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Carrying out theme education is an important political medical examination
2023-05-24 Wang Libing Guangming Daily 点击:[]

At the study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideological theme education work conference,General Secretary Xi Jinping made a comprehensive deployment of the work of theme education、Make a clear requirements,Emphasize "to educate and guide party organizations at all levels and party members、Highlighting the problem orientation of cadres,Inspermail、Find a gap、Ming direction,Receive political medical examination,Cleaning political dust,Correct behavioral deviation,Solve the impure thought、Outstanding problems existing in the impure organization "。Learn to implement Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideological theme education,It is a "big study" and "big mobilization" for the whole party,It is a "big medical examination" and "big improvement"。We should take this as an opportunity,Use Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics to build souls to build souls,Constantly purifying the party's thoughts、The Organization of the Pure Party、Pure Party's style、Pure Party's body,Weakened advanced nature、Damage to the problem of purity for struggle,Diseases and healing injuries,Tingling Yangqing,For the new journey for the Forward、Jian Gong will provide strong political leadership and political guarantee。

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Advance and purity are the essential attributes of Marxist parties。Political medical examinations for centralized study and education in the party are the dare to face the problem of the Communist Party of China、The fine tradition of the brave self -revolution,It is a unified party consensus、Augmented action synergy、Important measures to stimulate the driving force,It is more advanced and pure、The inevitable requirement of improving the "clean heart" and strengthening party spirit exercise "calcium supplementation" is inevitable。In the critical period of historical development,Our party always combines the situation and mission,Political medical examinations through centralized learning and education,Spareworthy to solve the outstanding problems in the party。Looking at the party's history,Since the precedent of the concentrated education within the party in Yan'an in 1941,On the basis of summing up historical experience and lessons,Make many times the whole party's concentrated study and education,View ideas、Correct bias,For the party's revolution、The smooth development of construction and reform provides strong political guarantee。Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,The Party Central Committee adheres to the combination of problem orientation and target -oriented,Focus on the prominent problem of its own construction,Continue to carry out the party's mass line education practice activities、"Three Stricts and Three Realities" special education、"Two Studies and One Do" study and education、"Don't forget the original heart、Keep in mind the mission "theme education and party history study and education,Make the party stronger in revolutionary forging,Realize strong muscles on the basis of removing disease and treatment,For the larger pursuit of magnificent power。

The 20th National Congress of the Party depicts a comprehensive construction m88 online sports bettingof m88 online bettinga socialist modernization country、Comprehensively promote the grand blueprint of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。Key nodes at the beginning of the start of the new journey,Carrying out the study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics is significant.。This is the deepening expansion of concentrated study and education since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,It is the use of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics to cast the soul、Strategic arrangements for building a base for unity; and we are facing the intricate international and domestic situation、Hard and heavy reform and development Stable task、Various uncertainty and difficult to predict risk challenges,The urgent needs of the strategic goals of the 20th National Congress of the Party;、Leading the Great Social Revolution with the Great Self -Revolution of the Party,Maintaining the inevitable requirements of the sober and firmness of solving the unique problem of the Great Party。

The question is the voice of the times。Education and education of concentrated study throughout the period runs through strong problem awareness and clear problem orientation。Carrying out this theme education is also a political medical examination for all party members and cadres,Constantly purifying party spirit with the spirit of self -revolution、Purification Thought。This requires us to take the initiative to check in the theme education、Find a gap、Ming direction,Receive political medical examination,Cleaning political dust,Correct behavioral deviation,Solve the impure thought、Outstanding problems existing in the impure organization。

Focus on the total requirements and fundamental tasks for political medical examination

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized,This theme education "must be firmly grasped‘ learning thought、Strong Party Sex、Re -practice、The general requirements of Jianxin Gong "" The fundamental task is to insist on learning and use through、Uniform,Convert the socialist thought of Chinese characteristics in the new era into a firm ideal、Refining party spirit and guidance practice、Powerful power to promote work,Make the whole party always maintain a unified thought、firm will、Coordinated action、Powerful combat power,Efforts to learn to cast souls、Learn to increase wisdom、Learn to righteousness、Getting real results with learning and promoting work ",This for us to carry out a solidly -themed education for political and physical examinations, pointing out the direction and practical path of the advancement。

Ningxin casting soul building is fundamental。Theme education is a political medical examination that focuses on ideals and beliefs。General Secretary Xi Jinping deeply pointed out: "The book of our Communists,Is the belief in Marxism,Belief of Socialism and Communism with Chinese characteristics,Loyalty to the party and the people。We want to solidify the book,is to firm this belief、Fight for this belief、Fight for this loyalty。"" Expeditionary and dream of glory and dreams,You need to persist in using Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics to cast the soul,Use the party's innovation theory to unify the idea、Unified will、Unified action。The majority of party members and cadres must deeply understand and comprehensively systematically grasp the basic point of view of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist thought with Chinese characteristics、Scientific System,Grasp the worldview of this thought、Method Theory,Persevere、Use the point m88 slot machine casinom88 live casino and sports bettingof view throughout it,Continuously enhance the political identity of the party's innovative theory、Identification、Theoretical identity、Emotional identity,Build the foundation of faith、Make up the calcium of the spirit、Rite of steady thoughts。

Refining the character to strengthen loyalty。Theme education is a political medical examination that focuses on 格 格。Practice sufficient proof,"Two Establishment" is a major political achievement made by the party in the new era,It is the promotion of historic achievements in the promotion of the party and the country、Decisive factor in historic change,is to defeat all difficult and dangerous obstacles、The maximum certain certainty of all uncertainty、The maximum base gas、Maximum guarantee。The majority of party members and cadres should deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishment",Enhanced loyalty core、supporting core、Maintenance core、Political consciousness to defend the core、Action Consciousness、Action Consciousness,Constantly improving political judgment、Political understanding、Political Execution,Taking the banner of the party as the banner、Taking the will of the party as the will、Taking the party's mission as the mission,Always loyal to the party、Loyalty to the people、Loyalty to Marxism,I really love the party、Saying Party、firm protection party、Qiangliangxing Party。

Struggle to promote development。Theme education is a political medical examination that focuses on actual responsibility。General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized in the party's 20 major reports,"Enhance cadres to promote high -quality development skills、Serving the masses、Preventing Risk British "。The value of theory lies in guiding practice,The purpose of learning is to use。The new journey is an expedition with glory and dreams,No shortcut,Only dry。The majority of party members and cadres must be with the "big of the country",Tightly focusing on the central task of the party in the new era and the new journey,True Grabbing、Seeking effectiveness,Focus on Questions、Knowing difficulty and entering,A sense of responsibility with no confidence、Actively actively acts as the spirit of the spirit to perform a job for the party and the people、Failure to blame,A new effect is achieved with new weather and new as a promotion of high -quality development,Relying on stubborn struggle to open a career to develop a new world。

Practicing the purpose of making a blessing for the people。Theme education is a political medical examination that focuses on work style。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "The party's style is the party's image,Relational person's heart to the back,The living and death of the relationship between the party。"" Leading cadres must practice too hard style,It is necessary to put the people in their hearts; the realistic consciousness,Just persist in standing up to the people's position。The majority of party members and cadres must firmly establish the people -centered development idea,Persist in everything for the people、All rely on the people,Consciously ask about Yumin、Ask for people,Always breathe with the people、Common Destiny、Heart Heart,Efforts to solve the problem of the people's urgency and sorrow,Turn Huimin Life、Warm Men Heart、Shun people's work to achieve the hearts of the masses,Enhance the people's sense of gain、Happiness sensation、Safety。

Integrity Fenggong to establish a new air。Theme education is a political medical examination that focuses on discipline and rules。Disciplinary is the "ring ruler" of governing the party。Do m88 sports bettinga good job in China,The m88 slot machine casinokey lies in the party,The key is to adhere to the party to manage the party、Comprehensive and strict governance of the party。The majority of party members and cadres must strengthen discipline awareness、Rules Consciousness,Continue to cure "Four Winds",Correcting formalism、bureaucracy places more prominent positions,To achieve fair rights、Use rights in accordance with the law、For civil rights、Power of integrity,Promote the formation of a refreshing gay relationship、Regularly upper and lower -level relations、Dear unified new type of political and business relations,Be the leader of a good political ecology and social atmosphere、Creator、Maintenanceer。

Ensure the implementation of political body inspection with a strong party spirit

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized,"This theme education will not be scheduled、No section,Study theory、Investigation Research、Promoting development、View rectification, etc.,Organic fusion、Integrated promotion "。We have to master it、Use these scientific methods,Promote the theme education of the whole party with a strong party spirit,Ensure that the effectiveness of political and physical examination is in place、The purpose of the purpose is in place。

Strengthen theoretical learning,Adhere to the principle of reading the original text of the original book,Comprehensive Learning Meeting Xi Jinping's scientific system of socialist thought with Chinese characteristics in the new era、Essence of essence、Practice requirements,To grasp the overall、Flating and penetrating。General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "Only insist on building a party、Theoretical strong party,You can not forget your original intention to be more conscious,A responsible mission can be more firm。"Chinese Communists relied on learning to come today,It is also necessary to rely on learning to go to the future。Make sure the implementation of the political and physical examinations,You need to work hard to learn all more。Adhere to strengthening theoretical learning、Thick theoretical skills,Consciously use the new era of the new era of the new era to observe the new situation、Research new situation、Solve new problems,Make various tasks in the correct direction、Promote in accordance with the objective laws。

In -depth investigation research,According to the Party Central Committee's work plan for investigation and research in the whole party,Organize the majority of party members、Cadres, especially leading cadres at all levels, rush down、Shen to the front line,Deep in the countryside、Community、Enterprise、Hospital、School、"Two New" organizations and other grass -roots units,Use the new situation of the party's innovation theory、Solve new problems。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Investigation and research is the heirloom of our party,It is the basic skills to do a good job of various tasks。"to ensure the implementation of the political and physical examinations,You need to work hard to work hard。Research on the investigation、Seeking truth and pragmatism as basic skills,Strengthening the system concept,Persevere problem -oriented,Make multiple opinions and suggestions with weight。The wind of Daxing investigation and research,It is necessary to go to the grassroots level to go,More difficulties、Concentration of opinions of the masses、Where the work cannot be opened for a situation,Fully grasp the situation,Do your heart in your heart。To create an environment、Creation conditions,Encourage grassroots cadres to tell m88 com live casino registerm88 slot machine casinothe truth、Tell the truth、Talking about it。Questions found,To analyze the cause、Find the crux of the symptoms,Targeted research solution。

The primary task of high -quality development This comprehensive construction of a socialist modern country,To strengthen theoretical learning guidance development practice,Promoting development problems with deepening investigation and research,Implementation and research to the various tasks of the 20th major deployment of the party,The theme educational results of the new results inspection to promote high -quality development。General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "Construction in a strong country、New journey of national rejuvenation,We must unswervingly promote high -quality development。"to ensure the implementation of the political and physical examinations,You need to focus on promoting high -quality development。must be complete、Accurate、Comprehensive implementation of new development concepts,Enhance the concept of system and the overall situation,Better effective improvement and reasonable growth of quantity,firmly deepened reform and opening up、In -depth change of development method,To meet the people's growing good life needs as the starting point and end point,Continuously improve the systemicity of promoting high -quality development、Platerality、Collaborative。

Grasp the review and rectification,Strive while learning、side control、View while viewing、Rectification of the side,The problem rectification through the theme education is always,Let the people really feel the actual results of solving problems。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Dare to face the problem、Courage to correct errors,It is the significant characteristics and advantages of our party。"The greatness of the Communist Party of China is not to make mistakes,is from never tabooing illness,Dare to face the problem,Courage to self -revolution,Have a strong self -repair ability。Make sure the implementation of the political and physical examinations,You need to do a good job of reviewing and rectification。Enhance the eyesight of the problem,Before the benchmark Xi Jinping's new era of socialist thought with Chinese characteristics and the major decision -making deployment of the Party Central Committee,System sorting out the problems developed and developed、Promoting problems encountered in development、The public reflected strong problems,Combined with inspections、Questions found in the audit supervision,Each one to formulate rectification measures,Change to be changed immediately,If you can't solve it for a while, stare at it、Continuous rectification,Make sure that rectification is in place,Prevent for a long time、No change。Adhere to the combination of "current reform" and "long -standing",A good practice of learning and implementing Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideas in the new era in the theme education is fixed in the form of institutional form。

(The author is the party committee secretary of Wuhan Light Industry University、Special researcher at the Socialist Theoretical System Research Center of Hubei Province)


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