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The basic requirements and key tasks of accelerating the construction of the modern industrial system (in -depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist thought with Chinese characteristics)
2023-06-02 People's Daily Hanwen Show 点击:[]

      May 5,General Secretary Xi Jinping chaired the first meeting of the 20th Central Finance and Economics Committee (hereinafter referred to as the meeting),Research to accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system,Emphasize that "the modern industrial system is the material technology foundation of a modern country,It must be placed on the real economy of the development of economy,Provide a strong material support for achieving the second century -old struggle goal "。Looking at the modernization of human society's modernization,The modernization of the industrial system is the core of modernization,is a key factor in determining the rise and fall of the great power。It is necessary to make a big change in the world's 100 years and the global height of the great rejuvenation strategy of the Chinese nation,Deeply understand the significance of accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system,Combined with the new domestic situation,Accelerate the creation of autonomy and controlling、Safe and reliable、Modern industrial system with strong competitiveness,Consolidate the material and technical foundation of comprehensively building a socialist modern country。

Accurately grasp the basic characteristics and requirements of the modern industrial system

The meeting emphasized: "Promote the intelligentization of the industry、Green、Integration,Construction is complete、Advanced、The modern industrial system of security。"This is a profound summary of the connotation of the modern industrial system,Clarified the goal requirements of building a modern industrial system。

The modern industrial system should be intelligent、Green、Three basic features of integration。

Intelligentization of the industrial system,It is an inevitable requirement for grasping the wave of new scientific and technological revolutions such as artificial intelligence。Current,GM artificial intelligence、Life Science、Revolutionary breakthroughs in cutting -edge technologies such as new energy,It will deeply change the economic production function,Continuous and far -reaching impact on human production lifestyle,It has become a new hot spot for competing in various countries。Can the intelligent transformation of the industrial system be realized,The success or failure of the future international competition。Construction of a modern industrial system,We must continue to expand information、Digital depth,Efforts to seize the intelligent strategic high point of the intelligent system of the global industrial system。

Greenization of the industrial system,It is an inevitable requirement for realizing the harmonious coexistence of man and nature。Copy climate change and protect the ecological environment,It is the common mission of all human beings,The inherent requirements of our own high -quality development。Production activities as the main part of the relationship between man and nature,It is the top priority to realize the development of green and low -carbon cycles。Construction of a modern industrial system,It is necessary to firmly establish and practice the concept of Green Water and Qingshan is the concept of Jinshan Yinshan,Actively and steadily promote carbon peak carbon neutralization,Grasp the global green economy、Green Technology、m88 best betting websitem88 slot machine casinoOpportunities for the rapid development of the green industry,Efforts to realize resource saving、Environmental Friendship。

Integration of the industrial system,It is an inevitable requirement for improving the overall efficiency of the industrial system。The modern industrial system is not a simple platter of several industrial categories,Instead, there is an internal organic connection、Complex ecosystem with complementary functions。With the continuous emergence of new technologies, new formats, and new mode,Industry border is getting more and more blurred,Cross -domain cross -domain cross -sectarian intersection trends are becoming more and more obvious。Construction of a modern industrial system,It must be promoted between industrial gate categories、Between regions、Between large and medium -sized enterprises、High -degree coupling between upstream and downstream links,To release the comprehensive benefits of the industrial network better。

The modern industrial system should meet the integrity、Advanced、Three basic requirements for safety。

Integration,It is to maintain and enhance the advantages of the complete and strong supporting capabilities of the industrial system。The relatively complete industrial system is a major advantage in my country,This produces a unique scope economic effect。Facing the sudden new crown epidemic,my country can significantly improve the production capacity of various types of anti -epidemic supplies in a short period of time,Effectively meet the needs of epidemic prevention and control,Complete industrial categories are a vital factor。Current,my country still has a missing item in some high technical content industries,Be while consolidating the traditional advantages areas,Accelerate the complement of these shortcomings,Constantly improving the integrity of the industrial system。

Advanced,It is to efficiently gather global innovation elements、Autonomous expansion of new industry track。Looking back on the process of industrialization of the world,One or several major scientific and technological achievements in each era are widely penetrated into various industries。Mastering these major scientific and technological achievements and strategic pillar industry leaders,Often is a country with a leading national strength of the era。Construction of a modern industrial system,We must adhere to technology as the first productive force、Talent is the first resource、Innovation is the first power,Let innovation deeply root in the soil of industrial development,Focus on building a new batch of growth engines,Continuously shaping the new advantage of new kinetic energy。

Security,It is to realize the independent and controllable of the important industrial chain、Ensure that the national economic cycle is smooth。The international environment is complicated by my country's construction of a modern industrial system,A century -old epidemic affects far -reaching,Raise the trend of globalization,Unilateralism、Protectiveism obviously rises,Especially in some countries, "building walls and setting up base", "decaptering chain",Dajiu unilateral sanctions、Extreme pressure,Strongly hinder my country's technology and industrial development。Construction of a modern industrial system,We must enhance the consciousness of worry,Persist in the bottom line thinking,Continuously improve the toughness and security level of the supply chain supply chain,Provide strategic support for the response to various risk challenges。

Speed ​​up the four beams and eight pillars of the modern industrial system

The main constituent elements of the modern industrial system include modern industries、Agriculture、Service Industry and Infrastructure,m88 sports bettingm88 online bettingThis can be regarded as the four beams and eight pillars of the modern industrial system。

Modern industrial is the most important foundation and core of the modern industrial system。Industry is the foundation of the country,Manufacturing is the foundation of a strong country。The overall level of modernization of the industrial system of various countries,It mainly depends on the modernization level of the industry。We must persist in focusing the focus of the economy on the real economy,Paste the rice bowl of the manufacturing industry on your own。my country's population is huge,The industrial scale should match the population scale and economic volume,Only in order to effectively meet the needs of the better life of more than 1.4 billion people,And quantitative change promotes qualitative change、Enhanced innovation capabilities to provide sufficient space。There is still a gap compared with developed countries in my country,To continue to improve the technical level、output efficiency、Economic benefits,Efforts to cultivate several strategic industries,Accelerate the cultivation of a number of world -class enterprises、Brand and industrial cluster。

Modern agriculture is an important foundation for the modern industrial system。Our party attaches great importance to agricultural modernization,Grand achievements,Effectively solved the problem of eating more than 1.4 billion people。Future,To meet the people's growing good life needs,It is necessary to continuously promote agricultural modernization。Tibetan food is needed,Also hidden food for skills,Relying on scientific and technological progress to continuously liberate and develop agricultural productivity。To deeply integrate various advanced production factors,strong support in technology、Advanced facilities and equipment、More efficient business management,Efforts to realize production facilities、Socialization、Industry integration,Improve the efficiency of resource utilization。To vigorously develop biological synthesis、"Agricultural Factory" and other agricultural forms,Breakthrough restrictions on natural conditions such as cultivated land,better meet the needs of modern society。

Modernization service industry is an important support for the modern industrial system。Develop high -quality and efficient、modern service industry,It is not only an urgent need for the value -added of the industrial extension chain,It is also a high quality that meets the people's continuous upgrade、The inevitable requirements of diversified demand。To promote the modern service industry and advanced manufacturing、In -depth integration of modern agriculture,Absorbing some countries from reality、lessons that cause industrial hollow and social differentiation,firmly adhere to finance to serve the real economy,Forms a virtuous cycle of mutual promotion of production and services。To promote the supply and demand of the service industry to better adapt,The whole life cycle of the industry is planned to develop various productive service industries,Planning to develop various living service industries around human life cycle。

Modern infrastructure is an important guarantee for the modern industrial system。Infrastructure provides an indispensable public service for industrial development,It is an important part of the modern industrial system。Looking back at the history of world modernization,steam engine、Internal combustion engine、Generator、Large -scale promotion and application of technologies such as computers,It is inseparable from the large -scale construction and m88 best betting websitem88 live casino and sports bettingmoderate advance development of the corresponding infrastructure。my country Traffic、Energy、Information、The overall size of the "hardware" infrastructure such as water conservancy has been the world's leading scale,To improve the construction、Operation、Service level,Pay attention to the development of supporting power、Finance、Internet platforms such as the "software" infrastructure that is highly operated on the network platform,better play the overall efficiency of the infrastructure system。We must pay attention to the construction of various new infrastructure,Adaptation to improving public health emergency ability needs,Relying on the existing tourism accommodation and other facilities in the suburbs of large cities to build a "emergency two -purpose" infrastructure。

Pay close attention to the implementation of the key tasks of the construction of a modern industrial system to implement it

The meeting emphasized: "Accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system supported by the real economy,Relations We win strategic initiative in future development and international competition。"" We must adhere to the real economy as the heavy,Prevention from reality; persist in steady progress、step by step,Can't be greedy for the ocean; adhere to the development of three industries,Avoid splitting opposition; insist on promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries,Can't be used as a 'low -end industry' simply exit; insist on opening cooperation,Can't build a car closed behind closed doors。"We must take the spirit of nailing to implement it with constant implementation。

Improve the industrial policy of the new development stage。Implementing industrial policies according to the needs of national development strategies,It is an important experience for promoting economic development since my country's reform and opening up,Before keeping with the times、constantly innovation。It is necessary to take the maintenance of industrial security as the top priority,​​Take strong effective measures,Make sure food、Energy Resources、Supply chain of important industrial chain security。To grasp the main contradictions,Strengthen the top -level design and coordination of the top -level design and coordination of strategic fields。To enhance industrial policy synergy,Effectively mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties,Make a good use of various policy tool combinations,Forms "Industry -Technology -Finance -Education -Talent" efficient linkage situation。The formulation of industrial policy,Pay attention to the principles of fair competition and international practice,and adjust the optimization in time according to the development of the situation。

Strengthen key core technology research and strategic resource support。Technology and resources are the main "blocking points" and "card points" that affect my country's industrial system and unblocked cycle。The gap between the foundation and deep accumulation of industrialization,Resolutely win the key core technology tackling battle,Accelerate the realization of high -level technology self -reliance,Strive to reach the international advanced technology level。To better integrate the industrial system and innovation system,Further deepen the reform of the scientific and technological system,Implement the status of corporate scientific and technological innovation in the system,Encourage enterprises to increase long -term scientific and technological innovation investment。To increase the exploration and development of mineral resources,Promoting energy and important mineral m88 best betting websiteresources "increase storage m88 slot machine casinoand production"。To further promote the technology of the seed industry,Further increase the contribution rate of agricultural scientific and technological progress,better guarantee important agricultural products supply。

Use the super large -scale market advantage。Realize innovation and virtuous cycle,Give the market is more important than giving funds。"Big Fish Big",my country has a large -scale domestic market,This is the scarce resource of global competition,is the largest base gas for our construction of a modern industrial system。It is necessary to organically combine the strategy of expanding domestic demand and innovation -driven development strategies,Support new products and new technologies in the vast space iteration and upgrade of the large domestic market,Let users "dare to use、May use、Want to use "。Innovation is essentially a trial and error process,It is necessary to support enterprises to achieve survival of the fittest in the market fair competition,Constantly enhance the core competitiveness。It is necessary to strengthen the important role of the upgrade of the industrial system,With high standards of help and promoting high -quality development。

Vigorously build a world -class enterprise。The modern industrial system is the company's business in market competition,High -quality enterprises are the main force of building a modern industrial system。Some cities in the southeast coast of my country have emerged in a large number of vibrant companies,It is mainly the idea of ​​innovation to rely on excellent ecology、Full support,Quickly transform into an innovative product with market demand。To adhere to "two unshakable",Create a batch of strong technological strength、International competitiveness、The world -class enterprise of industry leadership。To build marketization、rule of law、international first -class business environment,Discover and use the leaders of the army,Promote the spirit of outstanding entrepreneurs,Create a high -quality talent team,High -quality development for the enterprise、Create better conditions for entrepreneurs。

Strengthen the open cooperation of the industrial chain supply chain。No open cooperation,There will be no modern industrial system。Since the reform and opening up,my country actively promotes "introduction" and "going global",greatly accelerated the modernization process of the industrial system,A multinational enterprise in China has also become an integral part of my country's industrial system。To persist in global vision、Open Thinking,Bezai "Comprehensive and Progressive Cross -Pacific Partnership Agreement" (CPTPP)、"Digital Economic Partnership Agreement" (DEPA) and other international high -standard economic and trade rules,Steady expansion of institutional openness。​​We must continue to attract multinational companies to develop in China,Support multinational companies on the main stage of China's global industrial competition in my country, there is a larger role。To vigorously support my country's industry and enterprises "going out",Seeking greater development space in the fierce international competition。

      "People's Daily" (June 01, 2023   Edition 09)


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