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"Dajo" (today)
2023-05-29 Cui Can 点击:[]

      May 28,Eastern Airlines MU9191 takes off from Shanghai,Ping An landing in Beijing,Perfectly complete the first commercial flight flight of the m88 online bettingdomestic large aircraft C919。"We must have our own big plane",C919 COMAC marked the C919 "R & D with independent intellectual property rights、Manufacturing、evidence、Investment "is fully connected,China Civil Aviation Business m88 slot machine casinoOperations domestic large aircraft officially "start",further stimulated the innovation motivation of the majority of science and technology workers。

The fundamental source of national scientific and technological innovation is people。For the decade in the new era,How many engineering and technical personnel are in the difficulty and get up、Efforts to innovate,Let China's high -speed rail、China Dam、China Bridge、China Port casts "China Business Card"; how many basic scientific researchers do not give up day and night、Story of Style Tackling,Let the iron -based high m88 online sports bettingtemperature m88 best betting websitesuperconducting、Nano -limited domain catalytic and other major innovative achievements have emerged; how many agricultural science and technology workers shuttle mountain forest、Bowing Field,Write the paper on the ground,Make Chinese rice bowls more firm ... the ambitions of scientific and technological workers in all walks of life,Dare to propose a new theory、Open a new field、Exploring the new path,made a major contribution to the motherland and the people。As General Secretary Xi Jinping deeply pointed out: "Practice proof,my country's independent innovation cause is great,m88 live casino and sports m88 live casino gamesbettingThe majority of scientific and technological workers in our country are very good。”

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized,"Only innovation can be strong、can you compete first "。Now,my country's economic and social development and people's livelihood improvements are more needed for scientific and technological solutions than in the past,All need to enhance the first motivation of innovation。The majority of science and technology workers inherit and carry forward the older generation of scientists with their motherland、Excellent quality of serving the people,The spirit of advancing m88 slot machine casinowith the times、The courage m88 online bettingof the new Ding Ding、Perseverance of perseverance,The heavy responsibility given by the times,It must be able to accelerate the construction of a strong country in technology、Realizing high -level technology self -reliance and self -reliance made new contributions。

      "People's Daily" (May 29, 2023   Edition 01)


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