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firm cultural self -confidence,Promote the rejuvenation of Chinese civilization (people's point of view)
—— Deeply grasp the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization ①
2023-06-14 People's Daily Review Department 点击:[]

      Chinese excellent traditional culture is the wisdom crystal and essence of Chinese civilization,Is the root and soul of the Chinese nation。At the symposium on cultural heritage,General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly proposed that Chinese civilization has outstanding continuity、Highlights、Highlights、Highlighting tolerance、Highlights。This edition has launched a series of comments today,One with readers,Deeply grasp the m88 online sports bettingprominent m88 online bettingfeatures of Chinese civilization,Deepen the regular understanding of cultural construction,Ber better responsibility for new cultural mission。



Only the history of Chinese civilization for more than 5,000 years of civilization,To truly understand the history of the Chinese road、cultural connotation and unique advantages


Come to the China National Edition Museum Central General Museum at the foot of Yanshan at the foot of Yanshan, Beijing,Visit the National Studies、Ancient Chinese Civilized Version Exhibition、Chinese contemporary publishing boutique and special version exhibition,Careful checking the classic version of the Times of Marxism,Visit the "Hangs, Tibetan Manchu Grand Tibetan scriptures" and "Four Books and Quanshu" library exhibition,Miles "I am most concerned about the most precious things left by Chinese civilization after vicissitudes"; walk into the China History Research Institute in m88 live casino gamesm88 live casino and sports bettingthe north extension of the Beijing central axis,Visit the Origin of Civilization and Zhaizi China Special Exhibition,Understand the major archeological discovery of the Neolithic Times and the Xiashang Week period,Look at some precious ancient books and literature archives in some museums,Emphasize "the research and interpretation of the origin of Chinese civilization" ... Recently,General Secretary Xi Jinping made a special trip to the China National Edition Pavilion and the China History Research Institute for investigation、Attending the development symposium on cultural heritage and delivered important speeches。A scene of the scene,Reflecting the profound cultural feelings of the leaders of the Great Party and Great Power。

"There are many important elements in the excellent Chinese traditional culture,Together with the m88 online sports bettingprominent features of Chinese civilization。"at the cultural inheritance development symposium,General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly proposed that Chinese civilization has outstanding continuity、Highlights、Highlights、Highlighting tolerance、Highlights。This major assertion,Science summarizes the uniqueness of Chinese civilization different from other civilizations,Self -strong self -improvement of firm cultural self -confidence,Ber better responsibility for the new era and new cultural mission,Solidly promote the construction of modern civilization and socialist cultural power of the Chinese nation,It has important practical significance and far -reaching historical significance。

泱 泱,Vanpin River。The Chinese nation is the ancient and great nation in the world,Created a splendid civilization that has been stretched for more than 5,000 years,Make an indelible contribution for the progress of human civilization。After the m88 online bettingm88 online bettingOpium War in 1840,China has gradually become a semi -colony and semi -feudal society,National humiliation、People's Mongolia Crisis、Civilized dust,The Chinese nation has suffered unprecedented calamity。In the historical development process of thousands of years,The Chinese nation has never been smooth sailing,I have encountered countless difficulties and hardships,But we all survive、Come here,One of the important reasons is that the cultivation and development of the Chinese children of the generations have been unique、The profound Chinese culture,overcome difficulties for the Chinese nation、It provides a strong spiritual support。

Chinese culture is far away,Chinese civilization is extensive and profound。Looking back at history,From the world as the public、Social ideals of Datong in the world,To the people for the state、The governance thought of politics and virtue;、The unified tradition of the multi -integrated integration,To Qiqi Zhiping、The feelings of the home country with a responsibilities;、The spiritual pursuit of Mingde Hongdao,To the rich people's thick life、Economic ethics that Yili takes into account;、Ecological concepts of all things merging,Seeking it is to be realistic、The philosophical thoughts of the unity of knowledge and action;、Thinking method of Shouzhong Zhihe,Talking about Xun Xiu Mu、The way of interaction with neighbors of pro -benevolence ... These elements jointly create the m88 online sports bettingprominent features of the five aspects of Chinese civilization。

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Only the history of more than 5,000 years of civilization in China,To truly understand the history of the Chinese road、cultural connotation and unique advantages。"Since the new era,Our party clearly "cultural m88 online bettingself m88 best online betting website-confidence is a country、The most basic in the development of a nation、Deeper、The most long -lasting power ",Take the "two combinations" as the fundamental way to promote the era of Marxism,Build a new Chinese culture in the innovation of guarding the innovation、Remove the new vitality of Chinese civilization。Beijing Winter Olympics Amazing Stunning World,Show Chinese self -confidence in the new era、tolerance、The image of an open country; the Great Tang Furong Garden Dream Thousands of Years,Show the Chinese culture tolerance、The spiritual style of Nagasawa; Beijing central axis、A large number of cultural heritage such as Beijing -Hangzhou Grand Canal live、fire,New Charm of the Blooming Times ... Everlasting Pulse One Hua Chapter,Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,Under the guidance of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics,Today Chinese culture is even more viewed,Chinese civilization is more glorious。

Culture is related to the country、National Games。The 20th report of the party revolves around "Promoting Cultural Self -confidence,New Glory of Socialist Culture "Make a major deployment,Put forward "Enhance the spiritual power of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation"。Looking at the endless road ahead,Only a comprehensive and in -depth understanding of the history of Chinese civilization,can we more effectively promote the creative conversion of Chinese excellent traditional culture、Innovative development,More strongly to promote the construction of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics,Construction of modern civilization of the Chinese nation。Deeply grasp the m88 online sports bettingprominent m88 online bettingfeatures of Chinese civilization,Find the source of living water from the excellent traditional culture of China、Drawing wisdom and strength,Constantly promoting the era of Sinicization of Marxism,better build Chinese spirit、Chinese value、China Power,You can bring together the majestic power of the Chinese dream together。

The Soul of the Country,Wenhua,Text to cast it。Like a magnificent long river,Chinese civilization comes all the way,Nourishing the endless Chinese nation,Pour the vitality of the Chinese land。Cross the wind and rain、Avenue Rulai,Contemporary China,Mountains and Mountains magnificent,People's Hurry,Fortune of the future。From the coast of the East China Sea to the Snow Plateau,From the northern border to the southern Xinjiang Island,The dream of rejuvenation is stirring in the hearts of more than 1.4 billion Chinese people。Standing on this ancient and magical land,Cultural nutrients accumulated by the long -term struggle of the Chinese nation for more than 5,000 years,We are particularly awake: "The best inheritance for history,is to create a new history; the greatest salute for human civilization,is to create a new form of human civilization。"We are more confident:" Chinese -style modernization is the old state of the Chinese nation,It will definitely promote the rejuvenation of Chinese civilization。”

    "People's Daily" (June 13, 2023   05th edition)


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