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From the perspective of Chinese civilization continuously, "must take your own way"
—The outstanding characteristic series of Chinese civilization is two
2023-06-13 Xinhua News Agency reporter Gao Lei Sun Shaolong Dong Boting 点击:[]

"Chinese civilization has outstanding continuity,Fundamentally determines that the Chinese nation must take its own way。”

At the recent cultural inheritance development symposium held in the recently held,General Secretary Xi Jinping with continuity、Innovative、Unity、tolerance、Five keywords of peacefulness of the five keywords of the peaceful characteristics of Chinese civilization are systematically systematically made、Precise summary、Refine。where,"Continuousness" lives first。

Yuan Jun's flowing long,Deep Ye Mao。Realistic logic with an ancient country with a history of civilization for more than 5,000 years,Only when you have been in the river for a long time,Deeply grasp its historical logic; inherit the world's only continued continued since ancient times、Long civilization that has never been interrupted,Only firmly follow your own way。

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General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at a symposium on the development of cultural inheritance: "If you do not know the historic continuity of the long flow, you will know China,It is impossible to understand ancient China,It is impossible to understand modern China,It is even more impossible to understand future China。”

In the long historical process,The Chinese nation with self -improvement determination and will,筚 Road Blue Walk、Qishan Forest,Through the development process of other civilizations different from the world。Continue writing Chinese civilization and magnificent Chinese chapter,More firmly take your own way。

When inspected in Yinxu, Anyang, Henan,,General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "The source of Chinese civilization is long and long,Never interrupted,shaped our great nation,This nation will still be great。”

Zhu Xuanyuan, Jiuqu Xixi, Wuyi Mountain, Fujian,General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "If there is no 5,000 years of Chinese civilization,Where is the Chinese characteristics? If not with Chinese characteristics,How can we have the road to socialism with Chinese characteristics that is so successful today? "

Socialism with Chinese characteristics is rooted in Chinese culture fertile soil、Reflect that the Chinese people's wishes、Adaptation to the development and progress requirements of China and the times,It has profound historical origin and a broad reality foundation。

This road continues the hope and dream of national rejuvenation.

July 1, 2021,Tiananmen Square Red Flag Hunt。

m88 online sports bettingAt m88 best betting websitethe celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China,General Secretary Xi Jinping solemnly announced: "Realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process!"

A long civilization,I know the significance of revival;,Rongguang who is more eager for revival。

To realize the dream of revival,The Chinese Communist Party led the Chinese people through hard exploration,Going out of the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics。

Practice proof,This is a road of a strong country、Road to the Fumin,It is the only way for national rejuvenation。

This road is impregnated with the concepts and wisdom of the ancient nation.

"Where,Everyone's free development is the condition of all people's free development。"" Open the Declaration of the Communist Party,The description of the future society is God.。This goal coincides with the imagination from the East thousands of years ago: "Makes the old one end,Zhuang is useful,Young Director,Revisor、Widow、Lonely、Independent、Those who are abandoned are raised "。

The essence of socialism is nourished in the process of Sinicization of Marxism、growth。

In the words of General Secretary Xi Jinping: "The claim of scientific socialism is warmly welcomed by the Chinese people,and finally take root in China、Blossom results,Not accidental,Instead, the excellent historical and culture that has passed down for thousands of years and the unknown value concept of the people's daily use of the majority of people's daily use。”

Selection of the road,Is the choice of history、The choice of the people,It is also a choice of culture。

Socialist road with Chinese characteristics,It came out in the inheritance of the long -term civilization of the Chinese nation for more than 5,000 years.,Also injected fresh blood into the Chinese civilization、Vibration。

"To deeply understand the correctness of the socialist road with Chinese characteristics,firmly follow the only correct road of socialism with Chinese characteristics "

Socialist road with Chinese characteristics is rooted in the land of China,Show strong vitality。Only this road without other roads,Can lead China's progress、Realize the well -being of the people。

Along this road,Socialist system spectrum with Chinese characteristics is a big view,The development of the inheritance of Chinese civilization has obtained a more complete institutional guarantee —

"The Six Contract Wind by the ancients,Kyushu Juan Guan ’,In contemporary China,No party leaders,This is an impossible to do。"General Secretary Xi Jinping looks at the history of Chinese civilization,Talking to improve the deep cultural soil of the party's leadership system。

承,General Secretary Xi Jinping deeply stated: "Only the fundamental soil、The system of drawing abundant nutrients,Only the most reliable、Also used。”

Adhering to the "Fa -Persons, the strong, the country m88 slot machine casinom88 slot machine casinois strong,The spirit of the law of the law is weak "and other spirit,Struggle with the socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics;

Connect "" The unity of heaven and man "," Everything and Nourishing ",Ecological civilization system system is becoming more and more complete;

Drawing "harmony and differences", "seeking common ground while depositing",The multi -party cooperation and political consultation system led by the Communist Party of China has continued to improve ...

"my country's socialist system has extraordinary organizational mobilization capabilities、Coordination and coordination ability、Implementation ability "。Socialist system with the essence of Chinese civilization has unparalleled superiority。

Along this road,​​Chinese -style modern development path is increasingly clear,provides a more solid material foundation for the development of the inheritance of Chinese civilization -

Rolling Yellow River,The bloodline of the Chinese civilization is endless。Guan Yellow River knows China。

June 5, 2023,General Secretary Xi Jinping penetrates into the top of Wu Liang Suhai at the top of the Yellow River,Examination and investigation of local promotion of ecological environment recovery,Tell "Leave a mountain green for future generations、Water Show、New Beautiful Homeland of Air "。

Chinese civilization has been wisdom of "unity of heaven and man" since ancient times。Now,"Harmony of Man and Nature" becomes the deserved meaning of Chinese -style modernization。

"Min Weibangben,Ben Gubangning's People's Thoughts,and "modernization with huge population" and the magnificent prospects complement each other;

"The way of governing the country,The Policy Concept of Rich People ",The goal of struggle with "the common wealth of all the people" is consistent;

Return to thick morals、Unremitting pursuit of letters and cultivation,Provide value support for the realization of "the coordination of material civilization and spiritual civilization";

Inherit "Kissing and Good Belice,National Treasure also ",The Chinese nation is committed to the cultural genes of "the modernization of peaceful development" clearly presentation。

Chinese -style modernization with deep heritage due to Chinese civilization,Give Chinese civilization with modern power。

Along this road,Chinese spirit is rejuvenating the time of the times,Chinese civilization inheritance and development has a more active spiritual power -

On the 95th anniversary of the May 4th Movement,General Secretary Xi Jinping walks into the Green Tree's Peking University Campus,During the discussion of the same teachers and students, solemnly pointed out:

"A nation、The core values ​​of a country must be the same as this nation、The history and culture of this country fits,Tong this nation、Combination of struggle by the people of this country,Tong this m88 bet loginnation、This country needs m88 online bettingto solve the problem of the times compatible。”

"Rich Qiang、Democratic "connects" people with Yin Sheng,The simple ideal of the country with rich and strong "and" people is expensive ";

"Patriotic、Dedication "draws the spiritual pursuit of" Danxin's Reporting the Country "and" Tiandao Remuneration ";

"Integrity、Friendly "absorb" people without faith,I don't know it "" I don't want to,​​Do not apply to people "ancient wisdom ...

The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core will create traditional cultural connotation in the core values,and make it affect everything like air、Nothing from time to time,Against spiritual power for the development of Chinese civilization。

"We created a great Chinese civilization,We can also continue to expand and follow the development path that is suitable for China's national conditions "

Current,Speed ​​evolution without a large change in the world for a century,Chinese civilization came to the new development mark again。

On the new journey,Continue to take your own way,It is necessary to realize spiritual independence and autonomy with high cultural self -confidence。

Sichuan Meishan,San Su Temple。June 8, 2022,General Secretary Xi Jinping came here to investigate on the spot。"A drop of water can see the sun,A three Su Temple can see the extensive profoundness of our Chinese culture。"General Secretary said deeply。

From cultural self -confidence,General Secretary also talked about road self -confidence: "The Chinese nation has the deep heritage of the history of more than 5,000 years of civilization,We lead the people to the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics。”

Cultural self -confidence is the country、More basic in national development、Deeper、More long -lasting power。

Look at the road,Pre -Qin Zhuzi、Han and Tang Dynasties、Song Ming charm ... Chinese Wenli Ru Hao River,Nourishing 泱 Huaxia,A solid foundation for Chinese children's firm cultural self -confidence。

Journey to the New Expedition,Cultural relics collected in the museum、Heritage displayed on the vast land、Writing in ancient books has become increasingly entered into people's hearts,Cultural self -confidence continues to rise in the hearts of hundreds of millions of people。

"Each civilization continues the mental blood of a country and nation,Both salary and fire、Guardian for generations,More needs to keep pace with the times、Courageous Innovation。”

March 2014,UNESCO Headquarters,General Secretary Xi Jinping's interpretation of the relationship between civilization inheritance and innovation,Winter deep thinking。

The Chinese nation has never lacking the spirit of innovation。Philosopher Feng Youlan once wrote: ",Although new but not ancient; Greece and Rome,There is ancient and no present。But my country,Eju and Ji Ji,Yixin and Old,The so -called ‘Zhou Old Bang,It is also a life -saving new '! "

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General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out,"Second combination" is another ideological liberation,Let us be in a wider cultural space,Make full use of the valuable resources of Chinese excellent traditional culture,Exploring future theory and institutional innovation。

Persist in keeping pace with the times、Shouzheng Innovation,Chinese civilization will be endless。

On the new journey,Continue to take your own way,To be safe and dangerous,Persist in the bottom line thinking。

"The sage is not cured and treats the disease without disease,Destroyer has been chaotic and not chaotic "" Born in worrying and died in Anle "... After suffering, it still grows up、The challenge is still endless,Always maintain a sense of worry,It is an important reason why Chinese civilization stretches for thousands of years and continues to be absolutely absolute。

Current,my country is in an important historical opportunity period,But the road is not smooth。Only continuously strengthen the bottom line thinking,Better coordinated development and security,can effectively tame "Gray Rhino"、Effectively prevent "Black Swan",Promoting the "China" giant wheel is stable and far away。

Kaige,Do not take the mountains and the sea as far; take the potential,Not limited to the sun and the moon。

May 2023,The leaders of China and the five Central Asia leaders "Changan Fu Jie"。In a gift presented to the heads of the Central Asian countries,There is a "He Zun"。The inscription of He Zun in the Western Zhou Dynasty,The earliest source of the term "China" to date。

From the rhyme of bronze,To Han and Tang Dynasties,Then to today's great country style,A civilized long、China with a variety of daily days,Zheng firmly walks on the avenue that is opened for,spiritual high。

(Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 12th)


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