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my country's development faces new strategic opportunities (the people's essential theory)
2023-05-17 Liu Yuanchun 点击:[]

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In the face of the new stage of development, continuous development and changes at home and abroad,We need to correctly understand and seize new strategic opportunities。To enhance the consciousness of opportunity、Risk awareness,Accurate knowledge changes、Scientific strain、Active change,Both must be firmly grasped、Use new strategic opportunities,You must be good at turning the crisis as a machine、Capture and create opportunities from the difficulties in front of you。

The 20th report of the party proposed: "Current,Speed ​​evolution without a large change in the world's 100 years,A new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change in depth development,Deep adjustment of international power comparison,my country's development faces new strategic opportunities。"" This major judgment deep insight into the world's changes、Changes in the era、Changes in History,For us to correctly understand and seize the new strategic opportunity on the new journey,Scientific and effective response measures provided scientific guidance。We want to enhance opportunities awareness、Risk awareness,Accurate knowledge changes、Scientific strain、Active change,Both must be firmly grasped、Use new strategic opportunities,You must be good at turning the crisis as a machine、Capture and create opportunities from the difficulties in front of you,Open a good bureau for comprehensively building a socialist modern country、Start up。

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Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,Facing the complex and severe international situation and the arduous and heavy domestic reform, development and stability tasks,The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core is far -sighted、Unified global、Grasp the trend,Put forward a series of new ideas, new ideas, new strategies,Promoting Chinese economic development has achieved historical achievements、Historical change occurred,To bred and seize new strategic opportunities、Achieving the second century -old struggle goal lays a solid material foundation。

2012-2022,my country's GDP increases by nearly 70 trillion yuan,An average annual increase of 6.2%,The medium and high -speed growth is achieved on the basis of the high base; the per capita disposable income of the resident,The world's largest and secondary middle -income group formed the world's largest population; the total retail sales of social consumer goods increased from 2.055 trillion yuan to 4.397 trillion yuan,The oversized market advantages of more than 1.4 billion people have continued to increase; the investment in fixed assets in the whole society has increased from 28.2 trillion yuan to 58 trillion yuan,170 million households' operating entity is fully released; the total import and export of goods increased from 2.44 trillion yuan to 42.07 trillion yuan,Status, the largest country in trade in cargo trade for 6 consecutive years。The great change of the decade in the new era,Basically, Comrade Xi Jinping as the core of the Party Central Committee、The core of the whole party is at the helm of the helm,Basically, there m88 online bettingis a m88 live casino and sports bettingscientific guidance of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics。"Two Establishment" provides us with a fundamental guarantee for us to firmly seize the new strategic opportunities。

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has painted the full -scale socialist modern power country、The grand blueprint for the great revival of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese -style modernization。Putting the party's 20th spirit into the implementation,The vivid capacity of my country's economic development will be stronger。For example,my country's per capita GDP (GDP) is close to the high -income national threshold,But there is still a large gap compared to developed countries。The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will be proposed that by 2035, my country's per capita GDP will reach the level of medium -developed countries。Realize this goal,my country's economic strength will be further enhanced,People living standards will be further improved,The gold content of development will be further increased。Another example,my country has entered a new stage of development,The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is "accelerating the construction of a new development pattern,Efforts to promote high -quality development "Make strategic deployment。Implement relevant deployment,It will further give play to my country's oversized market advantages,attract global resource elements with large domestic cycles,Improve the ability to allocate resources globally,Make my country's economic development balance、Coordination、Sustainability is significantly enhanced,Beginning to higher quality、More efficient、More fair、More sustainable、The way to develop more secure development,Convert the huge potential of my country's economic development into a strong economic strength,Constantly create new strategic opportunities。

New strategic opportunities originated from a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change

Scientific and technological innovation is an important engine for the development of human society,is a powerful weapon to deal with many global challenges。From the perspective of world modernization history,Most of the developed western countries seize historical opportunities in the scientific and technological revolution、It has risen to form a strong technological innovation ability。

Today's Times,Digital Technology、Digital economy is the first opportunity for the world's scientific and technological revolution and industrial change。With the Internet、Big Data、Cloud computing、Artificial Intelligence、Blockchain and other technologies to accelerate innovation and increasing into the entire process of economic and social development,Fast at the speed of development of the digital economy、Wide Radiation range、The degree of influence is unprecedented,It is becoming a reorganization global factors、Reshape the global economic structure、Key forces to change the global competitive pattern。Data as a new type of production,organically combined with other production factors,Not only can improve the matching efficiency of production factors、Promoting the smooth circulation of production factors、Innovative vitality of stimulating production element,Improve the full factor productivity,and is conducive to promoting m88 slot machine casinothe m88 live casino gamesrealization of traditional production methods、Network、Intelligent change。Develop a digital economy,It is a strategic choice for us to seize the new round of scientific and technological revolution and new opportunities for industrial change,It is conducive to promoting the construction of a new development pattern,It is conducive to promoting the construction of a modern economic system,It is conducive to promoting the construction of a new advantage of the country。

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core attaches great importance to the development of the digital economy,Ascend it into a national strategy,Promote the development of the digital economy from the national level。Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee,my country's digital economy is developing rapidly、Achievements。2012-2021,my country's digital economy has increased from 18 trillion yuan to 45.5 trillion yuan,Stable in the world for many years,Digital economy accounted for GDP's proportion of GDP increased from 21.6%to 39.8%,Cloud computing、Big Data、Artificial Intelligence、Blockchain and other digital technologies are used in economic activities that have a stronger hardware basis,Many aspects are at the forefront of the world,Become my country's realization of curve overtaking、The key areas of reshaping the international competitive advantage。At the same time,Some shortcomings and weaknesses facing the development of the digital economy in my country,Give full play to the advantages of massive data and rich application scenarios,Strengthen key core technology research,Focus on solving the "card neck" problem,Promote the deep integration of digital technology and the real economy,Empowering the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries,Remove the new industry and new business and new mode,In order to better seize the strategic opportunity of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change、Accelerate the construction of a new development pattern and constantly seek momentum、、Gathering。

New strategic opportunities originated from the profound adjustment of international power comparison

In recent years,Speed ​​evolution without a large change in the world's 100 years,Western countries govern chaotic phenomena。The United States is deeply trapped in political polarization、Divine parties,Right globalization and populist ideology spread,Race hate crime continues to cause,The gap between the rich and the poor is continuously expanded。Since 2022,New crown epidemic and Ukrainian crisis affect overlap,Causes disorders of supply chain supply chain in the global industrial chain、The price of commodities continues to rise、The international monetary finance system is more fragile,Economic stagnation of some countries。At the same time,Affected by the weak economic fundamentals and the continuous interest rate hikes of the Federal Reserve,Some financial markets in the Western countries appear turbulent,The banking industry crisis is looming。Economic Cooperation and Development Organization (OECD) release data display,Comprehensive leading indicators of major European and American countries (mainly used to predict future economic trends) continues to decline,1The possibility of economic recession increases。

In sharp contrast to it is,my country's economy has adopted the test of various risks and uncertain factors in the internal and external risks in recent years,Holding the macroeconomic market。In 2020, my country has become m88 best betting websitem88 online sports bettingthe only major economy in the world to achieve positive growth,2020-2022 The average annual growth rate of my country's GDP reached 4.5%,Maintaining the lead in major economies in the world。The long -term good fundamentals of my country's economy have not changed,my country's development has "five strategic favorable conditions",The strong leadership of the Communist Party of China、The significant advantage of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics、There is a solid foundation that has accumulated continuous and rapid development、There is a long -term stable social environment、The spiritual power of self -confidence and self -improvement。

Behind the rule of chaos,Deep adjustment of the comparison of international forces。For a long time,The majority of developing countries to explore the development path that meets its own national conditions、Unremitting efforts to achieve economic and social development,Get remarkable results。Entering the new century,Emerging market countries and developing countries rise,Its economic scale has already accounted for half of the world,In technology、Education、Society、Culture and other fields also achieved great development。Current,The will of the unity and self -improvement of emerging market countries and developing countries is more firm。my country adheres to the global governance concept of co -discussion and sharing,Promote and practice true multilateralism,Continuously contribute wisdom and plan for reform and improvement of the global governance system,Together with the international community to deal with global challenges,Promote the implementation of global development initiative、Global Security initiative、Global civilization initiative,Efforts to enhance the representativeness and discourse rights of developing countries in global affairs,Create a good environment for the development of the world economy、Laying a solid foundation,The territory that promotes global development is more comprehensive,Makes the foundation of world peace more firm and stable。This further expands the development and cooperation space of countries around the world,It also brings new strategic opportunities to the development of our country。

firmly seize the new strategic opportunity in the resolution of risks

In the face of the new stage of development, continuous development and changes at home and abroad,We need to correctly understand and seize new strategic opportunities。General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out: "Our judgment is a crisis and a machine and a deposit、Crime Organic、Dangerous transfer,Opportunity is more strategic、Plasticity,Challenge is more complex、global,Challenge is unprecedented,Could it be done,Opportunity is unprecedented。"Current,What we face is no longer the past,、A relatively smooth environment。At that stage,Opportunity is better to grasp,Risk challenge is easier to see。Now the world situation is turbulent,Geographical Political Challenges Wind High waves,More reefs and potential flow,The difficulty of seizing the opportunity is greatly improved,Many opportunities may be fleeting slightly。This puts forward higher requirements for our adaptability,Need to have deeper research and grasp of opportunities and challenges,At the same time, there is higher strategic sensitivity and decision -making,Good at capturing and creating opportunities from the crisis and difficulties in front of you,In active response to challenges、Actively resolved risks to neutralize crisis。

The world enters a new m88 best online betting websitem88 best betting websiteturbulent change period,We must adhere to the development of the country and the nation on the base point of its own strength。Insist on the development of the development of the development of the party to rulge the country,Adhere to economic construction as the center,Full、Accurate、Comprehensive implementation of new development concepts,Promote high -quality development,Promote the effective improvement of my country's economy to achieve quality and reasonable growth in quantity,Continuously expand my country's economic strength、Technology strength、Comprehensive national strength,Enhance the ability to grasp new strategic opportunities。Accelerate the realization of technology self -reliance,Strengthen the construction of major scientific and technological innovation platform,Gathering forces perform original leading technology research,Win the key core technology tackling battle,Foresight Layout Strategic Emerging Industry,Cultivate and develop future industries,Promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy。At the same time,Actively promote the construction of a community of human destiny,Create an international environment that is conducive to development,Cultivate new kinetic energy of global development,Promoting economic globalization is more open、tolerance、British、Balance、Win -win direction development。

The stability of my country's reform and development faces many deep -seated contradictions to avoid it、can't get around,We must adhere to the comprehensive deepening of reform and opening up。Reform and opening up is a key trick to determine the fate of contemporary China。To implement the new development concept、Build a new development pattern,Persist in problem orientation,Around enhancing innovation ability、Promoting balanced development、Improve the ecological environment、Improve the level of openness、Promote key areas and key links such as sharing development,Continue to push reform and opening up to deepen,Reform plans more accurately,Perfect the institutional system more comprehensively。Coordinated development and safety,Adhere to the symptoms and the rule、Far and near combination,firmly holding a systemic risk bottom line。firmly deepen deepening reform and opening up、In -depth change of development mode,Efficiency change、Dynamic change promotes quality change,Accelerate the formation of sustainable high -quality development system and mechanism,Continuously enhance the motivation and vitality of socialist modernization。

(The author is the president of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)

"People's Daily" (09th version of May 16, 2023)


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