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Persist in relying on the working class
2023-04-28 Xu Liuping 点击:[]

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in the 20th National Congress of the Party,"my country is the leader of the working class、Socialist countries based on people's democratic dictatorships based on the workers and peasants alliances,All power of the country belongs to the people ",Emphasize "relying on the working class wholeheartedly,Improve the democratic management system of enterprises and institutions with the basic form of employee congress,Maintain the legitimate rights and interests of employees "。This is our party's leadership of the working class、A clear reiteration and solemn announcement of relying on the working class policy,For the new era and new journey in the new era and fully implement Xi Jinping's new era of socialist thought with Chinese characteristics、Implement the target task of the 20th National Congress of the Party、Gathering the smart power of Chinese -style modernization,It has important political significance、Theoretical and practical significance。

First,General Secretary Xi Jinping always cares about the workers' class and the laborers,For the new era and new journey, insist on relying on the working class to indicate the direction of the forward。

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,General Secretary Xi Jinping always advocates labor、Caring for workers,On the eve of the "May 1st" Labor Day many times,A discussion with the model representative、Attending the Modeling Commendation Conference、Receive the student of the undergraduate class of the undergraduate class of the School of Labor Relations、Back to all employees of Zhengzhou Yuanfang Group to reply to the working class and the majority of the laborers with holiday greetings,Every time you go to investigate, you must visit front -line employees; always pay attention to industrial workers,For the construction of a high -quality labor army, I thought about,Plan myself、Deploy in person、personally promote the reform of the industrial workers' team; always pay attention to the artisans and high -skilled talents of the great powers,To the first National Vocational Skills Competition、The first major national craftsman's innovation exchange conference to the congratulatory letter,Important instructions to vocational education work; always care about the new employment form workers,In -depth grassroots condolences "Express Brother",In many important occasions, make clear requirements for doing a good job of doing new employment groups; always concerned about urban difficult workers,Deployment of the work of resolving the trouble of urban difficulties ... The vivid scene of this scene reflects the deep friendship of General Secretary Xi Jinping's employees and workers,It contains the earnest expectations of ordinary workers based on job innovation and creation,Injects a strong motivation for the laborer glowing of the working class owner's spirit。

General Secretary Xi Jinping made important speeches on the work class and trade unions many m88 online sports bettingtimes、m88 best betting websiteMake important instructions,It has formed an important exposition of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the work of the working class and the trade union,strongly guide the booming development of the party and trade unions in the new era,shows the powerful power and practical power。where,In terms of insisting on relying on the working class of the working class,General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out many times that "the working class is my country's leading class,It is a representative of my country's advanced productivity and production relationship,It is the most solid and reliable class foundation of our party ",Proposed "How can the times change,No matter how the society changes,The fundamental policy of our party wholeheartedly relying on the working class cannot be forgotten、Can't dilute,my country's working class status and role are not shaken、Not to be ignored ","Persist in and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics,Must depend on the working class、Consolidation of the leadership of the working class,Give full play to the main force of the working class ",Emphasize "relying on the working class wholeheartedly,To solve the problem of understanding,More to solve practical problems ","Relying on the working class wholeheartedly, you must not shout only as a slogan、Tag post,To implement party and state policy formulation、The whole process of promotion of work,Implementing all aspects of the production and operation of the enterprise "... This kind of sentence is cordial words,It has significant and far -reaching theoretical significance and practical value,For party committees at all levels、Government and all walks of life to implement the party's whole intention to rely on the working class policy to provide fundamental follow,Direction direction for the innovation and development of the party's industrial movement in the new era。

Second,Adhering to the working class wholeheartedly is the prominent political advantage and consistent proposition of our party,The working class of our country has achieved historic achievements for the party and the country in the new era、Historical changes have made significant contributions。

Looking back on the party's history,From the date of establishment of our party,I just characterize myself as a working class party in the working class,It has always attached great importance to the working class of our country。The Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Party clearly proposed "must rely on the working class wholeheartedly",In the revolution、Reform and construction of various historical periods,Leading the great cause and promotion of important jobs,All focus on giving full play to the role of the working class。During the New Democratic Revolution,The party relies on the working class to fight for armed struggle,The working class revolves around national independence、People's liberation of bath blood,To overthrow imperialism、feudalism、Three Mountains of bureaucratic capitalism have established historical merits; during the socialist revolution and construction period,The party relies on the working class to carry out the socialist revolution、Promoting socialist construction,m88 slot machine casinoThe m88 best online betting websiteworking class resolutely responds to the party's call,​​With great political enthusiasm and revolutionary spirit,To establish and consolidate the people's new regime、Establish an independent and complete industrial system and the national economic system created immortal performance; in a new period of reform and opening up and socialist modernization,Party relies on the working class to promote modernization,Workers' class knowledge is general、Gu Tan,Actively devoted to economic and social construction,Political bureau that consciously maintains stability and unity,Play an important role in adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics。History proof,Persist in relying on the working class,Tightly unite the masses around the party and the government,It is the outstanding political advantage and consistent proposition of the Communist Party of China,It is also the essential requirements and distinctive features of socialism with Chinese characteristics。

Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era,Under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China,The working class firmly follows the direction guided by General Secretary Xi Jinping,Following a well -off society in an all -round way、Realizing the first century -old goal unity and struggle,Historical achievements for the cause of the party and the state、Historical changes have made significant contributions。The core of the working class is from the heart、Faithful core、Defense core,firmly support the "two establishment"、Resolutely achieve "two maintenance",The political belief of listening to the party and the party is more firm,Become a solid relying on the party's ruling、Strong support for power、Deep social foundation; the pursuit of the workers' class pursuing great ideals,The lofty belief of Marxism in my heart、A firm belief in socialism with Chinese characteristics、The confidence in the victory of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,Turn the development goals established by the party and the country into your own conscious action,The ideological foundation of unity and struggle is more consolidated; the working class is based on the position、Innovation creation,The main battlefield in economic construction is the role of,Strike difficulties in a well -off wins,Mobility in the battle in the decisive battle,Stand up in the struggle against epidemic,Climbing the peak in the self -reliance of technology,I have achieved extraordinary performance,shows the style of the working class; the working class continues to develop its own advancedness,Diligence and hard work、Deeper research,Courage to innovate、Dare to be a first,To strengthen your body with knowledge、Empowerment with technology,Fighting as skill talents and big country craftsmen,Realized comprehensive development、Comprehensive progress、Comprehensive improvement。History proof,my country's working class has always been at the forefront、The glorious tradition of brave burden,The working class and the majority of the workers have always been promoting my country's economic and social development、The fundamental force of maintaining social stability and unity。

General Secretary Xi m88 live casino and sports m88 online bettingbettingJinping participated in the discussion of the 20th Guangxi delegation of the Party, and pointed out: "Our modernization is the hardest,It is also the greatest。From this perspective,It is essential to rely on the working class,Working forces of the working class。"The 20th National Congress of the Party painted the grand blueprint for comprehensively building a socialist modern country,The people of the whole country are full of fighting spirit and pride,The future step towards the national rejuvenation moves forward。History gives the working class a great and glorious mission,Call the working class to compose a magnificent and new chapter。The working class must always remember the entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping,Enhance the sense of historical mission and responsibility,Always build a new era with the posture of national masters、New Journey,full of confidence to participate in the construction of a strong country、Fire practice of national rejuvenation,Formation of 10,000 people、The majestic power of the Zhizhi Chengcheng。

third,The mission task of the new era and the new journey of the union organization of the new era,Promote the implementation of the working class in the whole heart to implement it。

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in the 20th National Congress of the Party,Deepen the Trade Union、Communist Youth League、Women's Federation and other group organizations organize reform and construction,Effectively play the role of bridge bond。As an employee voluntarily combined, the working class mass organization,Trade unions must shoulder the missionary task of unity and mobilization to mobilize employees to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in Chinese -style modernization,Actively strive for the leadership of the party committee and the government's support,Political guarantee、Implementation of the system、Improved quality、Maintenance on equity,Promote the implementation of the working class in the whole heart and wholeheartedly.。

We must unite and guide the workers' class to unswervingly listen to the party and go。Performing the political responsibility of union,Strengthen the ideological and political leadership of employees,Persist in using Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideological education employees,Promoting the party's innovation theory to take root among the majority of employees、Enter the brain into the heart。Adhere to the use of socialist core values ​​to infect employees,Integrate socialist core values ​​into employee production and life,Emotional identity and behavioral habits of internalization into employees。Persist in using the spirit of model workers、Labor Spirit、Craftsman spirit leads employees,Deepen "Chinese Dream & Middot; Labor Beauty" theme education,Create Glory of Labor、Create a great social style and excellence、Pursuing excellent dedication。Persist in condensing employees with advanced culture,Promote the excellent traditional culture of China,Strengthen the construction of employee cultural positions,Rich employee cultural and sports activities,Create a healthy civilization、Gong Yang Up、All employee culture participated,Continuously meet the spiritual and cultural needs of the masses of employees。

We must effectively stimulate m88 live casino and sports bettingthe spirit of the m88 slot machine casinoworkers' class masters。Around the whole process of people's democracy,Promote the democratic management legislation of enterprises and institutions,For the majority of employees participating in the democratic management of enterprises and institutions、Participate in national governance and social governance opens a broader channel,Consolidation of the leadership of the working class。Improve the democratic management system based on the employee congress as the basic form,Promoting factory affairs open、Business Open,Adhere to and improve the staff system of employees、Employee Supervisor System,Implement the right to know the people and the masses、Participation right、The right to express、Supervision right。Promote the development of party members among the front lines and young employees,Timely technical expert、Outstanding talents such as young experts absorb the party team。

To give full play to the role of the main force of the working class。Taking the construction of the industrial workers' team construction and reform as a powerful starting point,Around the major national strategy、Major project、Major project、Key industries,Extensive in -depth and long -lasting laborers and skills competitions,Organize mass innovation activities such as "Five Primary Schools",Establish and improve employee innovation system,Guide enterprises in various industries to establish a model of workers' innovation studio,Mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of hundreds of millions of employees at the maximum extent。Improve and implement technical workers training、Use、Evaluation、Assessment mechanism,Improve the level of treatment of skill talents,Changing Skills Talent Professional Development Channel,Inspired more workers, especially young people to take skills to become talented、The road to the country to report to the country。

To effectively maintain and develop the fundamental interests of the working class。Persist in work orientation centered on employees,Performing the basic responsibilities of union protection services,Focus on the new employment form workers、Migrant workers、Difficulty employees、Female employees and other groups,Effectively maintain labor employment、Skills Training、Income allocation、Social Security、Safety and health and other legitimate rights and interests,Constantly improving the quality of life of employees,Enhance employees and the masses to share the achievements of modernization construction results、Happiness sensation、Safety feeling。Persist in starting from the needs of employees,Continue to carry out warmth、Golden Autumn Aid、Migrant workers return home safely,Constructing a wide range of connections、Services' trade union working system,Let the employees truly feel that the union is the home of the employee,Trade union cadres are the most trusted virgin family、A caring person。

(The author is the party committee secretary of the National Federation of Workers' Association、Vice Chairman、The First Secretary of the Secretariat)

"People's Daily" (April 27, 2023)

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