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Work dynamics
2023-05-12 党委组织宣传部 作者:张亚平 审核:高超 点击:[]

In order to solidly advance the school's study and implementation of Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideology, the theme of socialism with Chinese characteristics is deeply practical,Grasp the theme m88 live casino and sports m88 best betting websitebettingeducation rectification and rectification work,5月8日下午,党委书记阎东明围绕健全完善“五育并举”育人体系格局、Improve the quality of quality of ideological and political work,与相关部门负责同志座谈交流,Carrying out survey research,Extensive solicitation of opinions,凝聚思想共识。Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee Dong Hao accompanied the research。

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