinese Millennium Culture。

2022 Golden Autumn Festival,"Shengshi Xiu Code —‘ ‘Chinese Painting Department” Achievement Exhibition ”at the opening of the National Museum of China, causing a sensation。

"Darge Chinese Painting Department" is a large scale、Passing History、National major cultural projects across China and foreign countries,Condensing the hard work of Comrade Xi Jinping。

During the compilation and publishing process of 17 years,From project establishment to content review,From preface to shooting,From publishing to exhibition,Comrade Xi Jinping supports the whole process、Nian Zi Zezi,Keep concerned about inquiries,constant instructions。Each key point of the project、Each period of the tackling period,Comrade Xi Jinping personally leads、Promoting itself。Large dye,Wei Rancheng,Write a good story in the history of Chinese culture。

Chinese nation has always been a prosperous practice、Tradition of Shengshi Xiuzhi。2022,On the occasion of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,Large -scale historical document series "Fuxing Library" first batch of works came out。General Secretary Xi Jinping personally preface for "Fuxing Library"。

General Secretary Xi Jinping cares about ancient books.

December 2013,When General Secretary Xi Jinping presides over the collective study of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China,Emphasize "to sort out traditional cultural resources,Let the cultural relics collected in the Forbidden Palace、Heritage displayed on the vast land、The text written in ancient books is alive "。

With his support,Wenlan Pavilion's "Four Kibu Quanshu" all photocopied publishing,There are more than 1,500 volumes in the book; visiting CPC Dou Tang in Peking University,Learn about the compilation of the large -scale Chinese study series "Confucian Tibetan"; pay attention to the progress of the compilation of "Chinese Medical Collection",Instructions to do a good job of Chinese medicine abide by innovation、Inheritance development work; care about the ancient books of ethnic minorities,Instructions to strengthen the collection of ancient books in Mongolia、Solving、Protection; instruction、Informatization and other high -tech means,Digital regression of the Dunhuang testament and other cultural relics that promote overseas "...

General Secretary Xi Jinping cares about the people's reading rights.

August 2019,General Secretary Xi Jinping inspects Gansu,Reader Publishing Group Co., Ltd., a reader publishing group in Lanzhou City。He told the cultural worker present: "Provide the people more excellent spiritual cultural products,Good! "" Read more,Construction of Book Fragrant Society,Constantly improving people's ideological realm、Enhance people's spiritual power,The spiritual world of the Chinese nation can be thicker and deep。”

More than 10 days later,Receive the old expert of the National Library,He mentioned "Reading" again,Hope Guoxu "Innovation Service Method,Promote the reading of the whole people,better meet the people's spiritual and cultural needs "。

The reply from General Secretary Xi Jinping greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of the national library industry to improve and innovate services,More and more readers enter the library。At the end of 2021,The actual number of readers in the national public library exceeds 103 million people。

Pioneer in General Secretary Xi Jinping、Leading drive,Langlang Langlang,The atmosphere of reading is stronger —

Since 2014,All people's reading has been written into the "Government Work Report" for 10 consecutive years; 2016,The first national national reading plan "The Thirteenth Five -Year Plan" Development Plan "was issued; 2020,"Opinions on Promoting the Reading of All people" issued; 2021,The "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" plan clearly proposes to "deeply promote the reading of the whole people,Construction of ‘Book Fragrance China’ ”... The system of reading for the whole people is more complete。

587,000 farmhouse houses built nationwide,Promote 1.24 billion books into the countryside; more than 3,300 public libraries across the country are open to readers for free; more than 140,000 employees have more than 80 million employees in their bookstores; city book bar、New reading space such as community bookstores and other new reading space has sprung up quickly ... The infrastructure of the whole people is more sufficient。

Reading Festival in more than 400 cities nationwide、Reading Month, etc.; my country's comprehensive reading rate in China rose from 76.3%in 2012 to 81.8%in 2022 ...。

The spring breeze is mighty, and the fragrance is overflowing.

Under the vigorous advocacy and promotion of General Secretary Xi Jinping,The atmosphere of the Land of Shenzhou is getting stronger,Cultural self -confidence is more firm,The spiritual power of the new journey is more magnificent。

"People's Daily" (April 24, 2023   No. 01)

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