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Deepen Chinese -style modern theoretical research (build a philosophy and social science with Chinese characteristics)
2023-05-09 Dong Zhiyong 点击:[]

Summary of content

Chinese -style modernization theory is based on Chinese national conditions、major theoretical innovation of reality in China,Reflecting my country's modern development direction,It is a major innovation of global modernization theory。We want to deepen Chinese -style modern theoretical research,Make new and greater contributions to the construction of a Chinese -style modern self -knowledge system。

A major theoretical innovation of the 20th m88 online bettingNational Congress of the Party,It is a summary and in -depth explanation of Chinese -style modernization theory。Since the concept of "Chinese -style modernization" is proposed,The academic world has conducted extensive and in -depth discussions on its connotation essence and implementation path,Get a series of research results。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "To understand the Chinese -style modernization theory is based on Chinese national conditions、major theoretical innovation of reality in China,Reflecting my country's modern development direction,It is a major innovation of global modernization theory。"This is the direction of the development of Chinese -style modernization theory for us、Provided fundamental following。Chinese workers such as economics and other philosophy and social sciences should be guided by Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideas with Chinese characteristics,Deepen Chinese -style modern theoretical research,Make new and greater contributions to the construction of a Chinese -style modern self -knowledge system。

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General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Historical research is the basis of all social sciences。"" One of the basic tasks of deepening Chinese -style modern theoretical research,It is the course of sorting out the practice of socialist modernization in my country,Grasp the historical logic of Chinese -style modernization from it、Theoretical logic、Practical logic。Current,Research on the practice of socialist modernization in my country,It mainly includes the development process of Chinese -style modernization、Summary of experience、Promotion path、significance, etc.。Promote the construction of Chinese -style modern independent knowledge system in the historical perspective,Need to deal with macro and micro、Phenomenon and theory、Reference between the reference and innovation。

Explaining macro experience,Strengthen micro research。History of the Communist Party of China、New China History and other historical perspectives sort out the process of socialist modernization in my country,It is conducive to grasping the theoretical logic of Chinese -style modernization from the whole、Practical experience、essential characteristics, etc.。At the same time,Micro studies of Chinese -style modernization in different fields can not be ignored,For example, how to give full play to the enthusiasm and initiative and creativity m88 slot machine casinoof m88 online bettingmicro -subjects such as enterprises and individuals。Strengthen micro research,Academic depth that is conducive to enhancing Chinese -style modernization theory、Explanation intensity and international discourse right,Consolidate the foundation of Chinese -style modernization。So,Deepen Chinese -style modern theoretical research,It is necessary to further strengthen the organic combination of macro research and micro research,Provides more abundant content for the construction of a Chinese -style modern self -knowledge system。

Digging typical cases,Summary of theory again。Chinese -style modernization has the common features of modernization of various countries,More distinctive features based on your own national conditions。Deepen Chinese -style modern theoretical research,Can't analyze the historical process of Chinese -style modernization with the theory of Western modernization,This is not only difficult to truly reflect the significance of Chinese -style modernization to China and the world,Falling into the misunderstanding of the "Western Central Statistics",It is also impossible to provide academic theory support for Chinese -style modernization。To adhere to the historical vision,Digging typical cases from Chinese -style modernization in the exploration practice of different development stages,Refine and summarize and further sublimate the theoretical results,Efforts to achieve leap from typical cases to the theoretical system。

Not only reference to absorb the reasonable ingredients of Western modernization theory,Innovative research paradigm。Western modernization theory is continuous development with the modern practice of capitalist countries,Its theoretical development has its own historical context。Deepen Chinese -style modern theoretical research,It should be reference to absorb the reasonable ingredients of Western modernization theory,Courage to Innovate Research Statiscket。For example,In the research assumption,The assumption of the "rational person" of the "rational person" of the mainstream economics in the West、"Market Universalism" and other logic; in the research method,Courage to reverse the excessive modelization of the mainstream economics in the West、The tendency of mathematics,Pay more attention to the rich ideological and theoretical connotation contained in Chinese -style modernization practice;,Focus on major theories and practical issues in the modernization of our country,If social division of labor、In -depth research,Breaking through Western modernization theory restraint。

Research on the key areas of Chinese -style modernization in the practice dimension

Chinese -style modern theoretical research must reflect Chinese characteristics、Chinese style、China Qi Pai,Not only does it need to review "Come Road Road",More need to take a good "foot"、Looking forward to "Future Road",Research on the key areas of socialist modernization in my country。Current,The key research field of my country's economic modernization involves industrial modernization、Financial Modernization、Financial Modernization、Modernization of trade circulation and other aspects。These research results are research on deepening Chinese -style modernization achievements、M88 Online Live Casinom88 slot machine casinoIn -depth analysis of problems and challenges laid a solid foundation,But there is still a lot of room for improvement,Requires our focus from Chinese -style modern practice、Difficult to start,Multi -level practical research from different perspectives。

Deep excavation of development practice with Chinese characteristics。Deepen Chinese -style modern theoretical research,Need to deeply understand the unique creation of Chinese -style modern development practice,Continuously excavating typical cases of Chinese -style modernization in different fields,Provide experience support for theoretical construction。For example,From the perspective of Western modernization theory,Economic growth depends on capital、Technology and other elements。But at the beginning of the founding of New China,my country's poor two white、Hundreds of waste waiting for,In capital、Inadequate conditions such as technical and other elements,It took decades to finish the industrialization process that developed countries has gone for hundreds of years;,Use medium and long -term planning to guide economic and social development,It is an important way for our party to govern the country and governing the country,Show unique advantages in promoting economic and social development,But how to implement a good development plan,Further optimize resource allocation between realizing short -term targets and long -term goals、Giving full play to the two enthusiasm of the central and local governments still need to be studied in depth。In -depth excavation of these unique Chinese practice,It is conducive to promoting Chinese -style modern experience and continuously sublimating to theoretical results。

Follow the system design with Chinese characteristics。After the founding of New China, especially since the reform and opening up,my country has formed many unique institutional mechanism innovations in the development,strongly promoted the modern process of Chinese -style。For example,In terms of macro regulation,my country does not stick to some Western countries that focus on short -term regulation,Pay more attention to the organic combination of cross -periodic and inverse cycles macro -control policies,Ensure that the economy is running in a reasonable range; in terms of market construction,Too much emphasis on market self -regulation with Western countries,my country pays attention to promoting effective markets and better combination of the government,Build a high -level socialist market economy system; etc.。These unique institutional mechanism innovation is the wisdom crystal of Chinese -style modern practice,It has to be continuously condensed with scientific research methods as theoretical results。

Continue to improve the analysis method combined with quantitative and qualitative。Western Social Sciences, especially economics, focus on model construction and causal inference in terms of theoretical research,I have achieved some results,But this research paradigm is also due to its increasingly rigidity、Disclosure from m88 best betting websitereality and is criticized。Deepen Chinese -style modern theoretical research,Need to adhere to and m88 live casino and sports bettinguse the Marxist world view and methodology,Analysis method of continuous improvement of quantitative research and qualitative research。For example,Grabbing the opportunity to promote the application of big data and machine learning,Promote the change of philosophy and social science research paradigm for economics and other philosophical and social sciences,Breakthrough in Western mainstream economics research paradigm,Forms a research paradigm with its own characteristics。Another example,Establish and improve the indicator system of Chinese -style modernization,Forms a more mature and systematic modern indicator measurement system,Constructing an index system that reflects the dynamics of Chinese -style modern practice。

In the comparison of China and the West, it highlights the world significance of Chinese -style modernization theory

Modernization research has been continuously developed with the world's modernization process,Britain of the 18th century、The United States in the 20th century has published many popular modern theoretical works,It has a greater impact on the modernization of human society。Since the 21st century,Emerging market countries and developing countries rise,The demand for the establishment of local modernization theory is becoming increasingly strong。The great practice of Chinese -style modernization breds the theory of modernization of Chinese -style modernization,Chinese -style modern theoretical research continues to deepen expansion,presents a more vivid world significance。Current,The academic world is based on Chinese -style modernization and Western modernization、Modernization of Chinese -style modernization and Marxist classic works、Chinese -style modernization and the modernization of other post -developed countries,It has formed some research results,Highlight the basic characteristics and institutional superiority of Chinese -style modernization,It explains the contribution of Chinese -style modernization in depth。In future research,You can also strengthen and deepen in the following aspects。

Strengthen international comparative research,accumulate materials for the construction of a Chinese -style modern self -knowledge system。Chinese -style modernization not only surpasses capitalist modernization model,It abandoned the modernization of capital centered on the West、Modernization of polarization、Modernization of materialist expansion、Modernization of expansion plunder, etc.; also developed the modernization of Marxist classic works,Instead of adhering to the socialist direction on the basis of relatively backward productivity conditions,It is neither attached to the world capitalist economic system,Maintain close linkage with the process of economic globalization,A great practice under the guidance of the latest achievements of the Sinicization of Marxism。Chinese -style modernization has adopted severe test from all aspects,It is the construction of a strong country in accordance with the national conditions proven by practice、The only correct road for national rejuvenation。Especially since the 18th m88 online bettingNational Congress of the Communist Party of China,m88 online bettingThe world's uncertain unstable factors increase,my country has adopted Sino -US economic and trade friction、The serious impact of the new crown epidemic,Maintenance of economic operation is generally stable。This is both the great practical achievement of Chinese -style modernization,It also accumulated valuable materials for the construction of Chinese -style modern self -knowledge system。

Adhere to the unity of general and particularity,Provide modern theoretical support for creating a new form of human civilization。One aspect,Chinese -style modernization is not the product of the general trend and historical trend from human development,Common features of modernization of various countries,If you follow industrialization、Urbanization、Agricultural Modernization、General Laws of modernization such as informatization,Make full use of the two resources of the two domestic and international markets,, etc.。On the other hand,Chinese -style modernization is deeply rooted in national national conditions and endowment conditions,A distinctive feature based on your own national conditions,It is a modernization of a huge population、Modernization of the common people of all people、Modernization coordinated by material civilization and spiritual civilization、Modernization of harmonious living in nature、Modernization of the road of peaceful development。Deepen Chinese -style modern theoretical research,We must adhere to the unity of general and special.,Accurately grasp Chinese -style modernization with Chinese characteristics、The important position in the world modernization pattern,To continue to promote the modernization process of human society、Develop a new form of human civilization to provide Chinese wisdom。

(The author is a professor at Peking University)

"People's Daily" (09th, May 08, 2023)

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