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The appearance of the Communist Party members in the new era
2023-05-26 Communist Party Member Network 点击:[]

m88 slot machine casino: General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized,As long as each grass -roots party organization and each Communist Party member have a strong sense of purpose and responsibility,Can play the role of fighting fortress、Pioneer model function,Our party will be very powerful,Our country will be very powerful,Our people will be very powerful,The party's governing foundation can be as firm as a rock。Party members are cells of the party's body,Party members are strong and party strong。Party members have the same way,The party has power。charge at the front line of danger,Fuck is in front of others,Enjoy it behind others,His Xiaojia、Gu everyone,Dedicated responsibility ... Countless party members use their flesh and blood body and feelings,Exccursing the appearance of the Communists。

The image of party members,Is the relationship between party and mass、Vane of the relationship between dry group relationship。The appearance of party members and the party's image、The party's style、The party's reputation is closely related,The image of the party directly affects the party's minds。The good look of the Communist Party members,It can be seen in normal times、Stand out at a critical moment、The crisis can come out。

The founding general Huang Kecheng,In more than 60 years of revolutionary career,After gunbolt rain,10 Difficulties will not die,Facing the temptation of the enemy's promotion and fortune is not shaken,Facing 9 mistakes criticism、Not discouraged ... He uses actual action,Interpreted the political nature of a Communist Party member,is a model of loyalty to the party。Loyalty to the Party,It is the solemn commitment when we joined the party,It is also a obligation that party members must fulfill。General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the opening class of the Central Party School (National Academy of Administration) in the spring semester of 2021: "Our party came all the way,I have experienced countless difficulties and suffering,But no difficulties overwhelm us,No enemy can knock us down,It is the loyalty of tens of millions of party members。"" Loyalty Questions,In the final analysis, it is a party spirit。Loyalty to the Party,It is our party always maintained the heart of the heart、Cohesion、An important source of combat effectiveness and creativity,It is a small red boat that our party survived the revolutionary fire from our party,Developed into a red password for the leading giant wheel of the Chinese nation's rejuvenation。

  Create loyalty consciousness in the ideal ideal

After the arrest of Xia Minghan in 1928,Tortured in prison,Knowing that your life is about to end,Half pencils and paper for him to write "self -confession book" with the enemy for his mother、The elder sister wrote a letter。In the letter to the elder sister, he said: "The elder sister is sitting for me for the prison,Nie nephew for me to receive the plant,We have no sin,We want to fight,What should people do,How to go,There must be the right answer。I have no regrets in my life,The truth of communism, a truth that creates happiness for humans to liberate happiness,Just dare to go to Dao Mountain,Dare to break the sea of ​​fire,Gan willing to throw your head,Sprinkle blood。"words in these letters,Show Xia Minghan'm88 online bettings pursuit of unyielding communism,constantly showing "later people"。Belief、Belief、Confidence,It is important at any time。Little to one person、A collective,As big as a political party、A nation、A country,As long as you have faith、Belief、Confidence,It will be more frustrated、more fighting more brave,Otherwise, you will lose yourself、Do not beat yourself。The reason why the Communist Party of China is great、Glory、Correct,It originated from its belief in communism and unremitting pursuit of communism。Belief and beliefs to win respect by sincerity,Strengthen confidence by firmness。Real Communists,It is a focus on theoretical armed for armed,Efforts to make yourself believe that the theory of believe in the party、Those who are firm in ideals and beliefs,Always loyal to the party、Loyalty to the people、Loyalty to Marxism,I really love the party、Saying Party、firm protection party、All Li Xing Dang。

"Landscapes and Lakes Remember Old Tour,So people live and death。I have worried about it,Leave the proud prisoner。"This is one of the heroic poems left by the Guangzhou uprising leader.。He insists on his belief,Struggle with strong will to pursue truth。He said to Mao Zedong during his lifetime: "When China is still a large hell,I can't find heaven alone。There is a bright place,Let others go first。In order to find light for more people,I must walk into the darkness first。"He said what to do,I abandoned personal gains and losses,Reject Chiang Kai -shek's winning when he was at the Huangpu Military Academy,After being arrested, the temptation of Chiang Kai -shek's "reuse will be reused",Angry the traitor。Noon on April 29, 1931,Difficult friends in the prison are eating,Suddenly hearing "International Song" in the aisle,恽,Strong chest,Drag the heavy feet,Take a firm step,Out of the cell,Facing the death slaughter sword,Dayi expressed his impassioned pre -righteous speech: "Chiang Kai -shek takes Yuan Shikai's old road,Slaughtering patriotic youth,Dian Mei Empires,Over time than Yuan Shikai,It will be self -fruit! "

Stand loyalty,To cast loyalty souls in strengthening beliefs and beliefs。Deng Xiaoping pointed out: "Why can we struggle in the past,What about the victory of the revolution? It's because we have ideals,Have Marxist beliefs,There is a communist belief。"in various historical periods of the party,This spiritual pursuit makes our party win without arrogance、No discouraged,Hard and outstanding gram of hard work,Faithful belief is the source of power。Qianli's embankment,Destroyed in ant points。The ideal and belief shaking is the most dangerous shaking,Ideal and belief Lirtelion is the most dangerous landslide。"Calcium deficiency",I will get "cartilage disease",It will swing in front of the wind and rain。Sorting out the confession of party members and cadres who have been investigated and punished in recent years can be found,"Ideas and Belief Dowry" is the keyword with the highest frequency。"Lack of ideals and beliefs", "completely deviating from the party's ideal and beliefs", "ideal and beliefs to be completely lost", etc.,Why do you always wake up after you always get caught,worth thinking about。

  Interpreting loyal political consciousness in "Two Establishment"

In the early revolution,The party's cause has repeatedly suffered setbacks or even faced the danger of failure,An important reason is that it has not formed a mature party m88 live casino and sports bettingcenter。Zunyi Conference held in January 1935,Become a turning point in life and death in the history of the party,Because of the fact that Comrade Mao Zedong's leadership in the Party Central Committee and the Red Army,Starting formation of the first -generation central leadership collective,Save the party at the most critical juncture、Save the Red Army、Save the Chinese Revolution。The Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party held in December 1978,Is the party's history、A particularly important meeting in the history of New China,Realized a great historical turning point,The Party Central Committee with Deng Xiaoping as the core has gradually opened up a road to building socialist socialism with Chinese characteristics,For more than 40 years,The Chinese people have achieved world -renowned construction achievements along this road。The Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Party established the core of the Central Committee of Xi Jinping、The core position of the whole party,Establishing Xi Jinping's guiding position in the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Reflected the common wish of the people of all ethnic groups in the country and the whole country,Development of the cause of the party and the state in the new era、It is decisive for promoting the history of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。Can you loyal to support the "two establishment"、Resolutely achieve "two maintenance" is the test of the absolute loyalty to the party。

Stand loyalty,It is necessary to deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishment",More firmly and consciously achieve "two maintenance",Enhance "Four Consciousness"、Firm "Four Confidence",Always in ideological and political action, maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,Identify the core of ideas、Political maintenance core、Organize the core、Follow the core in action。The whole party has core,Only the Party Central Committee is authoritative,Only the party has strength。August 1945,The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China made a strategic deployment to enter the Northeast,Northeast Northeast is the global of the liberation war,Entering the Northeast is the biggest political at that time。Quick action of the whole party,Jinchaji、The Eighth Route Army in Shandong Base quickly advances into the northeast,New Fourth Army in Central China moved to Shandong,Jiangnan's troops north to withdraw from Jiangbei。Commander of the Shandong Military Region and Political Commissar Luo Rongzheng asked Shandong cadres: "We at all costs in Shandong,What do you want the central government,What do we give。"Entering the Northeast is considered based on the overall situation of the victory of the National Liberation War,The majority of cadres and soldiers have developed well -developed bases,Obief of the unified command of the central government,It reflects our fine tradition of politics。As a Marxist party with more than 96 million party members,If there is no strong leadership core,It may become a group of dragons without head、A plate of loose sand,Can't really form a strong cohesion、For heart force、Battlepower。"Two Establishment" and "Two Maintenance" is not a slogan,It should be reflected in daily work and life words and deeds,reflected in being a man、Counseling、Entrepreneurs、Slim、right to use、All aspects of yourself,Dare m88 best betting websiteto refute in the face of distorted evils,Facing the big non -dare to bright sword,Dare to fight in the face of crooked wind and evil,Really support the support of the "two establishment"、"Two maintenance" becomes ideological consciousness、Become a party spirit、Become a disciplinary requirement、Become actual action,can the people of all ethnic groups in the country unite closely,Forms all the hearts、The impermanence of the indestructible power。

  Forging loyal action in political life

May 14, 1945,Liu Shaoqi pointed out in the "Report on Modification of the Party Constitution": "We emphasize the necessity of actively participating in the party's political life,Not just emphasizing participating in the party's organizational life,Because a party member,It must be politically concerned about the party's everything,It is responsible for the party politically ... "Our party is revolutionary、Each period of construction, reform and opening up,All attach great importance to the construction of political life within the party,Take serious political life within the party as an important starting point,The whole process of party building through the party,Each party member cannot engage in "specialization",Mao Zedong once could not participate in the party group meeting,Delivery to the place where the meeting is requested。Anti -Japanese War,Zhu De is the commander -in -chief of the Eighth Route Army,Every time he lives a organization, he takes the lead。A response to Chairman Mao at one time "Do it yourself、Overcoming Difficulty "Call of the Party Group Meeting,The party group did not notify Comrade Zhu De participated。Comrade Zhu De found the party team leader emphasized: "In our party,Everyone is an ordinary party member,There is no special party member within the party。Later,Such a meeting must notify me to participate。”

Self -criticism is the fine tradition of our party,It is a good medicine for life in the pure party。early August 1946,The Eighth Division of the Shandong Field Army was ordered to serve as the task to capture Si County and the county.,Ying Ying Fighting Three Days and Night,More than 3,000 enemies,But the casualties of our army are also heavy,Si County did not attack。Emotions that are disappointed and complained for the troops,Chen Yi wrote a letter of profound educational significance with a strict self -criticism spirit,I made a high -gesture self -criticism to the majority of finger warners。He took the initiative to take the liability in the letter,Said: "I never bow their heads to the enemy,But for your comrades,I often criticize myself,I am willing to bow their heads。During the victory,This is the case for no good time,This is the case even when it fails。"His words,Like a bright mirror,Shot a loyalty and frankness of a proletarian revolutionary family。

Stand loyalty,Need to be immersed in the serious and serious political life within the party,We must put the party's political discipline and political rules in the first place,Disciplinary "Red Line" firmly and solidly solidly loyal thinking and behavior of the party,Guide party members in current affairs and benchmarks,Always keep in mind that your first identity is the Communist Party member,Always think of being a party of the party、Is a member of the organization,Do not forget your deserved obligations and responsibilities at all times,On the party to the party、Worry about the party in the party、In the party for the party,Put the Love Party、Worry Party、Xing Dang、Protecting m88 online bettingthe Party implements all aspects of work and life。

  Cultivation of loyalty in the red 赓 赓

1921,The first program of the Communist Party of China,Anyone who recognizes the party of the party and policies,and willing to become a loyal party member,Introduction to party members can be received as party members,Become our comrades。Loyalty to the Party、Never betraying the party is a commitment to enter the party in various historical periods,has already been integrated into the blood of the Chinese Communists。"Message to grant me with the general title,I have learned。I thank the chairman and the leaders of the Military Commission to the height of me。Be happy,Huanghuang is difficult ... "This is Xu Guangda's" Title Application Letter ",Sincere content,Love is true。Xu Guangda's many times in his life "let the title、Let level、Enlargement ",This "Three Places",Reflecting the party's spiritual power,Political promise that carries the Chinese Communists will never change。

Centennial party history is a history that Chinese Communists cast with loyalty。Looking back at the party’s century -old struggle journey,The Communists are not only loyal advocates,Still loyal practitioner,Especially in the party’s critical historical juncture,Communists can always adhere to loyalty to the party,Continuously sharpen political will,Overcoming difficulties and dangers with absolute political loyalty,Maintaining the unity of the whole party。Enter the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics,This kind of loyal bloodmate allows the flowers of youth to bloom on the road of poverty alleviation,Let the majority of party members be afraid of difficulties in the epidemic、Following forward,Use life to interpret the original mission of party members。

Deng Xiaoping emphasized: "Communists' career,One depends on the power of truth,The power of the two depends on personality。"General Secretary Xi Jinping also pointed out:" Our party is a Marxist ruling party,Not only must there be a strong truth force,and have a strong personality power。"The Communist Party of China as the ruling party,The pioneer model of party members is a concentrated manifestation of personality power。

In the course of the party's struggle,Countless Communists rely on their firm political beliefs and lofty political beliefs,No retreat、Not discouraged,heroic struggle、Stubborn hard work,The price of life and blood,In the baptism of war and suffering,Deeply interpreted the true nature of loyalty。March 18, 1943,Zhou Enlai wrote "My Cultivation Protection" on his 45th birthday。He proposes 7 rules in combination with the actual situation,and emphasize "to make in principle a resolute struggle with all the incorrect ideological consciousness of your own others", "properly carry forward your strengths,Specific to correct your own shortcomings "。After the founding of New China,He set up "Code of Party Member" for himself,Including not giving gifts、No worship、6 provisions such as not welcome delivery,Warning and standardized self with ordinary party members,First 垂 范。Zhou Enlai's life,Always be frank first、Others first、Work No. 1、Humidity first,His hard work with his life,Practicing the vows of "struggling to the end of the spirit of vowing the death",It took the former US President Nixon,Let him send out the feeling of "a party with such a noble leader"。

Stand loyalty,It is necessary to deeply understand the connotation of loyalty to the party from the century -old party history,The political character of loyalty to party loyalty to party history,Draw m88 best betting websiteup loyalty from the party's spiritual spectrum,The noble style of inheriting the old generation of the Communists,Continuously sharpen political fixed force,Transforming loyalty to the party into a "Tao",Effective reflected in the job responsibilities、Dedication Struggle。


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